Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Local Progress Party leader was thrown out in 1999 after he suggested asylum camps. Now … –

(Dagbladet): oddbjørn jonstad is today best known as extremist immigration critic. In 1999, however, he was chairman of the FRP Oppegård. He was expelled from the party after he said in an interview NRK said that refugees and asylum seekers should be held in separate “state” camps until they are sent home. And that refugee children should be denied to go at Norwegian schools.

The party organ took condemning his immigration initiatives and Jonstad was thrown out.

– With the tremendous increase in asylum increase has occurred entirely different type of debate Norway, says associate professor of political science Hans Petter Saxi at University of Nordland ..

the wasp-editor Tor Bach writes that the entire Politike spectrum denounced Jonstad statements in 1999.

– As a populist party has FRP been quite moderate. They have not had any competitors to the Conservatives for themselves and have been quite moderate when it comes to immigration, compared to other parts of Europe. Today the situation is completely different, says SWG.

– Dramatic change

The consultation period for the government asylinnstramninger went out on Tuesday. This weekend adopted Oslo FRP they will undo all emergency rooms in Norway for private reception, that one should remove asylum seekers’ right to legal aid and that one should eliminate all forms of permanent residence for asylum seekers. Christian Tybring- Pike (FRP) said on Monday Dagbladet that Norway should not use resources to teach asylum seekers Norwegian, but rather focus on English. He believes it is a language that is more useful when the asylum seekers eventually return home.

– The debate has changed over the past year, and it is simply the environment around us that affect us. When we saw the picture of the dead boy on the beach, it was almost impossible to speak loudly about and playing the immigrant card. It made FRP during the campaign, and then it went bad for them. But then came the asylum stream over Storskog and suddenly we look at it differently, says political scientist and election researcher Tord Willumsen Dagbladet ..

Willumsen also points out that how a proposal is perceived depends on the politician that comes with it .

– Particularly in recent months there has been a dramatic change. With the tremendous increases in asylum seekers has been an entirely different type of debate in Norway, says SWG.

– Answer a crisis

He believes the political space on immigration has changed and that policies across Europe is now becoming more restrictive.

– The latest overtures from FRP in Oslo is thus somewhat typical of the latest developments. With the tremendous influx we have revised the whole policy area, says SWG.

– It is I disagree. I think that our actions are in response to an international crisis. There are measures that improve both the situation of asylum seekers in Norway and refugees in their own homeland. It is only in response to a situation we have now, says head of Oslo Progress Party Aina Stenersen.

– Not as in Sweden

– But we do not want Swedish conditions in Norway, says FRP leader.

– We want a debate climate where it is possible to make suggestions. Not like in Sweden where the police held back information. We must dare to take the debate and stand up for it, nor discuss solutions in a constructive way. And that applies both ways, says Stenersen.

She stresses simultaneously that she did not know Jonstad rumblings from 1999, or that person.

Jonstad currently has its own blog where he lists the names of people he believes are left extremists or promoting Islam. Last year considered several of private individuals on the list to go to review, according to NRK. Jonstad today will close the borders to all asylum seekers. In 2012, he also said to Dagbladet that everyone who has facilitated immigration, encouraged it or earned it, should be taken to impeachment for treason.

– Treasury camps for resettlement of refugees and asylum seekers until they can travel to their homeland, is not Progress Party politics, beating Progress Party leader Carl I. Hagen stuck in a NTB Article 28 August 1999. Neither he nor Christian Tybring- Pike wish to comment on the matter today.

– Useriøst writes Tybring- Pike in an SMS to Dagbladet.

30 points for new asylum policy

Oslo leader Stenersen recalls that Norway has closed reception centers for asylum seekers, which Trandum asylum dormitory. There, police detain persons who violate the Immigration Act or persons who will be deported. Oslo Progress Party will now have closed reception when asylum seekers coming into the country, to clarify identity.

– The practice of closed reception is already there, and many have not been joined, is that we propose to place women, children and Piyi in reception centers for themselves. Our arguments for closed reception is that this is not at all a prison. There is a large area to roam around in. It can not possibly be compared to a prison, says FRP leader.

In 1999, there were no Syrians who came to Norway, but Bosnians.

– It was a little special situation, as it was a political prerequisite that Bosnians would go back home and be here temporarily. And there was a good reason not to integrate them in society. For they were the home again, when the time was ripe, says Jonstad Dagbladet.

Should start new party

After Jonstad were excluded from FRP in 1999, he started Norwegian People’s Party. These plans were also listed as one of the reasons he was declared undesirable by the party in 1999. At that time there was also a power struggle in FRP in Oslo.

– Was there room to say what you said then, that refugees should sit in camps until they could return home?

– Obviously not. Had the already then started to follow the principles, would much have been different today, says Jonstad Dagbladet.

– That was not set as the header at the time, he says.


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