Monday, February 8, 2016

Eric Jensen charged with importation of 10.2 tonnes of hashish since 2004 –

(Dagbladet): Public Prosecutions ruled that the former top police Eirik Jensen be accused of gross corruption and drug crime. He is charged with complicity in the import of 10.2 tons Haske from 2004 to 2013. He is also accused of having taken up the values ​​for 2.1 million.

Jensen denies culpability, and his defense Arild Holden said today that the client looks forward to defending himself in court. Arild Holden says he is professionally amazed indictment and refer to it as “fresh”.

– We believe there are clear weaknesses in the case, said Holden.

are hashish gave Gjermund Cappelen its explanation has been central to the investigation of Jensen. Cappelen is charged with importation of 16.2 tons of hashish and Cappelens defends Benedict de Vibe says he is not surprised by the indictment.

– This is not surprising. There is a difference when it comes to drug relationship between the two, for Cappelen starts case in 1993, while for Jensens part in 2004. This is what they mean to have satisfactory evidence in addition to Cappelens explanation, says the Vibe.

“Holiday mode across the board”

In the indictment describes Bureau cooperation between Jensen and Cappelen as follows:

“In his capacity as a police officer at Oslo police he had a favor contact with Cappelen from spring 1993 and built up a relationship of trust with him. From 2004, he was willing, against considerable allowance, to support Cappelen in his import business, among others by alerting him about various matters that could be of importance for virksomhten, and thereby reduce the risk of this was revealed. “

there was information about Cappelen at different times was the attention of authorities, about police work and resource situation in certain periods, the drug shipments were stopped by police / customs and the like, according to the indictment.

“The information was given in meetings, by email or by phone, often using text messages / emails with seemingly trustworthy content, such as” control here ” “quiet,” sunshine “,” quiet and sun “,” vacation mode across the board “,” office is sparsely staffed, “” it is notified knallvær “,” a man in the ditch, to look at the damage to the car, “or similar which could be important information for Cappelen, “according to the indictment.

in the indictment listed up 21 different hashish importations from 2004 to 2013, which the Bureau believes Jensen contributed tLI. Two of these were stopped and seized: 177 tonnes from the Netherlands that were uncovered in a customs control at Svinesund 6 June 2012, and 186 kg of Denmark, who was seized by police in Sweden 24-. May 2013.

Lawyer Arild Holden thinks there is no basis for the evidence in the indictment.

2.1 million NZ

in all Jensen charged with complicity in the import of 10.2 tons of hashish, while Cappelen is charged importation of a total of 16.2 tons of hashish.
Jensen is also charged with aggravated corruption. Bureau believes he has received values ​​totaling 2.1 million, including renovation of a bathroom at a value of 292,500 kr in 2005/2006. Jensen should not have been able to obtain receipts for this job and have explained it with the worker he used now dead.

Jensen prosecuted also for illegal arms possession of two Krag Jorgensen rifles and a Haenel assault rifle, a Walter pistol, a Colt revolver, one Brno rifle, and a letter Nagant revolver and some ammunition. These should have been stored in a kitchen cupboard, inside rolled in a mattress and inside rolled in clothing, according to the indictment.

Lawyer Benedict de Vibe says Cappelen is pleased that his explanation apparently largely assumed.

– He is pleased to have emerged as compelling, he says.


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