Friday, February 12, 2016

Anna (17) hailed by Jaquesson attack: – My worst day –

(Dagbladet): Today, the interest in using declarations of support to Young Liberals politician Anna Dåsnes after she got a sensational verbal game of trim programm manager Kari Jaquesson. At yesterday’s parole meeting of March 8 Committee in Oslo said Jaquesson following, targeting Dåsnes:

– Also, I think that you should try to suck dick ten times a day for a whole year to see how much you love it is.

the reason was that Dåsnes had promoted’s proposal to remove the slogan “enforce sex-purchase law” from March 8 train.

HERE you can read a transcript of what was said.


Tonight is the annual meeting in Oslo Left and many of those who go on the podium shelves three young liberals girls who took on a parole meeting which is not exactly known for embracing alternative views on equality.

– from this rostrum I would give a chants of contemporary liberal heroes Anna, Amanda and Maria. You attended the March 8 Committee meeting and advocated liberal ideas, but was faced with the worst control techniques one can imagine. Hang on, you’ve Oslo Liberal Party’s full support, said lokallagsleder Espen Ophaug.

– It’s never nice to be liberal feminist in these meetings. But we must do something. Next year we have to go a large delegation and stand up for our liberal values, said Sofie Hoegstoel.

Liberal deputy Ola Elvestuen says the three girls did an important job for equality when they line up on the disputed meeting.

– It is important that the Young Liberals and others continue to attend these meetings to show that women’s struggle is a broad match. There are a number of good causes to fight for – board representation and violence against women is any of it.

He believes these matters loser when all that does not have the same vision as the extreme left wing being cut off from being with the woman the game.

– We have every reason to be proud of them, but they were unfortunately faced with some control techniques that women were faced with a hundred years ago. It was way out of line, says Elvestuen.


Dåsnes said she was going to talk about something completely different, but yesterday’s experience was so strong that she felt she had to take it up from the rostrum.

– yesterday I had my worst day in Norwegian politics. Out of respect at the AGM I choose not to repeat what was said, but it was deep harassing. I know some of my gender equality perspectives are provocative, also in this hall. But it gives no reason for older ladies who call themselves feminists and believe they work against women’s oppression in offensive comments after we had spent our yttrings- and suggestions freedom.

For Dagbladet she says that on March 8 train has become an arena of extreme left wing.

– It’s no wonder that the broad majority of women do not feel included. They complain every year that the Right is not involved. But now it is not so strange when you are greeted this way. There is no contradiction between being liberal and feminist, says Dåsnes.


Earlier today went Liberal leader Trine Skei Grande into Dagbladet and asked Jaquesson say Excuse to Dåsnes. And there came a call from Jaquesson.

– She called me and said that she would not worded the way so that she did if she had known how old I was. I mean you do not To use the sort language against anyone regardless of age.

She is not satisfied with the apology from fitness queen – especially because Jaquesson followed up later in conversation with to “excuse” her

– she said she could understand that I meant what I did because I’m only 17 years, and I would heal on me the notion when I
age. I think this is a continuation of the tone she began yesterday. Although I’m relatively young and inexperienced in politics, I am in
least conscious not to use the kind hersketeknikk and language, she says.


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