Thursday, May 19, 2016

Fire in tunnel in Eidfjord – Bergens Tidende

It has broken out fire in Måbøtunnelen on Highway 7, according to police.

It concerns a bilbrann, informs NPRA Twitter. The road is closed.

– We’re almost there and see smoke development. It burns in a truck with a backhoe on the trailer; it’s what we know, says Torkel Helle at 110 exchange in Oslo.

The fire must have broken out around 19.30. The fire department know yet whether there are people in the tunnel.

– truck driver has got out, how it is with other cars, is uncertain, says Helle.

– Huge smoke

the fire department has come out with crews from Eidfjord, Voss, Granvin and Odda. Little by clock 20 states Helle that firefighters are promoting the site.

– There is tremendous smoke. We know nothing about the condition inside the tunnel, and do not know if there are other cars there, says Helle.

He says that smoke divers are heading into the tunnel from Eidfjord page to see how far into they manage to come.

– We are trying to enter with smoke divers from the lower side, but they have normal breathing apparatus, and the tunnel is long. We send special equipment by helicopter, taking off every moment, says Helle few minutes after the bell 20.

– Viewing lot of smoke

Petter Lahlum came running from Hardangervidda when he had to stop by major Applicable tunnel, a little further up the Måbødalen.

– I do not see so much here, just that there are lots of smoke, says Lahlum to BT bit before the clock 20.

he says he themselves and other motorists who have come from Hardangervidda side has already turned to run westward via Aurland instead.

Måbøtunnelen is a 1893 meter long tunnel in Eidfjord in Hordaland.


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