Monday, May 16, 2016

Defender believes Brende’s wife is incompetent as terrorist judge – Sunnmørsposten

– The Norwegian Government has decided that Norway will participate militarily in the fight against IS in Syria. Foreign Minister Brende conveys the need for prosecution of all returnees, Norwegian foreign fighters in Syria. Then it is very problematic when Foreign Minister spouse administers the proceedings and pronounces judgment against the same alleged repatriated foreign fighters, says lawyer Nils Christian Nordhus VG.

He has demanded that the foreign minister’s wife Torild Margrethe Brende replaced by another judge but did not support the Oslo District Court. Judge Ina Strømstad writes in the ruling that the court can not “see that this is circumstances inhabiliserer his spouse Torild Margrethe Brende.”

The trial of the accused, 23-year and 46-year-old man starts Oslo District Court on Wednesday. The two are accused of having joined the terrorlistede grouping IS in Syria and by having signed terror alliance.

Judge Brende did not want to comment on the case told the newspaper. (© NTB)


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