After communication problems with the signaling system has all the subways in Oslo stood still. Eventually, some traffic has started again, but not yet in the city.
Phone / SMS / MMS: 02255
From abroad: +47 915 02255
– We still have not contact with signatures country overlay between trafikkledelselen and subway trains, communication manager in Sporveien, Cato
Asperud, TV2 clock 06.10.
Asperud explains that they have not yet found the error, but that they have inserted all resources to correct it.
– This is going to have major consequences for the liquidation of the morning rush hour. For those of our customers who have options, we encourage them to use them.
Sporveien do not know how long it will take before the subway is running again.
Familier sov på gulvet på i et kaldt bomberom uten vinduer. Det var 100 flere barn i leiren enn driftsoperatøren Hero Norge hadde oppgitt.
Det var Nordlys som først omtalte rapporten om forholdene ved mottakssenteret for asylsøkere Vestleiren i Finnmark.
En delegasjon fra Bufetat og Fylkesmannen i Finnmark besøkte den tidligere militærleiren på Høybuktmoen utenfor Kirkenes den 20. og 21. november i fjor. De fant en rekke kritikkverdige forhold:
En familie med 11 barn var plassert på ett rom. Der hadde de vært i 14 dager, uten varmmat.
Det var «påtakende uryddig og skittent i hele leiren under befaring, det er manglende renhold i henhold til hvilken som helst standard».
På madrasser som ble lagt rett på gulvet i et kaldt bomberom uten vinduer sov to familier på tilsammen åtte personer. Her var to gravide kvinner – den ene i 8. måned — og et 14 måneder gammelt barn med vannhode og tumor i hjernen.
To familier med funksjonshemmede barn fortalte at de hadde bodd på samme rom i over en uke. De hadde ikke tilgang til toalett, vask eller dusj i samme etasje de bodde i. Fedrene – en av dem var selv syk – fortalte at de måtte bære barna mellom etasjene for grunnleggende hygiene. En av fedrene fortalte at to av barna var syke og ikke hadde tatt til seg næring på tre dager.
Her kan du lese mer om Vestleiren.
Regiondirektør ved Bufetat Nord Pål Christian Bergstrøm, som skrev rapporten, uttaler til Nordlys at situasjonen var «kaotisk og uoversiktelig».
Erna Solberg: – Gjør en formidabel jobb
Han konkluderte med at situasjonen for asylbarn var uforsvarlig, ifølge Nordlys.
Men da statsminister Erna Solberg besøkte leiren den 15. november, en snau uke før Bufetat og Fylkesmannen var der, var tonen en annen.
Ifølge Sør-Varanger Avis var statsministeren «godt fornøyd med det hun så i Vestleiren». Hun omtalte riktignok ikke forholdene i leiren direkte.
- Omvisningen har vist at det logistikkmessige fungerer godt. Kommunen og politiet gjør og har gjort en formidabel jobb her og dette ankomstsenteret har kommet raskt opp og gå. Det er imponerende, sa Solberg ifølge avisen.
Da hadde leiren vært i drift i en knapp uke.
I sin blogg skrev omtalte hun også besøket i det nye ankomstsenteret. Hun skrev at alle involverte gjør en stor innsats.
«Her gjør mange en god og viktig jobb. Jeg sa det i går, og jeg sier det igjen: De fortjener all mulig ros».
- Ble Solberg lurt?
Stortingsrepresentant Karin Andersen (SV) stiller seg undrende til statsministerens rosende ord i forbindelse med besøket.
I et brev til statsministeren viser hun til de dårlige forholdene som blir beskrevet i rapporten, og spør henne:
- Ble ikke statsministeren informert om dette under sitt besøk, når fikk i så fall Regjeringen rapporten og hvilke tiltak ble i så fall iverksatt når?
Til Aftenposten sier hun:
- Når statsministeren kommer på besøk, og man vet om veldig alvorlige
forhold på stedet, da bør det komme opp. Fikk hun vite om dette, har hun spurt om dette eller har dette vært en PR-jippo? Ble statsministeren lurt?
-Hun sa ikke direkte at hun var imponert over forholdene i leiren?
- Det er riktig. Men hvis hun hadde hatt kjennskap til det som kom i denne rapporten, antar jeg at hun ville valgt noen andre ord. En riktig reaksjon ville vært å si at dette ikke er godt nok og at dette må rettes opp raskt, sier Andersen.
Hero: – Uoversiktelig situasjon
Regionsleder i Hero Norge Frode Sam Haugen forklarer at det var en uoversiktelig situasjon da tilsynet fant sted. Fjellhallen i Kirkenes, som hadde blitt brukt som transittmottak, var i ferd med å tømmes på dette tidspunktet.
- Siden det ikke var et apparat til å ta imot så mye folk, ble det plassert flere folk enn stedet var beregnet til. Det handlet om å skaffe folk over hodet. Man måtte gjøre noen prioriteringer. Det var ikke en god situasjon, men det var ikke så mange alternaitver der og da.
Driftsdirektør i Hero Norge Vidar Torheim har ikke oversikt over hva statsministeren fikk se da hun besøkte ankomstsenteret.
-Hvordan var situasjonen på i Vestleiren på dette tidspunktet?
-Det var en situasjon preget av at det kom mange beboere, det økte, sier han.
-Var Vestleiren overbooket?
-Jeg kjenner ikke til at det var det på dette tidspunktet, men har fått informasjon om at det var det etter dette. Overbooking er kanskje feil ord, men det var flere personer enn leiren var rustet for.
Hero oppga at det var 537 asylsøkere i leiren under befaringen. Da Erna Solberg var på besøk, var det 521 der, ifølge UDI.
Pål Christian Bergstrøm i Bufetat deltok på en ny befaring i februar. Han mener forholdene i leiren er bedre nå siden funksjonen er endret, men at det fremdeles gjenstår mye arbeid.
Lederen ved mottaket sier til Nordlys at de nå vil gå ned fra 600 til 350 beboere, montere dusj og wc der det er mulig og dele mange av sovesalene til mindre rom.
UDI: – Forholdene er rettet opp
UDI sier til Nordlys at bekymringene som kom frem i rapporten ble fulgt opp umiddelbart i samarbeid med blant annet fylkeslegen, kommunen og driftsopertøren Hero.
- Dels ble sanitære og renovasjonsforhold rettet opp, dels ble det etablert et tettere samarbeid med helsetjenesten i kommunen og fylket, for å sikre tilgang til disse spesielt for barn og andre sårbare. Logistiske rutiner ble gjennomgått for å avdekke behov for oppfølging blant beboerne. Vi må huske på at Bergstrøms befaring kom bare en uke etter at senteret ble åpnet. Det var fullt fra dag én, sier presserådgiver Kristian Nicolai Stakset-Gundersen til Nordlys.
Han sier at leiren ble tømt for asylsøkere etter befaringen, at bemanningen nå er fulltallig og at det er en bedre differensiering av barnefamilier fra enslige menn.
Slik svarer Solberg:
Erna Solberg er ikke tilgjengelig for intervju med Aftenposten mandag kveld. I en skriftlig kommentar sier hun:
- Da jeg besøkte Vestleiren ga jeg uttrykk for at det ble gjort en stor innsats der under krevende forhold. Jeg ga ros til de frivillige og myndighetene for å ha fått på plass tilbudet. Mitt besøk til Vestleiren var i en periode med høy tilstrømming der et tilbud ble etablert på kort tid for å ta imot en stor mengde asylsøkere som kom over grensen i nord. Dette var en veldig krevende situasjon og det la vi ikke skjul på. Det ble gjort en betydelig innsats og det mener jeg fortsatt at de som fikk det på plass skal ha ros for.
Og videre:
- Jeg er glad for at at det foregår et arbeid mellom ansvarlige myndigheter for å følge opp og sikre at forholdene i ankomstsenteret er tilfredsstillende for beboerne. Senteret skal være et innkvarteringstilbud som er nøkternt, men forsvarlig, i likhet med andre asylmottak i Norge.
Ifølge UDI fikk statsministeren en fikk en full omvisning i alle byggene asylsøkerne brukte på ankomstsenteret. Det var en en «guidet gjennomgang av leiren og en presentasjon av leirens ulike funksjoner, samt en samtale med noen av flyktningene hun møtte på omvisningen», ifølge UDI.
extremist forces are stronger in an increasingly impotent Europe. Several states are unable to handle the influx of refugees. They are about to hit the wall.
Foreign Ministry’s top bureaucrats does not add anything in between when describing refugee situation. It shall not do. Bureaucracy job is to draw a more realistic picture of reality as possible. They shall provide sober assessments and solid facts that politicians use when they make their decisions. The paper VG has gained access to, is one of the foundation notes to an internal working group to look at migration wave to Europe.
Academic heavily
The paper is held in a non-bureaucratic and direct language. This is not an article from an alarmist, or the head of a politician who wants to conjure up an image that can serve his or her case. No, this is a professional heavy description of Europe today, and of what awaits us if politicians fail to gain control of the borders and the flow of people wanting to come here.
Just this makes it internal working paper extra hard to read. The conclusion is clear: Norway is completely dependent on Europe. If Europe fails to meet the situation, so also harbors we in big trouble. So far there is little to suggest that European leaders fail to find solutions that support. They can not even implement measures they agree on.
Balancing Act
The overall presentation of the working paper of the Foreign Ministry’s powerful cost. There are also some of the measures introduced. These must be read as alternatives foreign minister and the government may consider, not as an official, adopted policy. As the proposal to add about aid policy with greater emphasis on community areas around Europe, and less emphasis on poor countries far away.
Or formulations that stability can be more important than the struggle for human rights and good
governance, and about the need for increased collaboration between Norwegian authorities and police – and the security sector in undemocratic and repressive regimes, including in the Middle East and Africa.
the question Foreign Minister Børge Brende and other politicians must answer is how they will balance different considerations against each other. Can the current situation to take care of the best traditions of Norwegian foreign policy, while also making it necessary for Norway and Europe will manage to deal with migration flow? Can they combine compassion and firmness?
Nordic cooperation
Perhaps the only bright spot in a very gloomy note, is the hope that the Nordic countries may be able to find solutions in community. Nordic cooperation has long been a topic only for those with special interests. Now it may get a new meaning. Relations between Sweden and Denmark is freezing. Denmark has had Scandinavia strictest asylum policy, Sweden had the most open. Politicians and other representatives from the two countries have hardly been able to talk about these issues. They have been all too far apart, and been marked by mutual distrust and contempt.
Foreign Ministry bureaucrats outlines how Norway and Finland together can play a role to get the two other neighboring countries to cooperate. And maybe speak with one voice in international discussions on the future of asylum policy. For those discussions going. Just what can we be confident.
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Read commentary: Things – and absolutely necessary
Politiet lette mandag kveld etter en 101 år gammel kvinne med demens som var savnet fra et aldershjem på Landås i Bergen.
Kvinnen er sprek for alderen, men bruker rullator, opplyser politiet. Hun er rundt 165 centimeter høy, har kort grått hår, briller
og kledd i bukse.
Operasjonsleder Bjarte Rebnor i Vest politidistrikt sa til TV 2 ved 20-tiden mandag at en stor leteaksjon var satt i gang. Mannskaper fra brannvesenet og Norske redningshunder deltok også i letingen.
Kvinnen ble funnet i god behold i løpet av en knapp time. (NTB)
On Monday morning received Transport Minister Ketil Solvik-Olsen (FRP) transport agencies proposed National Transport Plan (NTP) for the years 2018 to 2029.
In the proposal write NPRA, Jernbaneverket, the Norwegian Coastal Administration and Avinor that greenhouse gas emissions from private cars , trucks, ships, aircraft and construction equipment collected must be reduced by about one-half by 2030.
Deputy Chairman of the transport committee in the Parliament, Abid Raja, seem goals are realistic.
– We use the carrot and stick to achieve these goals. We need to reward users of zero-emission vehicles, and punish big cars that pollute much. We need to set up car taxes to make it expensive to pollute, says Raja to NRK.
PENALTY: Abid Raja believes the state budget 2017 should follow up proposals to step up CO₂ tax for fossil fuels and ensure that EVs will be cheaper to run than petrol and diesel cars.
Photo: Nesvold, Jon Olav / NTB scanpix
– Good music to our ears
Left politician says his party has long talked about the environmental and time-differentiated tolls, continuation of EV advantages and the phasing out of petrol and diesel cars by 2030.
– Now follow specialist agencies up and say this is the best policy. There is good music to our ears, says Raja.
Raja is also pleased that the transport authorities propose to build ten new cycle paths where you can cycle for up to 40 km / h.
– Realistic goals
Right says transport authorities have delivered an exciting proposal for a National transport and cites goal of eliminating the backlog in maintenance in 2029.
Astrup ( H) leading transport committee in parliament, said the proposals correspond well with government policy.
– we need to reduce the emissions from the transport sector significantly if we are to achieve these climate goals. Then it must go fairly quickly. I think it’s realistic, but it will be difficult to get more people to take public transit says Astrup NRK.
He highlights the importance of a stronger commitment the collective in and around the major cities – to cope with this.
MATCHED: Transportation Committee Chairman Nikolai Astrup (H) seems proposals correspond well with government policy.
Photo: Roald, Berit / NTB scanpix
Want consensus
Now start the political process with the plan. Solvik-Olsen will prioritize maintenance, efficient of ongoing projects and new projects in the new transport plan, type NTB.
First summer of next year we will know if the politicians in Parliament have followed the recommendations for the transport agencies. Solvik-Olsen hope for broad agreement.
He stressed the importance of the transport plan is long-term and comprehensive to avoid omkamper and prolonged political strife and uncertainty about a number of individual projects.
– We should have perspectives to 2050, comprehensive solutions and emphasize the efficient use of resources. We should lift up the maintenance of the country’s infrastructure and ensure a more efficient and environmentally friendly use of the said Minister.
(Dagbladet): One person died in a blasting accident in Bagn in Valdres in Oppland . The accident occurred as an excavator was supposed to clean the tunnel wall after a blast. – were made clearing the place after blasting. A gravemasking has probably taken a charge that has gone by, said operations Børge Hals in Inland police told Dagbladet.
The driver of the excavator, a man, died on the spot.
– An excavator would spike area, ie to clean the tunnel wall of stone after blasting. The excavator has probably hit an explosive charge which has been left in the wall. Stein squirted up and hit the cab, explaining Hals said.
The police was notified
of the accident clock 15.46 Monday afternoon. Labour Inspectorate is notified of the incident and will conduct investigations at the site on Tuesday.
The accident happened at a construction site at Klossbøle between Bagn and Bjørgo, at the entrance to the new tunnel being built on E16, NRK writes.
The townspeople must stop using car nor walk, bike or take public transit.
It writes Jernbaneverket, the Norwegian Coastal Administration, the Public Roads Administration and Avinor, which today puts forward its proposals for priorities for the years 2018-2029 in the next national transport plan.
the plan proposed that:
• Greenhouse gas emissions from transport must be halved by 2030.
• There should be more expensive to run electric car
• It will be built “super roads »for bicycles
• must use 60 billion to clear the backlog of maintenance on road, rail and coastal resorts within 2029.
the goal is zero growth
the goal is zero growth in private cars in cities and urban areas. In addition, new heavier vans, 75 percent of new long-distance buses and 50 percent of new trucks be zero rumblings vehicle, writes agencies in the proposal.
Solvik-Olsen : Old computer systems prevents cleaner air
boat transport puts agencies set a target that 40 percent of all ships in short sea shipping will use biofuels or be low- or zero-emission ships by 2030.
Veidirektør Terje Moe Gustavsen NPRA suggest zero-emission vehicles, such as electric vehicles, continue to have tax benefits but not as good as today.
-We recommend continued tax benefits, they will be cheaper in use . Regarding tolls should also those cars pay, but then a lower fare, says Moe Gustavsen which suggest zero-emission vehicles will eventually pay on the ferries in line with other vehicles.
Will build bike paths for improved speed
the goose also advocates an increased emphasis on cycle paths. Transportation agencies propose to build bicycle paths that can withstand speeds of 40 km / h in the nine largest cities in the country.
“This is a whole new way to facilitate bike traffic. For towns, the goal is to get a bike share of between 10 and 20 percent of daily trips, “according to the agencies.
These routes proposed to be developed with bicycle expressways:
* Oslo region E6 Bryn Lillestrom and Rv163 limit Akershus Økern
* Bergen: E39 Rådal Bergen center
* Trondheim: E6 Tiller and Heimdal Rotvoll
* north Jæren: E39 Stavanger Sandnes
* Lower Glomma: Grålum-Kalnes
* Buskerud city: E134 Gulskogen-Mjøndalen
* Grenland: Rv36 Vabakken-Gråtenmoen
* Kristiansand: E18 Voll Water Oddemarka-Tordenskjolds gate
* Tromso: E8 Solli farm Troms farm-Tomasjord
60 billion to lag
transport agencies emphasize that the backlog of maintenance on road, rail and coastal plants should be removed within 2029.
It will cost up to 60 billion.
in his overall proposal asks the Public roads Administration,
Jernbaneverket, the Norwegian Coastal Administration and Avinor for the allocation of 36 billion to remove decay on state roads.
Train-year 2015 : Even more delays than in 2015
the agencies also ask for 18 billion to clear the backlog of railroad.
– Parts of railway infrastructure has passed its normal lifetime. This leads to more errors, higher costs for troubleshooting and less punctual operation, according to the proposal.
In addition, it needed 2.5 billion for maintenance of piers, lighthouses, beacons and other infrastructure along the coast, according to the proposal.
Transport Minister Ketil Solvik-Olsen goes far in love 60 billion for maintenance. He told VG that the main characteristics of NTPen which was submitted shall be long-term planning and elimination of maintenance backlog.
– So it can be interpreted as an acceptance of that they get 60 billion?
– Yes, it can be interpreted as a yes. Maintenance is my heart, the said minister VG.
New this year is the National Transport will see twelve years into the future, not ten. It should also respond to road, rail, air and maritime transport needs until 2050.
Double Track from Oslo to Tønsberg
In addition to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and to remove it large backlog on Norwegian roads, rail and coastal construction, there was tension associated with the plan’s commitment to the development of Inter City train to Hamar, Fredrikstad and Tønsberg, and on to Lillehammer, Halden and Skien.
planning period entails development of continuous double track from Oslo to Tønsberg, Oslo Sarpsborg and Oslo – Åkersvika, south of Hamar.
The development of dual Lillehammer, Halden and Skien is not mentioned.
the coalition government did in 2013 refs to not think big enough about togutbygging, when it was decided that Halden, Skien and Lillehammer earliest’d get Inter City train in 2030.
Glad maintenance priority
– the point of having a NTP is that it is long-term and holistic. As to avoid the split between road and rail, coastal and aviation constantly is an arena of struggle. We have said here you get an overall limit, so get yourselves discuss and fight about money. This has made this a very good and constructive manner, says Transport Minister Ketil Solvik-Olsen.
The minister says he is “pleased” with the maintenance a high priority.
– Today’s majority in Parliament believe that building infrastructure is very important. I am very pleased that one here has emphasized maintenance, he said.
Politiet vurderer fortløpende om de skal frafalle siktelsen mot de to.
– Politiet har jobbet intenst med saken gjennom helgen, og med den informasjonen vi sitter med nå, kan vi si at mistankegrunnlaget mot de siktede er minsket, sier påtaleleder Terje K. Skaar i Agder politidistrikt.
Mannens kone og sønn ble pågrepet og siktet etter at han ble funnet død i sin bolig fredag kveld. Skaar sier etterforskningen fortsetter for fullt.
– Basert på informasjonen vi har innhentet de siste to døgnene og som blir analysert, har vi interessante spor å følge, uten at vi har andre mistenkte i saken, sier Skaar.
– Ikke i familien
Advokat Knut Henning Larsen, som er forsvarer for sønnen, sier han ikke er overrasket over løslatelsen.
«Jeg har gjennom hele helgen sagt til min klient at jeg trodde han ville bli løslatt i dag», skriver Larsen i en tekstmelding til NTB.
«Selv om det var som forventet, er han naturligvis svært lettet. Håper er nå at politiet får tatt de riktige gjerningsmennene, og de finner dem ikke i familien», fortsetter han.
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Sønnen og moren har begge nektet straffskyld i saken. NTB lyktes ikke i å komme i kontakt med morens forsvarer mandag ettermiddag.
Ikke tvil om drap
Påtalelederen understreker at det ikke er noen tvil om at det dreier seg om et drap. Verken han eller seksjonsleder for etterforskning, John Repstad, ønsker å si noe mer om hvordan mannen ble drept. De ber folk som vet noe om saken, om å ta kontakt med politiet.
– Han ble funnet død på bopel rett rundt klokken 23 fredag. Timen før og etter det er det mest interessante tidspunktet, sier Skaar til Fædrelandsvennen.
Politiet jobber fortsatt med krimtekniske undersøkelser i boligen der mannen ble funnet død.
Mannen i 60-årene var av iransk opprinnelse, men norsk statsborger. Han hadde bodd i Norge med sin familie i mange år, ifølge politiet.
– Null- og lavutslippskjøretøyer skal ha fordeler som er store nok til å sikre et raskt skifte. I klartekst betyr dette at de aller fleste som kjøper ny personbil om ti år, velger en nullutslippsbil, sier jernbanedirektør Elisabeth Enger under fremleggelsen av forslaget til ny transportplan.
I forslaget skriver Statens vegvesen, Jernbaneverket, Kystverket og Avnior at klimautslippene fra privatbiler, tungtransport, fartøy, fly og anleggsmaskiner samlet må reduseres med om lag en halvpart innen 2030
Må fjerne etterslepet
De skriver også at etterslepet av vedlikehold på vei, jernbaner og kystanlegg må fjernes innen 2029. Det vil koste opptil 60 milliarder kroner.
I sitt samlede forslag ber Vegvesenet, Jernbaneverket, Kystverket og Avinor om at det settes av 36 milliarder kroner for å fjerne forfallet på riksveiene.
Etatene ber også om 18 milliarder kroner for å fjerne etterslepet på jernbanen.
– Deler av jernbanens infrastruktur har passert sin normale levetid. Dette fører til flere feil, høyere kostnader til feilretting og mindre punktlig drift, heter det i forslaget.
I tillegg trengs det 2,5 milliarder kroner for vedlikehold av moloer, fyrlykter, sjømerker og annen infrastruktur langs kysten, ifølge forslaget.
Solvik-Olsen: Nå starter prosessen
Samferdselsminister Ketil Solvik-Olsen (Frp) vil prioritere vedlikehold, effektiv gjennomføring av påbegynte prosjekter og nye prosjekter i den nye transportplanen.
– Vi skal ha perspektiver mot 2050, helhetlige løsninger og vektlegge effektiv ressursbruk. Vi skal løfte opp vedlikehold av landets infrastruktur og sikre en mer effektiv og miljøvennlig bruk av den, sier statsråden.
Han sier at den nye transportplanen vil ha mange nye utbyggingsprosjekter, men at det også er viktig å sikre en effektiv gjennomføring av påbegynte prosjekter. Samtidig vil han redusere vedlikeholdsetterslepet.
Dokumentet blir nå sendt på høring med høringsfrist 1. juli i år.
– I tillegg vil vi reise land og strand rundt for å få innspill og synspunkter. Et bredt offentlig ordskifte og innspill fra mange hold er med på å styrke og utvide regjeringens grunnlag for å fastlegge prioriteringer og økonomiske rammer for den nye transportplanen, sier samferdselsministeren.
Alle trodde at Regjeringenn før jul skulle peke ut hvilke to hovedveier det skal satses på øst-vest, Oslo-Bergen.
Men her tok samferdselsministeren alle på sengen.
Opplysningsrådet for Veitrafikken, OFV, stoler hverken på NTP eller statsbudsjettene.
De vil ha et bredt politisk forlik på Stortinget om hvilke veier som skal bygges, etter modell av pensjonsforliket og barnehageforlik
Veivesenet og Jernbaneverket har tidligere vært veldig offensive med tanke på fremtidig transportkvalitet:
Så mye vei og tog får vi for 1500 samferdsels-milliarder
En reform som kommer helt uavhengig er Regjeringens jernbanereform. 1.1.2017 vil jernbane-Norge se slik ut:
Regjeringen konkurranseutsetter togstrekninger i hele Norge.
An unprecedented report sheds new light on the conditions of asylum seekers have lived under the reception center in Kirkenes.
The Northern Lights can today bring the report, which shows that conditions for asylum seekers and refugees in Western camp in South Varanger been even worse than what has previously been made public.
Read the shocking report here!
A delegation from Bufetat and County Governor of Finnmark were directly affected by the appalling conditions in the camp during the inspection in November last year.
– I have long experience with international work with children, but there was a strong impression in the Western camp during the inspection. The situation was chaotic and disorganized, says regional director Pål Christian Bergstrøm in Bufetat Northern Region.
He wrote in November report to their bosses in Bufetat centrally, which Nordlys now have access to.
it turns out a lot of new details that have not previously been disclosed. The report is based on an inspection on 20 and 21 November last year. Representatives of the county and the county doctor was invited to participate in the inspection.
– As the situation appeared under inspection these two days, my conclusion is that the situation of asylum children in Western camp is unjustifiable, even from the standpoint of a “minimum standard” approach. Unjustifiable related to lack of basic security and childcare in a very vulnerable situation, summarizes regional director.
He describes in an unusual unbureaucratic way conditions, and enumerates the 17 different conditions observed during the inspection as the basis for the crushing conclusion. Reviews frames Hero who operates the camp.
An inventory showed that there were nearly twice as many children under age 15 as they first entered. Criticism also affects UDI and Sør-Varanger municipality.
Pål Christian Bergstrøm, regional director Bufetat Nord. (Photo: Ole Åsheim ole @ )
Here are some of the findings, with Bufetat director’s own words:
Disabled children
We observe two families with disabled children, where the situation appears to be very demanding. in one family there are three disabled children (two severely disabled, CP, a lighter disabled in wheelchairs) and a sick father with diabetes. father says that the children are sick, two of the children have not taken nourishment in three days. in the other two children, hence one that is døvstumt. Both families stayed in separate rooms in over one week. There is no access to a toilet, sink or shower in the same plane in the building they live in. The fathers say they more than a week has had to carry their children up and down between floors for basic hygiene. It makes a strong impression to see severely disabled children in what I consider to be a very poor condition.
No in Boo management could comment on the matter Friday. But through press advisor Kristian Nicolai Stakset-Gundersen get Nordlys following response:
– This is no longer a proper situational. In the beginning it came almost exclusively single adult men over Storskog. Eventually came the surprising number of families with disabled children or family members, and it sets course other requirements to offer where
Did not know about a hundred children
The report states further:
Hero state that there are 537 asylum seekers in the camp during the inspection. We can observe a surprisingly large number of children of all ages. Hero specifies that in all 115 children in the camp. It is reported to be 7 unaccompanied minors between 15-18. In manual counting along with healthcare in health barracks under Region Physician together called “emergency meeting” later in the evening, it registered 220 children under 15 years in the camp. In other words a deviation of about 100 children in the projection operator and healthcare.
I get Sunday night phone call from Bufetat representatives who are located in the camp (see immediate measures ). They have the evening round found two families placed in a bomb shelter under one of the Civil Defence buildings. There are a total of 8 people in the room, just equipped with mattresses on the floor. No windows, and cold. The facilities are depicted. In one family there are three people; father, mother pregnant for 8 months. and a child of 14 months., with hydrocephalus and tumor in the brain. In the other family, there are 3 children and a pregnant mother.
The managers were away
On arrival in camp emerges organization complex from a management perspective, managing director of Hero is sick and territorial UDI leader is gone home the day before. Representatives of Hero and Immigration which meets delegation, are not considered as having a formal leader mandate An employee of Hero assumes leadership role in receiving manager’s absence.
There are many parents with many children, the biggest party of 11 children. They are placed in one room, and today has been there for 14 days. This no hot food, and in an unclear situation.
Bomb shelter (Photo: – )
it is noticeable untidy and dirty throughout the camp under inspection, there is a lack of cleaning according to any standard. it’s overflowing garbage bags around, and floating garbage on the floors where families located.
some of the conditions have been previously known through reports and letters they have written. for example suspicions about children who were victims of forced marriages. A 14 year-old girl was pregnant for the second time. She already had a child between one and two years and lived with the child’s 23 years old father.
the full report can be downloaded and read here.
– Better now
center manager Kent Richard Witzøe will not comment on any of the findings made in the inspection in November. He points out that he was not employed by Hero at the time.
Udi say they are familiar with the report from Bufetat.
– The concern that emerged was followed immediately afterwards in cooperation including Finnmark county Governor by the county medical officer, the municipality and the operator Hero. Dels were sanitary and sanitation conditions
corrected, and partly it was established a closer collaboration with the health services in the municipality and the county, to ensure access to those specifically for children and other vulnerable. Logistic procedures were reviewed to identify the need for follow-up among residents. We must remember that Bergstrøms inspection came only a week after the center opened. It was full from day 1. Many of the operating carrier’s staff was new and procedures for the operation was not set. I think these conditions are now safeguarded, says Stakset-Gundersen
Udi believes it is not correct that it was not professionals present with expertise on children.
– It’s not right. It has been a collaboration with child welfare in the municipality to ensure competence in this area. Initially the camp was arranged on throughput and logistics. Today takes into consideration any longer residence. It makes it recruited into employees with different skills, including environment and health.
I get Sunday night phone call from Bufetat representatives who are located in the camp (see relief). They have the evening round found two families placed in a bomb shelter under one of the Civil Defence buildings. There are a total of 8 people in the room, just equipped with mattresses on the floor. No windows, and cold.
From the
Asylum stream across the border at Storskog was on its very worst when this report was written. Western camp worked then as a temporary emergency. It was meant to stay in this camp would only be in 48 hours. After the site visits, and the revelations that came, the camp was emptied as emergency rooms.
Bergstrom says that the background for the inspection was a growing concern for asylum situation of children in a phase that was marked by sharply rising number of asylum seekers across the border every day and that the established arrival center Fjellhallen no longer dimensioned for the situation. Inspection was a review of the situation of children in order to give advice, recommendations and offer concrete assistance to the UDI to better safeguard the child’s perspective.
– You have recently been on a new inspection. What is your impression of the conditions today?
– After the inspection in November the camp was emptied of asylum seekers. In connection with the arrivals of Storskog stopped, the camp’s purpose changed. It should have two different audiences, one is sending clear refugees who have had their application for a residence, the other asylum seekers who moved from emergency to Western camp for asylum interviews. These will continue to ordinary reception. During the last inspection we observed that some of the recommendations from November are followed, among other things, a better differentiation of families from single men and manning the camp is finally complete and possessing expertise on children.
Corrective Action
He shares the concerns that the County, county medical and Red Cross have regarding refugees’ psychosocial situation. This applies in particular circumstances for the children in the so-called “PU group,” envoy clear refugees who find themselves in a very stressful and uncertain situation. Children need stable adults around them. The fact that children may find that reassurance from their parents changed dramatically, by mental instability, anxiety, depression, can be very damaging. It can inflict trauma with long-term effects, which make a further positive development difficult.
– Is the situation of children satisfying today?
– The conditions for children camp must be adapted stay length. After the inspection on 13 February is my assessment that the situation of children in “PU-group” is not satisfactory and should be closely monitored immediately.
downstairs: Picture time under the Civil Defence buildings where the asylum seekers were discovered. Photo: Bufetat (Photo: – )
Hans recommends that families with children are not moved from second reception to Western camp for conducting asylum interviews for so to be moved on to new reception centers. children need generally greatest possible degree of predictability and security in their lives, and stable adults around them. This need applies especially to children who are fleeing, many from war situations, and have already experienced traumatic conditions.
Operations for Western camp, Hero, say they are underway with a number of remedial measures in the camp to improve conditions for residents.
– We share many of the large dormitories to smaller rooms and we assemble shower and wc where there is opportunity. It becomes more common areas in each barrack, and the capacity is taken down from 600 to 350 residents, explains center manager Kent Richard Witzøe.
In general, he shows that there is Sør-Varanger municipality, which is responsible for ensuring residents a proper health care with regular visits from health professionals. He says the reception is also trying to get a better activities.
shelters: in this shelter stayed for seven asylum seekers. One of them was a woman eight months pregnant. Photo: Bufetat (Photo: Bufetat )
– Activities commenced
– What is begun and the Red Cross is also in place with a psychosocial team and activities, says Witzøe.
He emphasizes that also alot is improved with more hot food. It Work is also ongoing expansion of the dining area.
Witzøe dismisses criticism about inadequate cleaning, and points out that there is no hero who washes the premises.
– the other hand, we send clothes to cleanse, he says .
A silver car was seen driving south in the northbound during the E6 at Rygge clock 21.45 Saturday night. Shortly afterward lighted East police that two cars had front collided, and that one of them was on fire.
The seriously injured man is admitted to Ullevål hospital in Oslo. In addition, a man in his 20s and an elderly woman driven to Kalnes hospital with moderate injuries, police said.
According to NRK, the woman in 70s who drove in the wrong direction prior to the accident.
Both the southbound and northbound during the E6 was
Politiet fikk beskjed om hendelsen klokka 1.27 natt til mandag, etter at vitner hadde ringt etter ambulanse.
Den skadde 30-åringen ble sendt til Sørlandet sykehus som ved 6-tiden mandag opplyser at han er alvorlig skadd.
- Foreløpig vet vi ikke mye om omstendighetene. Den mistenkte 38-åringen meldte seg selv for politiet og ble pågrepet. Det var flere vitner til stede, og disse skal avhøres, sier operasjonsleder Per Kristian Klausen i Agder politidistrikt til NTB.
Knivstikkingen skal ha skjedd i eller ved et bolighus på Myrene i Arendal.
Book Nordlys + 8 weeks for only 99, – and access to digital content.
Oslo (NTB Gunhild H. Bjerve): Featuring 50 million to road, broadband or IT projects hope the government and cooperative parties Christian Democrats and the Liberals to lure more municipalities to join before the summer.
municipalities that have decided to go from door to cohabiting before 1 July, you get a little extra help from the infrastructure pot.
– it’s basically a small sum, but my experience of having traveled the length and breadth of Norway, is that there is often little money it takes to trigger important projects, says Local Government and modernization Minister Jan Tore Sanner (H) said.
He notes that the pot comes on top of other financial support schemes for the municipalities shape.
by linking together
the goal is that the money will be used to link the municipalities closer together and may, for example, go to a new common digital platform, broadband benefit both citizens and businesses, or be contribution to a new county, mention Sanner as examples.
He can not say for sure whether this money will determine whether municipalities say yes or no to the merger, but believes it will be popular.
– Now it’s 200 municipalities are in negotiations, and this funding
opportunity presupposes that one is seeking to merge by July 1, he said.
he said that Parliament has asked the government to consider increasing the pot in the revised national budget, but Sanner can not yet say anything about the desired will be met.
economic coercion?
the government is criticized both by the opposition in Parliament and by many mayors to use economic means to force municipalities to choose a union. Recently, the government’s proposed new income system criticized because it will calculate the so-called basic subsidy by population density. That large municipalities benefit.
– The reform is based on voluntary, but it is clear that when you merge two or more municipalities, you will have some additional costs initially. There is broad agreement that society should cover. Then we give an extra carrot to those who joined because it is demanding processes, and there is a broad desire in Parliament that we get stronger welfare municipalities, says Sanner.
Newspaper Nordlys today presents an unprecedented report on conditions of asylum seekers have lived under the reception center West camp in Kirkenes.
Among other things, the report shows that at one point were nearly twice as many children in the camp as the driver Hero entered and that disabled minors were found in very poor condition.
A child at 14 months with hydrocephalus and brain tumor was placed in a cold shelter without other comfort than some mattresses.
– Incorrect situation
In case Nordlys it emerged that a delegation from Bufetat and County Governor of Finnmark were directly shaken by the shocking conditions in the camp during the inspection in November last year.
– I have long experience with international work with children, but there was a strong impression in the Western camp during the inspection. The situation was chaotic and disorganized, says regional director Pål Christian Bergstrøm in Bufetat Northern Region above the newspaper.
The report matches based on an inspection on 20 and 21 November last year. Representatives of the county and the county doctor was invited to participate in the inspection.
– As the situation appeared under inspection these two days, my conclusion is that the situation of asylum children in Western camp is unjustifiable, even from the standpoint of a “minimum standard” approach. Unjustifiable related to lack of basic security and childcare in a very vulnerable situation, summarizes regional director.
Family with 11 children in one room
Opposite Nordlys rattles Bergstrom up 17 different conditions observed during the inspection as basis for criticism of his.
Here are some of the findings, with Bufetat director’s own words:
– We observe two families with disabled children, where the situation appears to be very demanding. In one family there are three disabled children (two severely disabled, CP, a lighter disabled in wheelchairs), and a sick father with diabetes. Father says that the children are sick, two of the children have not taken nourishment in three days. In the other two children, hence one which is døvstumt. Both families stayed in separate rooms in over a week.
– There is no access to a toilet, sink or shower in the same plane in the building they live in. The fathers say they more than a week has had to carry their children up and down between floors for basic hygiene. It makes a strong impression to see severely disabled children in what I consider to be a very poor condition.
100 more children a stated
In the report that Nordlys reproduces named it further:
– Hero state that there are 537 asylum seekers in the camp during the inspection. We can observe a surprisingly large number of children of all ages. Hero specifies that in all 115 children in the camp. It is reported to be 7 unaccompanied minors between 15-18. In manual counting along with healthcare in health barracks under Region Physician together called “emergency meeting” later in the evening, it registered 220 children under 15 years in the camp. In other words a deviation of about 100 children in the projection operator and healthcare.
– I get Sunday night phone call from Bufetat representatives who are located in the camp (see relief). They have the evening round found two families placed in a bomb shelter under one of the Civil Defence buildings. There are a total of 8 people in the room, just equipped with mattresses on the floor. No windows, and cold. The facilities are depicted. In one family there are three people; father, mother pregnant for 8 months. and a child of 14 months., with hydrocephalus and tumor in the brain. In the other family, there are 3 children and a pregnant mother.
– No longer a proper description
Press Counselor in UDI, Kristian Nicolai Stakset-Gundersen, told Nordlys that the situation report describes is very different today.
– This is no longer a proper situational. In the beginning it came almost exclusively single adult men over Storskog. Eventually came the surprising number of families with disabled children or family members, and it sets course other requirements to offer.
He said that concern the message from Bufdir was followed immediately afterwards. This through a partnership between the County of Finnmark, the municipality and the operator Hero.
Dels were sanitary and sanitation conditions corrected, partly were established closer cooperation with the health services in the municipality and the county, to ensure access to these especially for children and other vulnerable. Logistic procedures were reviewed to identify the need for follow-up among residents, says Stakset-Gundersen faced Nordlys.
– Had expertise on children
Stakset-Gundersen emphasizes that Bergstrøms inspection came only a week after center was opened, and that it was fully in camp from day one.
– Many of the operating carrier’s staff was new and procedures for the operation was not set. I think these conditions are now safeguarded, continues Stakset-Gundersen to Nordlys.
He also says it is not true that there were not professionals present with expertise on children.
– It has been a collaboration with child welfare in the municipality to ensure competence in this area. Initially the camp was arranged on throughput and logistics. Today takes into consideration any longer residence. It makes it recruited into employees with different skills, including environment and health, says press counselor for Applicants to Nordlys.
– Improves the conditions in the camp
center manager Kent Richard Witzøe will not comment on any of the findings made in the inspection in November. He points out that he was not employed by Hero at the time.
He says, however, that they have started a series of remedial actions in the camp to improve conditions for residents.
– we share many of the large dormitories into smaller rooms and we mount shower and wc where there is opportunity. It becomes more common areas in each barrack, and the capacity is taken down from 600 to 350 residents, explains center manager Kent Richard Witzøe opposite Nordlys.
He said the reception also is about to get a better activities.
– What is begun and the Red Cross is also in place with a psychosocial team and activities, says Witzøe. He emphasizes that also alot is improved with more hot food. Work is also ongoing expansion of the dining area.
Witzøe dismisses criticism about inadequate cleaning, and points out that there is no hero who washes premises.
– the other hand, we send clothes to cleanse, he says to Nordlys.
Changed purpose of the camp
At the time the report was written, so did Western camp as a temporary emergency rooms. Asylum seekers should by policies to camp just stay there for 48 hours.
After the site visits, and the revelations that came, the camp was emptied as emergency rooms, writes Nordlys.
Regional Director Pål Christian Bergstrøm in Bufetat Region North says that the basis of the inspection was concern about the situation of children and receptive capacity.
When asked what the conditions are today, he replied that they have improved. This is partly because the camp’s purpose has been changed after the government stopped refugee flows over Storskog.
– Must be followed up immediately
It now houses envoy clear refugees who have been refused and the other asylum seekers who moved from emergency to Western camp for asylum interviews.
– These will continue to ordinary reception. During the last inspection we observed that some of the recommendations from November are followed, among other things, a better differentiation of families from single men and manning the camp is finally complete and possessing expertise on children, says Bergström to Nordlys.
he still believes that there is reason to worry considering the conditions in the camp. Especially considering the minor refugees who are there.
– The conditions for children in the camp must be adapted stay length. After the inspection on 13 February is my assessment that the situation of children in “PU-group” is not satisfactory and should be closely monitored immediately, he says to Nordlys.
Lørdag kveld melder TV2 og Fædrelandsvennen at det er avdødes kone og sønn som siktes for drapet.
Ifølge Fædrelandsvennen nekter kvinnen straffskyld. Hennes forsvarer Christian Faye Ree sier at hun samarbeider godt med politiet.
Ifølge NTB nekter også den siktede sønnen straffskyld.
– Han har forklart seg i detalj om hvor han var og hva han gjorde fredag. Ut fra bevissituasjonen i saken forventer jeg at han sjekkes ut av den i løpet av kort tid, opplyser hans forsvarer, advokat Knut Henning Larsen til NTB søndag ettermiddag.
Har bodd i Norge i mange år
Den avdøde er en mann i 60-årene. Han er norsk statsborger, men av iransk opprinnelse, opplyste politiet i Agder under en pressekonferanse i politihuset i Kristiansand lørdag formiddag.
- Han har bodd sammen med sin familie i Norge i mange år, opplyste påtaleleder Terje Kaddeberg Skaar ved Agder politidistrikt under en pressekonferansen.
Mannen ble funnet død i en leilighet i Brattbakken borettslag på Hånes i Kristiansand fredag kveld.
- Jeg opplevde han som et hyggelig menneske, på alle måter, sier styreleder i borettslaget, Rolf Mikael Gare, til Aftenposten.
Først omtalte politiet hendelsen som et mistenkelig dødsfall. Under pressekonferansen opplyste politiet at de sto overfor en drapsetterforskning.
Ukjent motiv
Politiet var ordknappe under pressekonferansen, og ville ikke si noe drapsvåpen, motiv eller de siktedes nasjonalitet.
- Jeg ønsker ikke å si noe om de siktede, eller deres eventuelle relasjon til avdøde, sa John Repstad, seksjonsleder for etterforskning, under pressekonferansen.
Han bekreftet imidlertid at de var i nærheten da politiet kom til stedet i natt.
Nabo reagerte på banking
Rolf Mikael Gare forteller at drapet preger borettslaget, som han normalt opplever som fredelig.
Han selv reagerte på at det kom en rekke biler til borettslaget like før midnatt fredag.
- Derfor tok jeg meg en tur ut. Da jeg kom ut, satt noen på en murkant ved politibilene, med hendene stripset, sier Gare.
Han forteller at en nabo skal ha reagert på banking fra leiligheten fredag, før politiet kom til leiligheten. Samme bankingen skal naboen ha hørt torsdag kveld.
- Han synes det var rart, og reagerte på det, sier styrelederen i borettslaget.
Selv har Gare reagert på at persiennene inn til boligen til den avdøde har vært lukket de siste dagene.
FVN: – Synlige skader på kroppen
Avdøde skal ifølge Fædrelandsvennen ha hatt synlige skader på kroppen da han ble funnet.
Åstedet har natt til lørdag blitt undersøkt av krimteknikere, og det er et stort området rundt boligen som er sperret av. Politiet driver også med taktisk etterforskning.
Politiet vil blant annet avhøre de siktede på nytt, i løpet av lørdagen. I tillegg skal de foreta en rundspørring i nabolaget til den drepte mannen.
Politiet rykket ut til leiligheten i bydelen Hånes i Kristiansand klokken 23.07 fredag kveld.
Like over midnatt bekreftet politiet at de antok at det kunne ligge noe kriminelt bak dødsfallet.
- Når vi feirer bygningen, feirer vi også det som foregår der, sier stortingspresident Olemic Thommessen til NTB.
En offisiell markering i stortingssalen blir startskuddet for jubileet, med både representanter og andre inviterte til stede.
- Det blir et festmøte, opplyser Thommessen, som forteller at fiolinisten Ragnhild Hemsing skal spille stykker av Edvard Grieg, og skuespiller Kim Haugen skal framføre prologen som Henrik Ibsen skrev i forbindelse med grunnstensnedleggelsen i 1861. Markeringen overføres på TV.
Torsdag lanseres også en praktbok om stortingsbygget, skrevet av arkitekt Peter Butenschøn. Utover våren er det lagt opp til et program med både utstillinger, seminarer og byvandringer, og 9. mai blir skoleklasser invitert til en egen fest og det holdes åpent hus.
- Viktig symbol
Thommessen påpeker at det ikke er noe stort og kostbart jubileum, men syns det er fint om bygget får økt oppmerksomhet og håper flere tar seg tid til en omvisning i løpet av året.
- Stortingsbygningen er jo et viktig symbol for folkestyret. Den har rommet de viktigste begivenhetene når det gjelder å utvikle det moderne demokratiet, sier han til NTB.
Han tror folk flest ser bygget for seg når de tenker på det norske demokratiet.
Stortingspresidenten mener oppslutningen om grunnlovsjubileet forteller at dette er noe folk forholder seg til og føler seg som en del av.
Hjemløse i Christiania
Det første stortingsmøtet på Løvebakken ble holdt 5. mars 1866. Fire og et halvt år tidligere ble grunnstenen lagt under en høytidelig seremoni, der bygningens omriss var markert med flagg, vimpler og blomster.
Inntil da hadde stortingsrepresentantene møttes i Christiania Kathedralskole og i den nye festsalen, nå Gamle Festsal, i Universitetet i Karl Johans gate. Etter at en rad ulike tomter var forkastet, så vel som flere arkitekters forslag til nytt bygg, endte man opp med den særegne teglsteinsbygningen tegnet av den unge og uerfarne svenske arkitekten Emil Victor Langlet.
Etter andre verdenskrig ble det bestemt å utvide og bygge om Stortinget. Den norske arkitekten Nils Holter, som også tegnet Kringkastingshuset på Marienlyst, fikk oppdraget. En ny fløy i funkisstil ble lagt ut mot Akersgata og den kjente vandrehallen fikk plass over det gamle gårdsrommet.