- En rekke andre land har klart å redde rovdyrbestanden ved å skille mellom områder for rovdyr og beitedyr, sier professor emeritus Harald Kryvi ved Universitetet i Bergen til Klassekampen.
Sammen med 664 andre, hovedsakelig fagbiologer, har han skrevet under på et opprop som er levert til Stortingets energi- og miljøkomité.
Med dagens forvaltning frykter biologene i oppropet at det kan gå mot slutten for de fire store rovdyra i Norge. De mener at beiting, husdyrhold og jakt må forbys i enkelte områder.
- Det ligger i kortene at dette må bli i fjellkommuner, sier Kryvi.
I oppropet heter det at rovdyra må forsynes med tilstrekkelig hjortevilt og bedøves og bringes tilbake om de vandrer ut av området.
Over 1000 syrere kom til Russland ved hjelp av falske visa, ifølge russisk politi. De fleste av dem har, ifølge russiske immigrasjonsmyndigheter, tatt den arktiske asylruten til Norge. Norske myndigheter ønsker å returnere asylsøkere som allerede hadde opphold i Russland. Det kan nå bli vanskeligere, fordi syrerne som er anklaget for å ha jukset seg til Russland, risikerer å bli utvist umiddelbart, og dermed sendt tilbake til Syria.
5500 personer søkte asyl i Norge etter å ha kommet syklende over grensen fra Russland til Norge i 2015.
Så langt har ca. 1050 fått avslag, 63 har fått opphold og 100 er borte eller har trukket søknaden.
701 av dem hadde opphold i Russland, og norske myndigheter mener derfor de kan returnes dit.
200 ble uttransportert, før Russland innførte “en pause”.
Nå forhandler Norge og Russland om hva som skal skje videre.
– Dette er en pikant sak, sier Lars Rowe, Russland-ekspert og seniorforsker ved Fridtjof Nansens Institutt.
– Vi må anta at Russland vil utvise
Rowe forklarer at Russland må finne ut av hva som veier tyngst: egne lover eller internasjonale konvensjoner. Store og mektige land, og særlig Russland, har svakere tradisjon for å vektlegge internasjonale avtaler enn små land. For småstater som Norge er internasjonale avtaler viktigere siden de er utviklet for å beskytte de små.
I tillegg mener han at dette må sees i sammenheng med uttalelsene fra den russiske utenriksministeren Sergej Lavrov om at Russland ikke vil ta imot noen som kom til landet “på falske premisser”.
– Derfor må vi anta at det er store sjanser for at Russland vil utvise de som kom til landet på feilaktig grunnlag.
– Listhaug blir sittende med svarteper
Det som gjør saken pikant, ifølge Rowe, er at beslutningsbyrden nå i praksis ligger hos norske myndigheter.
– Listhaug er blitt sittende med svarteper. Dersom hun returnerer syriske asylsøkere med falske visa til Russland, vil hun motta kritikk for det. Dersom søknadene deres må realitetsbehandles i Norge, blir det også et nederlag.
Rowe presiserer at det uansett ikke blir Norge som formelt sett bryter folkeretten ved å returnere syrere til Russland, og at det derfor blir en moralsk og politisk vurdering.
En tredje mulighet som Rowe trekker frem, er at Russland kan gi garantier til Norge om at syrerne ikke videresendes.
– Vurderingene vil bli det samme som før
Innvandringsminister Sylvi Listhaug sier til Aftenposten at hun ikke er overrasket over at asylsøkere kommer til Norge med falske papirer. Hun opplyser om at UD var kjent med fra russisk presse i fjor høst at det skal ha funnet sted en økning i utstedelser av russiske forretningsvisum basert på invitasjoner fra tilsynelatende ikke-eksisterende firmaer, men at de ikke har hatt mer informasjon om saken enn de har fått via media.
– Vil de nye opplysningene om de falske arbeidsvisumene forandre situasjonen for dem som kom til Norge over Storskog?
– Vurderingene vil bli de samme som før. Ved konkrete holdepunkter om at det bryter med de forpliktelsene Norge har, skal søknaden realitetsbehandles. Dersom det ikke er grunnlag for opphold i Norge skal vedkommende sendes ut av landet. Det viktige for oss er at alle får en individuell vurdering som instruksen legger opp til.
Nye møter med Russland kommende uke
– Hvilke forventninger har du til det som videre skal skje med asylsøkerne i Finnmark?
– Norge skal ha nye samtaler med Russland om returen av dem som kom over Storskog. Det er møter allerede kommende uke. Vi har en uenighet med russerne om de som kom med transittvisum, men vi håper å komme videre på dette punktet.
Statssekretær i Utenriksdepartementet, Tore Hattrem, sier til Aftenposten at det er planlagt møte i den såkalte ekspertgruppen i Moskva den 3. februar.
– Disse samtalene omfatter praktiske og tekniske forhold rundt returer. Det skal pågå en etterforskning i saken og det er naturlig å få nærmere opplysninger om hva russiske myndigheter vet om dette, sier Hattrem til Aftenposten.
Situasjonen ved Storskog har ført til splittelse i det politiske Norge. For å bli klokere, anbefaler vi disse sakene:
Dersom du har litt tid, anbefaler vi deg å ta en titt på en veldig spennende sak som Stavanger Aftenblad har jobbet med i nesten to år. Den handler om ei jente som levde et tilsynelatende normalt liv, helt til barnevernet tok over livet hennes. Et år senere hadde hun debutert med narkotika, blitt lagt i håndjern en rekke ganger av politiet og vandret fra rettsal til rettsal. Jeg vil anbefale alle å lese i alle fall de to første kapittlene:
(Dagbladet): The deadline for negotiations between TVNorge owner Discovery Networks and Telenor-owned Canal Digital went out at midnight.
The parties have not reached agreement, thus losing over one million Norwegians Discovery 13 channels indefinitely, including TVNorge, MAX, FEM and Discovery Channel.
The report TVNorge in a statement tonight.
– A cup of coffee
A total of 2.8 million TV viewers affected, dissent was also affecting neighboring countries like Sweden.
The parties have long argued about how much the latter should pay to distribute Discovery channels.
– Dear viewers and Canal Digital customers. I regret to tell you that I have just received word from Telenor that all Canal Digital customers can now lose TVNorge, MAX, Discovery, Eurosport and nine other channels, writes Discovery CEO Harald Strømme.
– We have asked for a price increase for our 13 channels, the equivalent of 1 cup of coffee per customer per year. Telenor calls this an unreasonable demand. Our door is of course open to new offers from Telenor and Canal Digital. I hope for the longest time someone knocks, he continues.
For Dagbladet tells Stromme that there is a heavy day.
– Half of the audience can not see what they want to see, and we’re sorry for. We have stretched as far as we can, and still stands at our. he says.
– How long will this last?
– I will not speculate on that, but we are aware that it can last long . This means of course big cost for us.
Information Manager at Telenor, Tormod Sandstø, confirmed to the newspaper Dagbladet that including TV Norway go black at midnight.
– That’s right. Now runs agreement out and we lose the rights to transmit the Discovery channels.
Sandstø emphasizes that they apologize strongly to customers, and say that they have gone to great lengths in the negotiations. Especially when it comes to the Norwegian channels.
– The requirement they have prepared for us has been totally unfair. There is talk of a price increase of several hundred million.
At present he can not say how far apart the parties are.
Discovery Manager Stromme is not entirely agree manufacture to Telenor that they has gone to great lengths in the negotiations.
– although from our side for several laps have tried to reach an agreement and reduced our requirements significantly, Telenor has not moved one cent the last two weeks. The fact is that the offer from Telenor means 0, – NOK increased payment for our channel package since the last agreement was signed in 2010. In the same period, Canal Digital increased its selling prices by more than 30%, he said in an email to Dagbladet.
– Price for TVNorge has remained unchanged for 10 years. Our share of user payment is thus greatly reduced, while we have grown rapidly in viewing shares and invested heavily in Norwegian content. No pay less for Norwegian content production than Telenor.
– A sad day
The CEO of Canal Digital AS, Kårhus, said in a statement that this is a “sad day”.
– We are very disappointed that the US media group choose to go to this drastic step, though on Thursday announced that they were willing to go that far. We continue to work hard to get the channels back as quickly as possible.
He also mentions that for giant Discovery, Norway is a relatively small market.
– This is the third time Discovery choose to use conflict weapon in negotiations with Nordic distributors just the last 15 months. We do this for our customers in the future to get a good TV deals, and do our utmost to help our clients get back channels without an unreasonable price increase.
– It will continue an investigation of the matter and it is natural to get further information about what the Russian authorities know about this, said Mr Tore Hattrem (H) of the Foreign Ministry told NTB about the police in St. Petersburg, who believe they have rolled an extensive organized criminal activity.
Five companies made in 2013 and 2014 that 1,000 Syrians had work permits in Russia. The companies were owned by a former Russian diplomat and his family, writes Aftenposten.
– UD was familiar with from the Russian press last fall that it should have taken place an increase in issues of Russian business visas based on invitations from seemingly non-existent companies. We have no more information about the case, than that emerged in the media, says Hattrem.
I sighed. Regular editorial was contacted by deeply despairing parents or former children in care who asked us to write about their fight against child protection. A few cases we chose to investigate. Most ended quickly in the trash.
That we investigated these matters, did not mean that they ended up in the papers. Most often we called back and told that we could not go ahead on the story. The reasons could be many. The case was too complicated. The allegations could not be documented. The story had nothing in public to do. We did not have the capacity to go into the matter, even though it seemed disturbing.
To check out a child care meant mostly to give some hope, only to disappoint them. At the other end of the pipe: desperation, hulking, verbal abuse, silence. There were phone calls in which I tried to be compassionate and professional.
“HEY, I’M A GIRL IN 16 YEARS. I have been in the child welfare for 7 months and I will move to my 7th place now. I’m not being heard by child welfare. I demand strong scrutiny of child protection. Police who has collaborated with CPS also used aids as “handcuffs” where you will be handcuffed with a link to the foot. They have not allowed to spend on a girl of 16 years. I need help to be heard by child welfare and it’s gone too far. Appreciate that people get read this.
Greeting Anonymous. “
I read the email several times. So I wrote back. Could we take an informal chat?
Ten days later I got a call from an unfamiliar number. It was her.
Ida explained that she lived in an emergency institution in Stavanger. Where she lived under strict restrictions. She was from Karmøy. It was a few weeks until she turned 16.
“Do CPS that you call me?”
“No. And I do not go out of here alone. And I have to deliver mobile back at 16:00. “
I looked at the clock. We had just over 20 minutes.
“Shall I tell all my story now?”
She seemed excited.
“It ranks we’re not,” said I. “But perhaps you can start?”
“I have no desire to harm anyone”
ØYGARDEN, WEDNESDAY 4 JUNE. That she would light the institution that night, was not really planned. She was just crabby and tired after not having eaten and slept properly for several days. Now she sat in bed in his room, a white painted garret on the second floor of the house she hated. She pulled out the black plastic bag under the bed, fished until six pack she had stolen at the shop, and famous cider trickle down the throat.
On impulse she grabbed a perfume bottle and threw it. Threw it as hard as she could against the window. It flew through the route. Scores rained down on the ground two floors below. Then she heard steps on the stairs.
Once she had beaten his fist right through the same window, and had the emergency room and plastered. Another time she had thrown PC through route. A third time a lamp, and a fourth time nightstand. She had broken maybe every window in the house since she arrived here in late April. And she had done with his fist or what she had by hand.
Once nailed those up a chipboard front window and daylight disappeared for an extended period.
They shouted at her . Steps of stairs. They were on their way up.
She pulled out a box under the bed. There lay the fish knife she had obtained a few days earlier. 20 centimeters long, black shaft, tags on the upper side and with a little rust or old fish blood on the blade.
They stood in the hallway and looked at her.
“What is it for something , Ida? “they asked.
” You see this knife? “she said and looked at them.
She had long hair at the time. Brown big eyes. She was slim and tall, almost 1.80. She was pretty. Once she had actually gone down a catwalk in a fashion show while the audience applauded. Photos of her in the spring of 2014 showed smile and a hot look. Now she felt only cold and quiet.
“I have no desire to harm anyone. Can not you be so kind as to go down. “
That’s how she remembered slips of the tongue.
The two child welfare workers backed down the stairs. Ida remembered the man’s gaze. She had never seen him like that before. He seemed scared. She threw a few pages boxes for them. The roles were turned upside down. Suddenly she had the power to control what was going to happen.
Just what was a good feeling.
She stood in the girl room that would soon turn into charcoal and ashes and found his lighter she had hidden away. House Rules forbade lighter.
“I thought OK, they do not hear. Then I must do something. When I lit the institution. “.
She stuffed the covers under the bed, lit in several places, and made sure that the flames took hold. Then she went down on the first floor. She did not see the two employees and assumed they had locked himself in the office.
“I put the fire extinguisher here, outside the door,” she cried.
In the hallway she lit on a of the jackets on the coat rack. She ensured that the caught fire. Fire alarm howled. She went out.
It was a nice summer evening, cloudy, hot. The girl who would be a normal girl, could not remember since she had stopped outside the garage, picked up a big stone and threw it through the back window of the station wagon that belonged to the institution. She passed the county road and climbed up on a rocky outcrop in between the houses in the small building field Oen. She looked down at the house where she, with the exception of five days at adolescent psychiatry in the city, had lived in a month. It looked like an ordinary home in an idyllic small venture. A white painted house in 80th century style. Garden with lawn, hedges, plantings. Garage with antlers over the gate. Trampoline.
But everyone in the neighborhood knew. They may not have known that it was an institution where two teenage girls were placed on coercion. But they knew enough that there was a child care institution. And it was the most desolate place 15 year old Ida had ever experienced until then.
“Mom, you know what I’ve done?”
She saw that it toppled thick, gray-blue smoke out of the shattered window while she talked on the phone. She cried and twanged as she staggered back and forth on the mountain. So she called his attorney and confessed also for him.
Firetrucks, police cars, ambulances and TV2 turned in front of the house. She was standing behind a bush and watch. Smoke, blue lights, alarm howled, firemen who worked hectic, all the neighbors who stood around and watched. She remembered that she suddenly felt like one of them, puzzled over what she had done. The police officers were armed with pistols and brought with her dogs on a leash. Some pointed suddenly up against the hill, pointed at her. Then they went toward her, policemen and dogs.
Ida ran along the mountain and through the heather, bushes and houses. Sea on the one hand, the archipelago on the other. She ran into the sparse construction field, heard that they called her name while she was looking for hiding places and escape routes. She ran into a garden, where there stood a box, which she opened. There was some garden cushions at checkout, but there was room for her too. She crept Oppi, closed the lid, and it was dark. They were perhaps no more than one meter away when she opened the lid slightly ajar.
She looked straight at the policemen and dogs. They were so close. But they did not see her. And went on.
That she had not brought longboard. Then she could have skated the city. She went to the bus shelter down by the road, but it was no bus. She was leaning against the back of the shed, did not know what she would do when she heard someone shouting at her.
It was Robin Dale Oen. The neighbor who ran an activity center for youth. She had greeted him at the weekend. He seemed straightforward and had said that she could be a part of what she wanted. She would like to canoe. “You’re most welcome,” he had said.
“Do not worry, Ida,” he said now.
She was sitting in the bus shelter and tell him what had happened. Robin thought it best that she was with him to have a chat with the police.
One of the police cars passed, slammed on the brakes and backed away toward them at full speed. She ran behind the shed again, but got no further, was trapped by hedges and shrubbery. Robin went quiet after her, held her.
The rest was like a thick fog. The aggressive shouting. Guns. His back against the stern. Shields. The knife that pissed on the inside of the waistband. The barking dogs. Ei police lady who shouted: “I will never leave your dog if you stand still.”
After a while she recognized a new voice. She had met the policeman Geir twice before.
Once he found her in the middle of the road, to the metal of a hill. She had tryna on longboard and fainted. Ei night he had pulled out of the institution for trouble, sat down and talked with her. She had begun to tell, and he had had all the time.
Now spoke Geir to her again. Just spoke quietly and asked if she could look him in the eye, was not satisfied until she raised her eyes. The smoke spread beyond the evening sky, and the report said police officer Geir Fjeldstad later wrote, had Ida said:
“This is not really me.”
Ida lives in 28 minutes
STAVANGER, FRIDAY 22 August. She had 20 minutes before the phone would be confiscated.
“When you were taken from your mother?”
I heard that she leafed through the papers.
“14 . in January 2014. “
” 14. January this year? But it’s only seven months ago. Been in six institutions in seven months? “
” Yes. Therefore I will take this up. I have become a mover and it annoys me. “
She was almost 16 years and had become an expert in to summarize his life story for adults with poor time. She had grown up with his mother in Haugesund, and did not know who the father was. When Ida was 11 her mother had taken her to an African country. Where they lived for three years. Summer of 2013 they moved to Karmøy.
“Everything went fine,” said Ida. “So would I send a text message to my friend. But I sent the error. It went to a teacher instead. It said private things there. Then came CPS and picked me up at school and placed me in an emergency at Stord. “
” There must have been something serious in the text message? “
” I wrote in the message that I had taken valium. Plus a private thing … That I was raped in Africa. But it was not mom’s fault, “she hastened to say. “Mom tried to set boundaries.”
How Ida told the story started all the evil in her life in January 2014, when CPS was standing at the door. Before that day she went to school and had decent ratings. She ran with the football and handball, had girlfriends, contact with family and a home. She had never been in contact with the police or tried drugs.
“I was a talented girl who ran with a lot of activities,” she said, and sounded like an adult who saw himself from the outside.
A few months after child welfare care order was all turned on its head. She had been moved between institutions, had dropped out of school, had almost no contact with his mother and his family, had no friends or leisure activities, had debuted with drugs, and there had been lots of fooling around with the police. She was constantly in court to fight the CPS decision: Caring acquisition. Acute Placements. Coercive Placements. She and her mother lost every time.
The public takes over the care of a child when the parents in one way or another can not provide adequate care for the child. It must be necessary to take care based on the situation the child is in. It is the County Board for Child Welfare and Social Affairs which makes decisions concerning care. Such a decision may not be made if it can be created satisfactory conditions for the child by assistance measures.
The last was that the child after the fire in Øygarden had decided to forcibly place her in an institution of Troms. Where should she be forced on until next summer. Alone with three staff around him around the clock.
The mother refused. Ida refused. The case was appealed to the County Council in Rogaland. The decision would fall next month, in September. All asked her to wait and see. All asked her to be patient. But Ida was almost 16 years old and tired of waiting.
County Council is a government agency in academic matters has an independent position toward the ministry and the county. A decision can only be reviewed by the courts. There are 12 county commissions for child protection and social issues in Norway.
She was miserable strongly Stavanger emergency center, where she had lived since the fire. It was not intended that young people in Norway should sit and wait patiently for acute institutions in two and a half months.
“I just want people to see what CPS is doing,” said Ida.
His voice was like a song. She seemed astute and sympathetic. I could not bring myself to believe that the girl on the other end of the tube had lit in a house of pure shit.
“I have all the paperwork. You can read them. “
I answered neither yes or no. She hung up, photographed dossier with mobile, emailed them to me and handed the phone down.
Eight minutes over time.
There are separate regulations on the use of force in residential care. The purpose of this regulation is to ensure that the institution gives residents proper care and treatment. Use of force and other interference with the personal integrity should not be used more than is necessary for the purpose. Other methods should be tried first. The regulations govern, among other coercion in acute emergency situations, frisked rings and narrowly freedoms.
“I was a happy girl … Fuck night watches”
STAVANGER, from June to September. We found ourselves in the same city, but in realities that barely touched each other. I had not yet decided whether I should go into Ida’s case. I read the papers, a very limited excerpts of the entire caseload, I found out since, and traveled to her lawyer in Haugesund to discuss the matter. I lived my A4 lives seven kilometers away, and imagined that Ida sat in his room and chained themselves in anticipation of the County Board’s decision.
First, several months later I could read journal ‘descriptions of routes that were crushed, shards of glass that were swallowed, about a girl who could be quiet in the daytime, but at night began to walk restlessly around in the corridor before she happily ran away and ended up in police cell vehicle or if she got away, took off at Burger King on market. Sat down by the window, peering into the night life and dreamed of slipping into the crowd.
One Saturday she would on the town, no matter what institution bedtimes said. She roamed back and forth and threatened to burn down the house, and they knew she was perhaps able to do so.
“What had happened, if I had had a knife at me?” She asked.
“Then we must rummage you,” they replied.
But she refused to let them do. They called the police. She threw the lighter on the floor but took instead present a utility knife and fiddled with it before she gave it away. They crawled her room and found a razor blade under the bed. Then they asked her to get some sleep. That evening she began to throw trash out the window. She triggered the fire alarm by stuffing paper under the wall oven and wrap it in the covers. The bathroom sink clogged her with paper. The water gushed out all over the floor. She was taken for a serious chat. There arose the scuffle between her and the staff. According to them, which were the only ones who described these events in retrospect, it happened because Ida threatened them and tried to kick one of them. They let her into the floor twice. After the second time she began to breathe strangely, so they drove her to the emergency room where X-rays showed that she had swallowed something.
On the radiograph, it appeared that she had swallowed a necklace.
First, when staff returned to the institution, they noticed all tagging. The mirror and the wall of the bathroom her was full of them.
Fuck night watches, you deserve to die, and I’ll make sure. Observe carefully what happens behind you.
Eg was a happy girl with mum. I miss her. Another chance would be nice. Privation.
My life is fucked! I do not care the rest of my life! My life will never be good!
Please. Give me one more chance.
She was subjected to 26 FORCED INTERVENTION during the 16 weeks of Stavanger emergency center. Ten of the operation was in acute danger situations, which she preferred was held or placed on the floor. In longer periods, she refused to go anywhere without being followed by employees, isolated in a separate apartment or refused to use mobile. It was crushing institution windows, and her specialty: ingestion of glass fragments. One day her staff in the bathroom. In her hand she held a tool suitable to make it end with, and she said:
“My life is ruined.”
Missed Calls
During the autumn of 2014 she was 12 times the emergency room in Stavanger. She was admitted to hospital five times, twice by child and adolescent psychiatry outpatient clinic. Eight times she radiographs or CT-rayed – usually after swallowing glass, but also utility knife and other objects. To hospital psychologists told that she struggled with the staff let her to the floor and placed her in the institution sluice apartment. She ended there when she lunging, opposed the rules and the like.
A psychologist wrote in the hospital record:
“Here she felt trapped with personal and often got flash backs from trauma, which made her desperate, at the risk of would push out to get away from highly unpleasant feelings. It was often during such events that ended with violent reactions and ingestion of glass fragments, according to Ida. “
The psychologist asked several times for a meeting with Stavanger emergency center. The offer should have been denied. On 22 September she called Stavanger emergency center eight times, with no response. It was not possible to leave a message, she noted in the journal. Wednesday 8 October, she came through the phone. When she was told that Ida had been moved to northern Norway.
The psychologist sat down and wrote one last note about the young patient.
“The undersigned asked several times about get out to the emergency center to discuss the situation and guide the staff in relation to the safeguarding of Ida’s mental health. But this was denied each time by the center’s side. It was said of several joints, also from the department, that they had no need for guidance and that this was not necessary. When the author pointed out that this was important for Ida’s health and for that we should be able to do our job, this was nevertheless clearly rejected. In October 2014 we were notified that Ida had been moved to another part of the country. “
Rapporteurs on Ida
That year 14,495 children and adolescents in Norway placed outside their own home. Slightly over 1,300 of them were placed in a child care institution. Ida was a thin stack of paper in tip shelf behind my desk chair. I had much else to do. She had to wait. A couple of weeks before I got with me that she in late September had been moved to Inner Troms.
A long time later I read how Stavanger emergency center in its final report commended her for being a resourceful, positive and funny girl. Institutional leadership complained that she had been too long in emergency center. Three and a half months. Conclusion: The stay had been harmful to her.
The final report from Øygarden, the institution she nearly burned down, described many of the same problems. But there was one significant difference: Øygarden report were free of self-criticism. Read one Øygarden report and the many legal propositions municipal prosecutor in Karmøy sent County Board, it was almost a monster that took form:
In April and May had institution in Øygarden called police 16 times for help to deal Ida. It would take six months and cost one million to restore the institution after the fire. The institution wrote that Ida’s behavior had been so extreme that the police had found it necessary to use both pepper spray and handcuffs although they went massed to work. The only reason she had not ended up in isolation cell in Bergen, was that a police lawyer had put his foot down and said that 15-year-olds did not have anything to do there. Instead they had placed her in seclusion, isolated her at another institution. She had smashed nearly all of the house’s windows, some of them several times. She had threatened staff with shards of glass, and she had said she was going to kill the employees and their children.
“The girl can be perceived as very calculated when she voted for threats, and both police and personnel considering that none of the threats is spawned in affect, “was written in the final report from Øygarden.
Yes, she had” many positive interests and skills. ” But she had not been able to “make use of these resources.” Her behavior was “devastating for herself and for her surroundings.”
While Stavanger emergency center took self-criticism on behalf of CPS, formulated management of the institution in Øygarden as follows:
“Ida had such an extreme expression that department not in position to safeguard young people to the extent that was necessary for her development. “
Toilet floor
INDRE TROMS / STAVANGER, SUNDAY 19th OCTOBER . “Hey Thomas! I was wondering if you think if I go to the media with my case if it can help me? “
It was Sunday. I discovered the email late at night. But I had decided. I should call her next week, tell that I wanted to go deeper into her story.
Ida had been exposed to massive forced and force. But she had also done the most horrible things. Everything had happened in less than a year in child care.
What makes a 15 years old girl to ignite in an institution? Why she begins suddenly to crush routes and threaten employees at life? Had Ida been a kind of time bomb that just had to explode in summer 2014? She was so damaged by neglect that it just had to happen? Or was it that Ida claimed? That the child had provoked a behavior Ida not recognized themselves in? What child was in that case it? Why so CPS and the police was forced to use force and coercion? Could it have been avoided? And what was it like for a teenager to be forcibly placed in an institution?
READ ALL corresponds to:
There were questions involving Ida. But they were also fundamental. They were about a universe most of us never get to know anything about.
There were questions I wanted to find out.
But she got no answer from me on Sunday. I found myself in a world where one day from or to not mattered. It was a completely different world than Ida. The same day she tried, according to the records I have since read, to take his life.
When she awoke the next day, Monday, Oct. 20, she should have felt better disposition. She was driven to school in Stratford upon Avon, 40 minutes away. Throughout the day she left the classroom to go to the toilet. Where swallowed her several tablets of a medication she had allegedly received from a student.
I went to work, got me a coffee, I thought that I would call her soon.
Ida wrote an SMS to his mother, said goodbye and collapsed on the toilet floor.
Flere personer ble kvalme og kastet opp. En jente ble kjørt til legevakten.
Trolig var det CS-gass – en form for tåregass – som ble utløst inne på utestedet og skapte en kaotisk situasjon, opplyser politiet.
Kaotisk situasjon
De fikk melding om hendelsen klokken 0.37.
- Vi fikk meldinger fra noen gjester om at det var sluppet en røyk- eller gassgranat inne på stedet. Det oppsto en kaotisk situasjon, og mange ble dårlige og kastet opp, sier operasjonsleder Vidar Aaltvedt i Sør-Øst politidistrikt til NTB.
Politiet evakuerte og stengte utestedet i Storgata i Notodden sentrum etter gassangrepet.
Etterlyser vitner
De er interessert i å komme i kontakt med vitner som kan opplyse dem om hvem som kan ha utløst gassen.
Både ambulanse og brannvesen bisto politiet på stedet natt til søndag.
Har ikke funnet gassbeholder
En jente ble fraktet til legevakten for nærmere sjekk om hun kunne ha fått i seg en del gass.
De øvrige personene ble undersøkt av helsepersonell på stedet og deretter sendt hjem.
Politiet har lett gjennom utestedet, men har ikke funnet noen beholder som kan ha inneholdt gassen.
Dersom det er tale om CS-gass, en type tåregass, kan den ha blitt utløst fra tabletter.
Politiet: «Meget alvorlig hendelse»
- Vi mener å gjenkjenne gassen som CS-gass. Den minner om det på lukt og oppførsel, sier Aaltvedt.
Politiet melder søndag morgen at de ikke har klart å finne frem til gjerningspersonene bak det de ser på som en meget alvorlig hendelse, melder NRK.
De mener det er brukt en såkalt CS-tablett som er oppløst i væske.
CS-gass er et kjemisk stoff – 2-klorbenzalmalonitril – som brukes til opprørskontroll, til militære øvelser og til personlig forsvar.
Ved alminnelig bruk er stoffet lite giftig, men sterkt og akutt irriterende. Effekten går som regel over i løpet av 30 minutter, men store doser kan gi langvarig virkning og i blant permanente skader på hud, øyne, slimhinner og luftveier, skriver nettleksikonet Wikipedia.
De foreløpige undersøkelsene tyder på at kvinnen har vært utsatt for en ulykke, sier politiadvokat Kathrine Eilertsen til VG lørdag kveld.
- Vi har funnet identifikasjon i en veske ved siden av der kvinnen ble funnet, som gir oss en indikasjon på hvem hun er, sier hun.
Politiet vil informere kvinnens pårørende lørdag kveld. Kvinnen er ikke er hjemmehørende på Snarøya.
Politiet ønsker tips fra publikum og har hatt rundspørringer i området.
- Vi vet ikke når dødsfallet skjedde. Vi har foreløpig ingen øyenvitner. Flere politibetjenter er nå i området på rundspørring, sier Eilertsen.
Hun sier politiet fortsatt ikke kan utelukke noe mistenkelig. Kvinnen hadde hodeskader da hun ble funnet, ifølge Budstikka
- Hun døde trolig etter et fall. Vi jobber med å finne ut hva som har skjedd, sa operasjonsleder Per Ivar Iversen til NTB tidligere lørdag.
Kvinnen ble funnet på en betongplatting i et område med eneboliger og tomannsboliger, ifølge NRK.
Politiet fikk melding om dødsfallet klokken 12.15 lørdag ettermiddag. I 13.30-tiden het det i en melding fra politiet på Twitter at hun trolig døde etter et fall.
One of the cars caught fire and was burnt by accident, as the police was notified of the clock 02.38. NTB had first stated that there were a total of four people in the two cars with collide, but at 04 o’clock informed police that there probably were three people involved.
– We have now focused on alert all dependents, said operations at Trøndelag Police, Lars Letnes, NRK 11am.
He said the police until now has driven technical investigation at the scene.
Unresolved for women (56)
– According to the patrol at the site put it probably one person in the car that burned. We are looking for a dog in the area to be safe, said operations manager Johnny Olsen in Trøndelag Police Adresseavisen in the night.
The man who was found in the burnt-out car is confirmed dead. In addition, lost a man in the other car lives in the accident, while the woman who sat in the same car was flown to St. Olav’s Hospital in Trondheim with serious injuries.
The time 8:15 Sunday morning reports hospital that the 56-year-old woman’s status is unclear.
The woman’s age was first stated to be 65, but at 11:20 it was directed to 56 of St. Olav’s Hospital.
E6 opened
All emergency services were quickly on the spot after the accident was reported. In addition NPRA accident called out to the site, according to addressees.
E6 north of Verdal was closed on the spot after the accident, but the road opened to traffic again at 07 o’clock.
– Police have yet no idea of the cause of the accident, said Olsen said.
Three recovery vehicles were used to remove the vehicles after the accident.
Den skadede kvinnen behandles på St. Olavs hospital i Trondheim.
Én av bilene tok fyr og er utbrent etter ulykken, som politiet fikk melding om klokken 2.38.
Uklart hvor mange involverte
NTB fikk først opplyst at det var totalt fire personer i de to bilene som frontkolliderte, men ved 4-tiden opplyste politiet at det antagelig var tre involverte.
- Ifølge patruljen på stedet satt det trolig én person i bilen som brant. Vi søker med hund i området for å være sikre, sier operasjonsleder Johnny Olsen i Trøndelag politidistrikt til Adresseavisen.
Mannen som ble funnet i den utbrente bilen er bekreftet omkommet.
Omkjøring ved ulykkesstedet
I tillegg mistet en mann i den andre bilen livet i ulykken, mens kvinnen som satt i samme bil er fløyet til St. Olavs hospital. Skadene skal være alvorlige.
Alle nødetatene var raskt på stedet etter at ulykken ble meldt. I tillegg er Statens vegvesens ulykkesgruppe kalt ut til stedet, melder Adresseavisen.
E6 nord for Verdal blir stengt på ubestemt tid etter ulykken. Anbefalt omkjøring er via fylkesvei 173 fra Verdal sentrum.
Politiet har foreløpig ikke noen formening om årsaken til ulykken, opplyser Olsen til NTB. (NTB)
Two people were killed and one was seriously injured in a collision between two cars on the E6 just north of Verdal in North Trøndelag night to Sunday. The injured have been flown to hospital.
One of the cars caught fire and was burnt by accident, as the police was notified of the clock 2.38. NTB had first stated that there were a total of four people in the two cars with collide, but at 4 o’clock police said that there probably were three people involved.
– According patrol at the site put it probably one person in the car that burned. We are looking for a dog in the area to be safe, says operations manager Johnny Olsen in Trøndelag Police to Adresseavisen.
The person that was found in the burnt-out car is confirmed dead. In addition, lost one person in the other car lives in the accident, while another person is transported to St. Olav’s Hospital with serious injuries.
All emergency services were quickly on the spot after the accident was reported. In addition NPRA accident called out to the site, according to addressees.
E6 north of Verdal are closed indefinitely after the accident. Recommended detour is via county road 173 from Verdal center.
Police have yet no idea of the cause of the accident, said Olsen said.
(Dagbladet): club to Cottage at Storgata at Notodden has been subjected to “gas attacks” on Friday night. The police officials in Telemark on Twitter.
Operations in South-Eastern Police District, Vidar Aaltvedt, told Dagbladet that they got into a variety of handsets that it had been released a smoke or gas grenade on the dance floor of the club.
– It was pretty wild conditions. We believe recognizing gas CS gas. There were many guests who felt a strong pain that felt this, and several vomited, he said.
Both ambulance staff and fire department is advising on the spot, but Aaltvedt can not yet say something about how many people are taken to hospital or extent of the damage.
They have not found the source of the gas.
– We’ve been looking through the premises, but has not found some box or garnet. We also know that this gas exists in solid form in a tablet that can be ignited and thus emit gas, he said.
He urged anyone with knowledge of exactly what happened or who was involved contacts the police.
One person died and at least one is injured after two cars collided on E6 just north of Verdal in North Trøndelag. One of the vehicles caught fire in the crash.
According to police, a total of four people in the two cars have front collided. All emergency services are on site after the accident was reported at 2:38.
– We are fairly early in the work on site. But things may indicate that it is serious. It is a lifeless person in one car, said operations manager Johnny Olsen in Trøndelag Police NTB just after the clock 3.
Adresseavisen get confirmed that one person is killed, while one person from the same car is carried away on a stretcher. The latter condition is not known.
The second car caught fire after the collision, and it stood still on fire at 3 o’clock. Also from this vehicle might be injured, according addressees.
Police have yet no idea of the cause of the accident.
It is a 64 year old woman who was driving the car that fell into the sea by wave cultural center in Larvik in the night.
clock 13.15 enlightens pressevakt at Oslo University Department Ullevål, Anders Bayer, the woman is treated for life-threatening injuries.
The woman was recovered by divers after emergency services received notification that the car had run out in the fjord at 1 am on Saturday.
Health care on site performed first CPR on the woman, but she had to be transported to Ullevål in air ambulance.
According Østlands-Posten, the woman should have been in the water for about one hour before she was recovered by divers.
The car was located about 20 meters from land, approximately four to five meters deep, after an eyewitness reported that it had seen the descent. Divers from Drammen has applied in the area, and it should not have been more people in the car.
– Brannen startet i et rom i nærheten av en badstue. Det brenner ikke lenger, men røyken er en utfordring. Det er en del røykskader i alle tre etasjene, sier operasjonsleder Petter Olausson i Øst politidistrikt til NTB lørdag ettermiddag.
Tre personer er sendt til Ahus med røykskader.
Det ble først meldt om 17 evakuerte etter brannen i hovedbygningen, men politiet endret senere antallet til 40.
– Nå gjenstår det en del praktiske ting som avhør av vitner og etterforskning på årsak til brannen, sier Olausson.
Politiets innsatsleder på stedet, Ketil Lund, sier til Romerikes Blad at de tre skadede er ansatte på hotellet.
Losby Gods er et hotell- og konferansesenter i tilknytning til hovedbygningen, som er 150 år gammel. Hotellet har 70 rom.
(Dagbladet): At the Police Immigration in Oslo of going Islamists in Oslo made contact with newly arrived refugees. It confirms several independent sources to Dagbladet.
The Islamists should have been in talks with Syrian refugees including outside reception at Tøyen in Oslo. In recent conversations allegedly occurred in late last month gets Dagbladet confirmed.
– It seemed questioning
A refugee who was approached by the Islamists said that the talks focused on why they had come to Norway.
– They asked us if we supported the Assad regime, The Free Syrian Army or IS and the reason why had come to Norway, says refugee Dagbladet.
Many of the refugees should have perceived meeting as uncomfortable.
– We wondered why they asked us about the stance we have and was very anxious. It seemed like an interrogation, said the refugee.
The police are not aware of information
But Fellesopperativ department and division manager Rolf-Arne Kurthi by immigration unit in Toyen is not aware of the information.
– He does not know the information, said Communications Daniel Drageset the Police Immigration Dagbladet.
Police Security Service (PST) confirms that they know that the Islamists have sought out refugees, but would not comment on whether Islamists have sought flytkningene directly in front of the noses of the police.
– We are aware that people who are linked to these communities seek asylum seekers. Asylum seekers are a vulnerable group of radicalization and we are concerned about recruitment to extreme environments, says senior adviser in PST, Siv Alsén, to Dabladet.
The head of parliament ‘s Standing Committee on Justice, Hadia Tajik (Ap), believes that the contacts with islamsistene poses a clear security risk.
– We need to get stopped. This threatens refugees and constitutes a clear security risk, says Tajik.
Labor nestlelederen believes that it should not be so easy to make contact with newly arrived refugees and demands that those responsible government takes hold.
– The police must do this job. If Dagbladet Information votes, that cynical Islamists trying to recruit vulnerable people in this way, it is something that threatens our security. If the police do not follow up, I expect that political responsible authorities ensure that that happens, she says.
Dagbladet has not managed to get a comment from Pu-chief Kristin Ottesen Kvigne.
Approached Torshov transit center
Last year Torshov transit center in Oslo several times visited by people who may have had the intention to radicalize asylum seekers, according to NRK.
– We had an incident here where one Islamist who has been in Norway a good many years, had a message that the West had helped to destroy his homeland and now have to stand together within Islam. It was very important that we continued to go to the mosque, pray and obey, not least for women, said the head of Torshov transit center, Hugo Limkjær to NK.
Germany has previously warned that radical Islamists have made contact with young refugees who arrive in the country. The Islamists should have offered the refugees food, shelter, drive and been interpreters, and in some cases should refugees also invited to football games and barbecues, according to The Wall Street Journal.
Journalistene Rune Vandvik (fra venstre), Thomas Ergo og Hans Petter Aass har i over ett år fulgt Ida og hennes kamp mot barnevernet (foto: Jarle Aasland).
Folk skal ikke ha lest mye av historien om Ida for å forstå at noe måtte gjøres.
Forholdet mellom medier og barnevern er preget av både skepsis og direkte fiendskap. Dette har jeg erfart mange ganger, også i direkte møter med ansatte og med studenter i sosialfag. De blir opplært til å være skeptiske til journalister.
Journalistene på sin side er rasende på sosialarbeidere som gjemmer seg bak taushetsplikt og opptrer som bedrevitende beskyttere mot at omverdenen får vite noe om det de holder på med. Begge parter har hatt rett og begge parter har tatt grundig feil.
Mediene har på sin side gått altfor langt i en rekke barnevernssaker. Barnevernet er omtalt som en stor, stygg etat, som tar barn fra foreldrene sine. Verken barnets eller samfunnets interesse kom tydelig fram. Det måtte skje noe, men dessverre var konsekvensen at det ble skrevet mindre om barnevern.
I Vær Varsom-plakaten punkt 4.8 heter det blant annet at “det er god presseskikk å ta hensyn til hvilke konsekvenser medieomtalen kan få for barnet”. Pressens Faglige Utvalg har fulgt opp med en hard praksis mot medier som begår etiske overtramp mot barn. Dette har vi tatt med oss i arbeidet med Ida-saken, for heller ikke her har det manglet på folk som har kommet med formaninger og anmodninger om å stoppe publisering. Vi har gått inn i saken med et kritisk blikk, men samtidig tatt med oss at kritisk journalistikk ikke er det samme som å fremme kritikk mot alt og alle.
Likevel vet vi at barnevernet rår over sterke maktmidler. Selvsagt må de følges tett, på linje med politi, domstoler og annen offentlig virksomhet. Sterke personvernhensyn gjør at dette ofte er vanskelig. I denne historien har dessuten bruken av makt vært omfattende. Ida-saken har gitt mulighet til å utforske noen av mekanismene i barnevernet.
Spørsmålet har ikke vært om det var riktig å overta omsorgen for Ida, men å se hva som skjedde i etterkant: Terskelen for å benytte formell og fysisk tvang, evnen til å spille på lag med barnet, samspillet med andre og ikke minst om barnevernet klarte det som er selve hensikten: Å gi Ida et bedre liv.
Her er det ikke vi som skal dømme. Det må leserne gjøre. Dette er ingen gledeshistorie, men vi er glade for å kunne bruke noen av våre krefter på å brette problemstillingen ut i det ukonvensjonelle formatet vi gjør her.
Det vil fortsatt blåse kraftig i flere fylker lørdag, men dette vurderes ikke lenger som ekstremt, ifølge Meteorologisk institutt.
Oslo (NTB): Fredag og natt til lørdag var det ekstremvær i til sammen ni fylker. For alle disse fylkene anses ekstremværet som over lørdag morgen.
Fortsatt blåser det full storm i Nord-Trøndelag og periodevis i Nordland. Vinden i fylkene vil i løpet av dagen minke til sterk kuling.
Orkanen Tor tok godt tak flere steder i landet fredag, spesielt langs vestlandskysten. Over 30.000 husstander var uten strøm, og uværet førte med seg en rekke materielle skader, og minst tre personer ble meldt skadet.
Les også: Slik herjer uværet «Tor» Les også: Nå herjer «Tor» i Norge
En rekke steder gikk trær over ende, tak har blåst, båter er løsrevet og løse gjenstander fløy gjennom luften.
Deler av sentrum i Namsos i Nord-Trøndelag lå natt til lørdag under vann, rapporterer Adresseavisen. I Levanger har en sjark fått et hull i skroget og tar inn vann, mens politiet i Sør-Trøndelag meldte blant annet om løse strømledninger, en veltet lyktestolpe og en løs trampoline som har skadet en bil.
Både for Nordland og Trøndelag ble det varslet bølger på 9-12 meter.
Lik Nettavisen her og få flere ferske nyheter og friske meninger!