Monday, September 15, 2014

The strike among store employees are over – BergensAvisen

The strike among store employees are over – BergensAvisen

– This is a step in the right direction to harmonize the minimum wage in the trade, says union leader Trine Lise Sundnes in Retail and Office (HK).

time 10 Monday morning, the parties will jointly notify the Office of the mediator and the outcome that the strike is thus completed.

According employee organization, which is the third largest trade union, the proposal implies among other things that all rates increase by 6.50 million this year. Then a guarantee to take effect from 2015, which means that the development of minimum wage rates in the area shall be governed by the annual wage developments for workers in all.

Furthermore worker raised the rate to 10 dollars per hour, and those with trade certificates will now go straight into the seniority step three. Skilled workers are thus stronger from this settlement, according to HP.

Saturday 6 September, 205 HP-members for a total of 48 shops on strike after mediation with NHO stranded. Wednesday and Thursday were a further 61 people in seven businesses affected by the strike. The requirement of HK was that women should get the same pay raise as men in the trade.

The proposal will now be sent on the ballot among Commerce and office (HK) members. The deadline for voting is October 8, and the results shall be communicated NHO 13 October.


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