Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Eriksson is on his – will introduce duty – Our Country

Eriksson is on his – will introduce duty – Our Country

A number of consultative bodies is critical to duty for social assistance, but Minister Robert Eriksson (FRP) is in his.

– I maintain that duty should be introduced in all municipalities. This is a matter that the public should care about them falling off and give them a proper offer, says Eriksson said.

Municipal Organization KS minister warns against doing duty at a setpoint determination. KS notes that a number of municipalities have already introduced this system, and that an evaluation can not demonstrate any correlation between the requirements for activity and reduced use of welfare.

Requires money

According to KS, a general duty for all social assistance recipients provide an additional cost of around half a billion.

– There are strong indications that a “must-determination” will cause local authorities far greater costs than any future savings in terms of reduced welfare payments and increased tax revenues, says KS directors Lasse Hansen and Helge Eide in its response.

KS-tops also notes that the Government’s proposals could lead to more bureaucracy and less user-oriented follow-up Nav. In addition, it must be questioned what sanctions municipalities will be faced with social clients evade the duty to act.

– The ability to stop or reduce the benefit was severely restricted, argues KS and shows that social assistance recipients generally are a vulnerable group.


Also, Labour and Welfare Director Joakim Lystad and service director Bjørn Gudbjørgsrud in Nav believes Eriksson’s proposal will lead to more bureaucratic and less monitoring.

Critical remarks also come from the Ombudsman, the Council for Mental Health, Disabled People Organisation, Vocational Rehabilitation Enterprises NHO and workers Pittsburgh’s Union. To name a few.

Also, the Church City Mission warns the government against implementing the proposal.

– Enforcement, penalties and inappropriate activities will hardly contribute to social assistance recipients become self-reliant through ordinary work, write-General Lars Erik Flatø.

Board of Health is concerned that service activity such as social assistance recipients meetings, will not be good enough. The Authority believes municipalities working little systematic mapping seekers’ needs and situation.

– There is little point in setting conditions on activity of users in the absence of appropriate activities, says audit.

Not surprised

The consultation has just ended. Labour and Social Affairs is now working to systematize the answers. The plan is to come to Parliament with a final proposal during the year.

– I am responsive to feedback from the consultation bodies, but the demand from municipalities is increased transfers to the budget that the government has to come back to. To put it this way: I am not surprised that local authorities want more money, says Labour and Social Affairs Robert Eriksson (FRP).

He is determined to impose conditions on activity for the allocation of social assistance unless compelling reasons against – as it is called in the draft law.

– Very many municipalities have implemented duty and the experience is good. This is not just about getting people up in the morning, but to give people something to stand up to, says Eriksson.

He is not surprised that the proposal has sparked debate and says he notes the arguments of the various consultative bodies.

– But I choose to listen to those who know where the shoe pinches, and it is the local NAV offices and social services and around the municipalities, said the minister, adding that the response there has been good . (© NTB)


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