Sunday, September 7, 2014

- Lime silo in Verdal is stable –

- Lime silo in Verdal is stable –

(Dagbladet): After closer examination of the injured lime silo in Verdal, consider now the police that the situation is under control.

– The last thing here is that the silo is considered stable. This means that we can no longer assume that there is no immediate risk that it could be a leak, said police prosecutor Kristin Ansnes in Nord-Trøndelag Police Dagbladet.

The police feared the worst, that silo could topple. Brent limestone of the type that is stored in the silo is dangerous to breathe because it can lead to suffocation, therefore, an area of ​​500 meters around the silo evacuated this morning.

– The safety zone is now reduced to 150 meters, police said just before at 17

The bottom collapsed

time 10 this morning heard the neighbors of the silo a high smell from the silo.

– It turned out to be the bottom of the silo which was collapsed, said police prosecutor. Also in the top of the silo is visible damage to the silo, but this is damage occurring because the collapsed bottom, she explains.

Police stressed that there is no opening of the silo contents into the air.

– There is no opening so that leaks and there have been no leaks.

To be cleared

NorFraKalk company, which owns the silo, will now make further inquiries on how the silo can be emptied.

– You want to take the cup out of the silo. But it will be examined approaches of specialists how this can be done. It can probably both take some time and be a little complicated. We do not know how the silo will react, though it now secured further work will start or if it is safe to do so as it stands, says Kristin Ansnes

Beyond the bottom of the silo is collapsed, you know cops not yet what caused the damage.

– It has started investigation of the case which might reveal, she says.


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