Friday, May 13, 2016

Person put down his suitcase outside a synagogue in Oslo – bomb group checks – VG

Police bomb squad pulled out Friday morning to investigate a suitcase that was found outside a synagogue in Oslo. Surveillance photos show a dark dressed person put it away a few hours earlier.

Since suitcase was discovered in 07 o’clock Friday morning, police have put more and more roadblocks around the synagogue in Bergstien in Oslo. In 09 time was bomb group started its investigations. More than two hours later it became clear that the suitcase was empty. The police decide nevertheless to maintain barriers.

– The situation is that we in the 07 o’clock did notice that there was a suitcase at the entrance to the synagogue. Following an assessment of how the suitcase is placed we have decided to check it out, said operations manager Vidar Pedersen told VG Friday morning.

Do you know anything about this case? Contact VG reporters here.

No residents of the area is currently evacuated, and they are allowed to get to and from their apartments behind barricades. Police action involving any traffic problems in the city center.

article continues below.

& lt; p & gt; In EMERGENCY: In 09 o'clock  took an ambulance past the barriers that are  around the synagogue in Oslo after it was found a  r & # xF8; d suitcase st & # xE5; the  outside. & lt; / p & gt;

In EMERGENCY: In 09 o’clock took an ambulance past the barriers that are around the synagogue in Oslo after it was found a red suitcase standing outside.

Photo: Mona Langset / VG

So people put the suitcase

There was an employee in the synagogue who discovered the suitcase and contacted police. A few hours after the suitcase was discovered, police had undergone a surveillance video. In 04 o’clock shows the dark dressed man put down a red suitcase.

– We are investigating other videos to see how he has gone, but we are not at his heels, said operations manager Tor Grøttum VG.

police describe the person wearing a dark jacket, dark trousers and dark shoes. They would like to have tips from people who may have seen the person.

Police often keeps guard outside the synagogue, including was fired in 2006, but there were no officials outside the building Thursday night.

– had we been there, we had discovered it, says Grøttum VG.

Should practice until May 17

Ila school and kindergarten located just off would today practice to parade in the area. They stated in a text message that they take a route outside the barriers, but that exercise otherwise proceeding as normal.

& lt; p & gt; READY FOR TRAIN: Yousef Abdel  Naser (3) had carried the Norwegian flag because  he will & # xF8; woe to the parade to g  & # xE5; through capital p & # xE5;  national day. & lt; / p & gt;

READY FOR TRAIN: Yousef Abdel Naser (3) had carried the Norwegian flag because he will practice children train to go through the capital on the national day.

Photo: Guro Hoftun Gjestad / VG

Yousef Abdel Naser (3) were headed to St. Hanshaugen kindergarten with her mother. He had looked forward to practicing until May 17, but now the route is laid on.

For Lena Andersen, who lives inside the blocked area, means the barriers that she did not get picked up car her.

– I was told by the police that I could not get my car that are further inside, and that I should go outside barrier lines or into where I live, she says to VG.

Also in March last year jerked bomb group out of the synagogue. At that time, a man was seen come running out of the building opposite the synagogue. The man was carrying an object that he put down behind the synagogue. The object turned out to be a bag without dangerous content.

& lt; p & gt; SLO ALARM: Police jobs p  & # xE5; instead of & # xE5; find out  what's in the case. & lt; / p & gt;

SLO ALARM: The police are working on site to find out what’s in the case.

Photo: Mona Langset / VG


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