Monday, May 2, 2016

Norway to train Syrian forces – NRK

They will mainly be based in Jordan, said the government on a pressekoferanse 2 May.

– Isil advancing affect our security. We are now strengthening the Norwegian efforts by increasing our contribution to the coalition against Isil, says Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H).

– Isil is a threat also far beyond the region. Europe exposed to terror and violence, as we have seen in Paris and Brussels. The international community must stand together, and Norway must take their share, the Prime Minister said.

She said the United States and France have asked Norway to strengthen our military and civilian efforts.

– in addition, we will provide a limited number of people to improve knowledge of foreign fighters in the region. We need better situational awareness to prevent extremism and radicalization in the region and in Europe, says Erna Solberg.

200 million for Iraq

Norway has also strengthened the civilian effort in the region.

– in 2016, Norway will contribute a total of NOK 200 million for stabilization efforts in Iraq and in Syria. It is important to help stabilize vulnerable areas in Iraq and Syria. Both to help civilians in areas where Isil is driven and to prevent other extremist groups have established themselves, said Foreign Minister Børge Brende (H) in a press release.

In Syria, Norway will also contribute up to 50 million to survey and demining as areas liberated from IS.

Norway contributes 10 billion over four years. This is the largest humanitarian contribution ever, writes the government said in a statement.

Can also happen in Syria

– Isil have acquired heavier military equipment, but we see that the fight against them has effect, says Defence Minister Ine Eriksen Søreide (H).

– the past year has helped to train forces. We have been in close dialogue with the coalition and with the US authorities.

– We must be prepared for training, counseling may also occur on Syrian territory, says defense minister.

– This is not an operation where western troops should go on the front line or in the forefront, but we must of course prepare ourselves that we may be attacked and of course has a right to defend ourselves, says Søreide.

Do not think the threat to Norway increases

Asked about the threat against Norway may increase by increasing the contribution, the Prime Minister replied that there is nothing to suggest that the threat to Norway increases since we are already part of the coalition.

– the assessment came last year also applies now. Yes, there is an increased risk, but there is also an increased risk not to. The fact that we do not get defeated Isil is probably the biggest terrorist threat we have, therefore, important that all countries contribute. But it also depends on how much attention it gets around the activity and what happens, responding Solberg.

Is the mission dangerous for those who leave, asked one of the journalists in the audience.

– it is not considered dangerous by the Armed Forces in Jordan, but then it depends on how the security situation and the mission progresses.


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