Monday, May 2, 2016

Norway sends special forces to the war on IS – allows for sending Norwegian … – VG

Norway steps up its war against IS and opens for Norwegian soldiers to fight against IS – inside Syria.

Both US and France have asked Norway for increased funding for the fight against the terrorist group iS. Now the answer is clear.

At a joint press conference told Prime Minister Erna Solberg, Minister of Defence Ine Eriksen Søreide and Foreign Minister Brende about the new Norwegian contribution. As VG told in advance of the press conference, Norway will send special troops to Jordan:

** The 60 men and women major contribution to help with training, advice and the defense calls “operational support” to local Syrian groups themselves battling IS. Retraining should happen at a base in Jordan.

OVERVIEW: This is the groups fighting in Syria

VG get simultaneously confirmed that it opens for the Norwegian soldiers will be fighting inside Syria.

– If the operating concept developed, and the situation warrants training and support in the Syrian territory, the government will consult the Parliament particularly on this, get VG illuminated.

Read on about several Norwegian contribution under the picture

Photo: Torbjørn Kjos Violence Armed Forces

But mainly be rehabilitation of the contribution – which mostly include special troops with support – occur at a training center in Jordan

– the controversy will be fought by others, but we can help by enabling them to fight, says Defence Minister Ine Eriksen Søreide (H) VG.

She will not say which fitness the Norwegian soldiers will be stationed at. Nor is it clear which countries Norway will be working closely with.

ALLIES IN SYRIA: US special forces were in place in Syria before Christmas

– But it has been important for us to work together with close allies, like the United states, Britain, France and others, says Eriksen Søreide.

Norway are now working to put in place the details of an agreement with Jordan that ensures that the Norwegian special troops can be sent to the country. If it comes into place as planned, Norwegian special troops be in Jordan before summer.

A: Unclear who we will train

& lt; p & gt; skeptical: SV leader Audun  Lysbakken. & lt; / p & gt;

skeptical: SV leader Audun Lysbakken.

Photo Håkon Mosvold Larsen NTB scanpix

Before the press conference informed the government also opposition in Parliament. There are support mixed.

OR fear the consequences of supporting various groups in a very bewildering landscape.

– It is unclear what forces Norwegian soldiers will train and it causes us to be very cautious, says Audun Lysbakken.

– SV has previously been critical of the contribution in Iraq because of the floating transition between militias and government forces. We risk a similar scenario in Syria. It should be obvious that Norway must contribute to the training of forces loyal to the forces involved in human rights violations, he said.

Søreide: No warranty

Faced VG admits defense minister that the Norwegian soldiers going into a very difficult mission.

– we have no definitive guarantee of what groups we intend to train will make afterwards. But we are confident that selection and control phase is very thorough, says defense minister.

– The groups we train, only fight against IS. They will not fight against the government forces, and they will not put the peace process at risk, says Søreide VG.

Labor is far more positive than opposition colleagues in SV:

– We have assured us that the international legal mandate is in place. Norway currently contributes to the training of Kurdish troops inside Iraq, and we now support the extension of the commitment to include specially selected Syrian groups. We note that the government will keep the Parliament regularly updated and that it will return to Parliament if it is proposed to extend this military contribution, said the head of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence anniken huitfeldt (Labor) said in a statement.

Sending surgeons and perform flow officers

& lt; p & gt; T & # xD8; FF TRAINING:  This picture is from the King Abdullah II Special  Operations Training Center (KASOTC) by Jordan's  capital Amman. It is not clear whether it is this  base the Norwegian special forces will operate. &  lt; / p & gt;

TOUGH TRAINING: This picture is from the King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Center (KASOTC) by Jordan’s capital Amman . It is not clear whether it is this base the Norwegian special forces will operate.

Photo: Khalil Mazraawi AFP

This is in addition to the two contributions VG talked about last week:

** A team of doctors, surgeons and nurses will be stationed at the American field hospital in Erbil in northern Iraq.

** And additional training troops to be stationed at the international training center outside Erbil, where Norwegian soldiers already conducts training of Kurdish security forces.

– Should improve knowledge of the IS-warriors

– in addition, we will provide a limited number of people to improve knowledge of foreign fighters in region. We need better situational awareness to prevent extremism and radicalization in the region and in Europe, says Eriksen Søreide.

Both France and the United States have asked Norway for increased support in the fight against IS and other terrorist groups both in Iraq, Syria and Africa.

While Denmark has sent special forces, transport planes and fighters, had Norway as recently as last week not reached a conclusion.

NORWEGIAN ALLIES besieged IS BY: inside starving inhabitants to death

Until our were Norwegian special troops stationed in Baghdad on a similar training missions. After they were sent home in March, the Armed Forces have been looking for solutions to maintain the number of Norwegian soldiers in the international coalition fighting IS.

Now, not only the number maintained – it increases.

Sends also more money

& lt; p & gt; & # xc5; opens  moneybags: Foreign B & # xF8; rge Brende (H)  promises more money and civil st & # xF8;  support to the fight against terrorism - and  especially the terrorist group IS. This picture is  from the UN camp Tomping the outskirts of S &  # xF8; r Sudanese capital Juba. & lt; / p & gt;

OPENING moneybags: Foreign Minister Brende (H) promises more money and civilian support for the fight against terrorism – and especially terrorist group IS. This picture is from the UN camp Tomping the outskirts of South Sudanese capital Juba.

Photo: Rune Thomas Ege VG

during the press conference stressed the government trio that they also strengthen civilian efforts in the region.

– in 2016, Norway will contribute a total of NOK 200 million to stabilization measures in Iraq and in Syria. It is important to help stabilize vulnerable areas in
Iraq and Syria. Both to help civilians in areas where Isil is driven and to prevent other extremist groups become established, said the Foreign Minister.

– In Syria, there will also be a need for mapping and demining as areas liberated from Isil. Norway is this year ready to contribute up to 50 million beyond stabilization funding for this purpose. Norway will contribute 10 billion over four years. This is the largest humanitarian contribution ever, writes the government said in a statement.

Søreide: May increase the threat against Norway

During the press conference – and in the press release about the new contribution – emphasizes defense minister that the mission can affect also the situation at home.

– A stronger Norwegian military contribution against Isil could increase the threat to Norway. Simultaneously there will be a risk by not doing anything. One of the reasons we contribute
coalition is precisely to combat Isil thereby reducing the risk of terrorist attacks in the Norwegian and European soil, says Ine Eriksen Søreide.


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