Sunday, May 1, 2016

Norway hit by helicopter tragedy – Romsdals Budstikke

Relatives and survivors gathered at several places in the country Friday after the tragic helicopter accident which cost 13 people their lives. From many quarters, they expressed sorrow and compassion.

Meanwhile, efforts to find out what happened, started. Parts of the helicopter that crashed at Turøy in Oslo Friday raised. The black boxes have been found and sent to England Saturday.

– Those who feel insecurity, loss and pain, to know that they are not alone in her grief. This is a sad day for all who work in the Norwegian oil and gas industry, and for the entire Norwegian society, said one heavily influenced Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H).

King and Queen and Crown Prince and Princess canceled his trip to Stockholm where they would participate in the King Carl Gustafs 70th birthday.

– I have with great sadness received the news of the helicopter accident at Turøy, wrote to King Harald in a condolence to Statoil.

the accident is the serious on the Norwegian shelf since 18 people were killed when a helicopter crashed on its way from Flesland to Statfjord a in 1978. There has not been a fatal accident offshore helicopters in Norway for 19 years.

Crisis Team and relatives centers

Aker Solutions mobilized its emergency Response team in Norway. Halliburton’s crisis team is gathered in Stavanger and Bergen and created a relative central, which also Statoil did in Bergen.

– We have given all the offers to come here. Here are the health workers, police, North Sea ministers, psychologists available to those who want it, said media contact Knut Rostad Statoil NTB outside Scandic Hotel Kokstad, which serves as dependents center.

The oil workers who died were employed six different companies, Statoil, Halliburton, Aker Solutions, Schlumberger, WellTec and Karsten Moholt.

They flew a routine repatriation from Statoil’s Gullfaks B platform to the mainland. It was eleven Norwegians, one Briton and one Italian on board the helicopter, which belongs to CHC Helikopter Service.

The rotor loosened

The helicopter crashed just after 12 pm Friday. A video that TV2 was given access to, showed that the rotor loosened and for a long period “flew” on after having been separated from the rest of the helicopter.

– There was a bang and a very special engine noise, so I peeked out the window. Then I saw the helicopter fall in a tremendous speed. Then I saw an explosion, explained one eyewitness BergensAvisen.

AIBN receive assistance from the French and the English AIBN in further investigation at the accident site. In addition, representatives of the CAA and EASA participate.

Part of the helicopter that crashed at Turøy outside Bergen in Hordaland, was raised from 6.7 meters depth of a crane vessel Friday night. The rotor was found on land, a few hundred meters away.

Five accidents

The helicopter model EC225 Super Puma has been involved for five accidents in four years in the UK. CAA has until further introduced no-fly helicopter type. It deals with some 20 helicopters. British aviation authorities and the manufacturer Airbus has also introduced fly.

The accident helicopter had postponed service twice last year, according to VG. The audit reports that it received new gearbox in January this year and a new rotor head two months later.

The CAA will examine why CHC Helikopter Service requested postponement. The firm’s CEO Arne Roland says that they have no indication that the missing or deferred maintenance is relevant.

On Saturday morning keeps police a new pressebrifing in Bergen. There also participates Per Angel from ID Group to NCIS.

Facts about the helicopter accident at Turøy

  • Eleven people have been found dead after helikopterstyrten by Turøy Hordaland 12 pm Friday. Search underway for two missing.
  • A total of 13 people on board when the helicopter crashed at Turøy, northwest of Sotra near Bergen. It was coming from the Gullfaks B in the North Sea to Bergen Airport, Flesland.
  • Of the 13 on board were 11 Norwegians, one Briton and one Italian. One was employed by Statoil, while the others were employed by Halliburton, Aker Solutions, Schlumberger, WellTec and Karsten Moholt.
  • The helicopter crashed after the rotor loosened. The cause is not known.
  • According plunged helicopter 640 meters in the last ten seconds before it hit the ground.
  • The helicopter from CHC Helikopter Service was Airbus Helicopters H225 Super Puma, which before was known as EC225.
  • helicopter type has received flight ban by the CAA. The ban applies until further notice for Norwegian registered vessels and operations within Norwegian territory.
  • British aviation authorities have also imposed no-fly and manufacturer Airbus endorses a halt of all commercial flights.
  • AIBN receive assistance from the French and the English AIBN in further investigation at the accident site. In addition, representatives of the CAA and EASA participate.
  • This is the first fatal accident with an offshore helicopter for 19 years. In 1997 overthrew a Super Puma helicopter from Helicopter Service with twelve on board en route from Bronnoysund to Norne ship.
  • Source: NTB

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