Wednesday, May 4, 2016

- Found drugged girl in container – Bergens Tidende

Russia time has so far been characterized by intoxication and notification of a rape. Now, a drugged girl have been found in a container.

It is BA who reported the incident, which allegedly took place the night of May 1st. Police Inspector Morten Eagles at Bergen South Police told the newspaper that police are investigating the case.

– We were contacted by people who found a girl who came to himself in a container. For the benefit of those concerned, I do not want to comment any further about the incident, but we are investigating the case, said he told the newspaper.

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– Never been touched like

According to BA will be the girl younger than school leavers.

– I’ve never been away for something similar, and we are obviously very concerned when these things happen. We are now working to determine how the girl ended up in the container. This could end fatal, says Eagle.

This should have happened the same night as a girl allegedly raped at a graduation event. A man in his 20s has been arrested. Nor in the case should the girl have been the Russians, but stayed with the Russians.

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Bars attachment area

Now, police closed off the area in Hordnes forest, where the Russians secured the night of May 1.

– that’s enough. This can not continue. Hordnes forest is a nice place to go hiking, but do not go there when you are going to a party. Where it is not people who find you, if you are alone and need help, says Bente Liland, police superintendent and head of preventive work by Fana police, to BT.

The police in recent days also have been notified of other matters where girls claim to have been drugged.

Police Inspector Morten Eagle say to BA that he believes this year’s graduation is particularly difficult to fit in.

– They attach much, and it is much intoxication. So far we have not had good contact with the Russian Board. We see variability in the Russian coal, and this year’s coal is with some major problems, says Eagle.

Feeling thwarted by police

Humanitarian Chief Executive Board for Bergen Russian, Frida Reikvam stresses that the Russians deeply deplores what happened.

– All Russian I have been in contact with both the Executive Board and by the way, deeply deplore what has happened. This is certainly not normal among school leavers. There are extreme cases, which unfortunately have been several of this year.

Reikvam says that Russians Board is working to prevent such incidents. Meanwhile, they want a stronger and closer cooperation with the police.

– Many people feel that the police want to remove the Russians, and throw us out of places rather than helping us to make the party safe where we are. Everyone wants a safe place to be, so we wish that both the police and night owls were more present, says Reikvam.

She does not agree with the criticism that this year Russian control has been poor at communicating.

– we communicate very well with the Russians, but based on what we believe is undeserved negative media coverage has been reluctant to express an opinion to the press. This is also the Executive Board previously been misquoted. We want a good and constructive cooperation with both the press and the police.

Reikvam emphasize that the vast majority of Russians are nice people who behave well.

Found on boss construction

Pupil Inspector Stig Hammersland at Sandsli high school describes this year finished the gymnasium as some of the most complex he has been with. He cares about his students.

– I’ve had this job for 15 years, and the last two years I have seen a negative development. It is particularly intoxication. Two years ago came the revelation of the great cannabis case during school-. When we were really worried, now tell police about amphetamines and GHB. There is another division, and it worries me very, he said.

Hammersland says girls who were found in a container was found on a boss construction.

– We can just imagine us consequence if she was not found in time, he said.

the inspector also find that the Russians themselves are starting to get restless.

– They describe smalingene as confusing to attend. And students say themselves that they were surprised how much drugs that were in circulation. The boys entered the field, and cares for the girls. This weekend they will go to the amusement of Russian hits, and more dreading because they wondered how this would go, he said.

– Can not have it like this

While there last year there were 14 Russian buses in Bergen, the year 24. it creates additional problems in terms of how the Russians are going to remain as they party. Hammersland understand that the police have closed off the area in Hordnes forest, but does not believe that it is a good idea that school leavers are sprinkled throughout.

– The only running from place to place, and find places. What we should have done was to find a place where night owls and parents could be resources together with the police during this period of 14 days, says Hammersland.

He hopes the police, other adults and school leavers can sit down to autumn, to ensure that next year finished the gymnasium gets better than this.

– We can not have it like this a year.


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