Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Explosion after gas accident at NRK recording in Trondheim – VG

It was in connection with the shooting of children’s TV program “A bit of a job” that the accident took place.

– It has been a gas accident on a business. We have three units on site, said duty manager Frank Hansen in Trøndelag Fire and Rescue Service to Adresseavisen.

Ten people sent to hospital after a gas accident in a quarry at Heimdal in Trondheim. Six of these are associated with NRK, communication manager at the channel, Hilde Ebeltoft-Skaugrud, VG.

– It’s about two photographers, a production manager and a producer as well as two children. The children were there to try his hand at work in crushed stone work, and participated in the recording of children’s TV program “A bit of a job,” she says and adds that all six are on the mend.

In addition, four people sent to hospital, including a fire officer.

All ten get oxygen therapy and is improving report St. Olav’s Hospital at Twitter.

Gas Accumulation by blastinga

Police do not yet what has happened on site but the accident must have occurred in connection with a tunnel on aggregate plant.

– fire department think it is about methane gas in the tunnel. There are people who have stayed in the 140-meter long tunnel, said operations manager Rune Brandmo Sor-Trondelag VG.

According to CEO Henrik Bager Franzefoss aggregate, where the accident took place, total gas in a tunnel after a blastinga.

– Earlier today, there has been a disruption in aggregate plant, and gas from this blast has gradually filtered down through a chute and into production tunnel. Where some have been exposed to the gas, explains Bager to Adresseavisen.

Expanded confined area

The fire department has been reflected on a combination of methane, ammonia and chlorine in the area after the accident and extends therefore the evacuation of the area.

– fire department Notifications that there is an explosion related to this combination, which means that we have expanded barrier, says operations manager Rune Brandmo in Trøndelag police VG.

there are no houses in the area and Brandmo certainly can not estimate how large an area is now cordoned off.

– luckily it is not so much to evacuate, but there was no work there that have been closed and evacuated, said Brandmo.

The clock 18 police officials that the fire department has finsøkt tunnel and they are now confident that there are no more damaged in the area.


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