Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Do not think that cheap Olympics m staying cheaper – Aftenposten

Do not think that cheap Olympics m staying cheaper – Aftenposten

The poll, conducted by Infact the website buzzit.no, shows that 70.3 percent doubt that at a cheaper plan for Olympics 2022 really will save 9 billion. Only 12.2 percent believe this, while 17.5 percent are undecided.

The survey was conducted before the Ministry of Culture on Tuesday night announced that the proposed cuts in Oslo Olympics will only reduce the need for a government guarantee of 4, 8 billion, roughly 4 billion less than the bid committee for the Olympic Games in Oslo had arrived at.

In the poll were also asked whether the Olympics should be held in Oslo. 59.2 percent said no and only 31.9 percent yes.

In a survey published by Dagbladet earlier Tuesday said 53 percent said they would say yes to the Olympics in Oslo it was cheaper

and included the reuse of the Olympic plants from Lillehammer. This was the first time there was majority support for the Oslo Olympics in an opinion poll.

infact have also asked for a cheaper Olympics will change the perception of the respondents. Only 11.9 percent answered yes to this, while 78.8 percent still held in his no. 9.4 percent of respondents said they were undecided. (© NTB)

Published: 01.okt. 2,014 4:47


EU opens full mobile use in airplanes – Aftenposten

EU opens full mobile use in airplanes – Aftenposten

Under the current rules of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) must have smart phone sitting on airplane mode during flight, but now aviation organization slack on the rules, said.

The new rules, which was presented Friday last week allows the airplane mode on personal electronic devices be turned off after the aircraft has reached an altitude of 3000 meters.

Rule changes also allows the phone to be turned on during takeoff and landing as long as it is put into airplane mode. Today, the phones need to be turned off in these critical phases of flight.

The new rules require that each airline makes their own tests and ensures that safety is ensured for its passengers. Therefore, it will take time before the airlines have adapted to the new rules, even though they came into force already on Friday.

Wifi throughout the journey

Communications in English, Daniel Kirchhoff says that they will consider the new rules.

– We are looking at new measures to improve the passenger experience with interest. And we will consider how to deal with these new rules.

Kirchhoff says that airlines already offer their passengers wifi over 10,000 feet, and that they are now working to extend the offer.

– We are working to make it possible to offer wifi from entering the plane until you have arrived at their destination, he said.

this will be possible, he not comment.

Valid from Friday

In SAS take the amendments into consideration.

– We are pleased that the aviation authorities included on the technological development and that they make the necessary Research that

makes it possible to have regulations updated in line with customer demand, says press officer at SAS, Tormod Sandstø.

Sandstø says that SAS is in the process of evaluating new procedures line with the new rules.

– I spoke with our flight department yesterday. They are already on the case and working hard to put in place changes as soon as possible, he said.

Small practical significance

He says they are now working improve the offer after the plane is landed.

– What we expect is the first change is that instead of having to have airplane mode on until the aircraft is stopped and the sign with the seat belt is turned off, you could turn off airplane mode so fast plane turns off the runway after landing.

SAS offers as English, their customers when wifi is up in the air. Sandstø therefore believe that the new rules which allow the airplane mode is turned off in the air have little practicality to the first.

– Even today it is allowed to connect to the wifi in the air aircraft that is approved for it. But if you get on a plane that does not have wifi, so there is no point to turn off airplane mode. This is because you do not get any service in the air, he explains.

– But we think it’s nice that you can have it on in the airplane mode during takeoff and landing.

Published: 30.sep. 2,014 10:55 p.m.


- We have not done any calculation error – Dagbladet.no

- We have not done any calculation error – Dagbladet.no

(Dagbladet): The proposed cuts to a budget Olympics in 2022 will only reduce the need for a government guarantee of 4.8 billion, not 8.8 billion as Oslo2022 former anlso, says a committee has shattered the figures for the Ministry of Culture.

A Quality Assurance Group (KSG) has assessed the feasibility and cost-savings measures in Oslo2022 has presented.

– Do not realistic

In KSGs report comes revealed that they believe four of the 11 energy-saving measures to Oslo2022 not realistically feasible.

The Commission does not believe that there will be increased sponsorship revenue and they do not think it will be possible to reduce capacity in the participating villages, nor to use the Olympic Village is planned for the Youth Olympic Games in Lillehammer in 2016
– It’s quality assurance team review the implementation of the measures considered realistic and feasible, will reduce the need for gross government guarantees of approximately NOK 4.8 billion and for public subsidy of approximately 1.8 billion, according to a press release from the Ministry of Culture.

Kulturdepartementetes information department would not elaborate on the background of why the Committee believes this to Dagbladet tonight.

– Not expected error

Oslo2022 has not received a reply.

– We are amazed these assessments and are a bit puzzled by those, especially considering participating villages. I can not wait to get an explanation for this, says director Eli Grimsby in Oslo2022 Dagbladet.

She says she is pleased that the committee agrees with most of their savings measures. She denies that they have

considered four billion kroner errors.

– We have not done any calculation error, I rather think this relates to the risk assessments of some of the measures, she said.

She also denies that they have exaggerated savings opportunities or created fictitious savings opportunities to create positivity in the population.

– This is not fictional, rather the contrary. We want to be as close as possible to the original project as possible. I’m a little surprised kvalitetssikrernes reviews, saying Grimsby.

According Oslo2022 the gross government guarantee reduced from 35.1 to 30.3 billion dollars and the government spending from 21.7 to 19.9 billion if the government and parliament uses adjustments sample came with tonight.

Positive measurement

Grimsby says billion difference is not seen as a setback to their dream of Oslo Olympics in 2022

an opinion poll Ipsos MMI has performed Dagbladet answer 29 percent yes and 64 percent no to a Winter Olympics ii Norway in 2022, in line with how Olympic atmosphere has been in the country over the past year. However, when the percentage who answered “no” or “do not know” were asked whether they could support an Olympic application if the cost is reduced by reusing several plants from Lillehammer Olympics, the atmosphere is completely different:

When the supports 53 percent of those surveyed an Oslo Olympics, while 40 percent still say no.

– It shows that recycling plant turns doing well in the population, we hope policymakers also Noting, says the director.


Neda: – We have it hard – Aftenposten

Neda: – We have it hard – Aftenposten

– This was a shock. We are very sorry. We had not thought that this was going to happen, says 13-year-old to NRK after court on Tuesday concluded that it was appropriate to forcibly send the Palestinian girl and her family returned to Jordan in June.

The family had been nearly ten years in Norway. Neda says the family is very difficult, and that she wished they could come back.

– I find it so hard here now. We are at home most of the time. We have not done anything, and at school we have it so hard, says Neda.

– Does it cruelly

Head of support group for Neda, Heidi Bjergafjellet is shocked by the verdict.

– I had never expected this result. It shows what kind of society we have here in Norway, said a tearful Bjergafjellet said. It was she who conveyed the message to the family.

– When they learned that it was a “no”, they had not much more to say. All they want is to get home, she says.

The family’s lawyer Arild Bumblebee seems the verdict is surprising.

– Especially because the court did not assume the expert’s explanation and the child psychiatric facts in the case, said Bumblebee said.

He said the family members will spend a few days to consider whether to appeal, together with the support group and himself. And the time frame is important in the decision.

– An important factor is whether the family is able to endure one year pending the High Court’s treatment, says bumblebee Tuesday night.

– Disappointing

Christian Democratic Party (KrF) is disappointed that UNE was upheld in court.

– I thought that this family was part of the audience we have discussed, says immigration political spokesman for the Christian Democratic Party, Geir Sigbjørn Toskedal.

He also fears that asylum children who have lived in Norway, still being deported, despite even amnesty for asylum kids that came into force in late June. A report on how the

regulations should be practiced allows, however, lacking.

With Left has KrF long fought for a long time resident asylum children to be in Norway and Toskedal has said that although parents acts untidy, children treated as independent legal entities, and the children’s best interests should be given greater emphasis in asylum policy.

Non pursuant

After the family was sent out in June last year appealed the expulsion decision by the Appeals Board. In November last year abolished the court decision, but only a week later adopted UNE a new and identical deportation orders.

The family sued the UNE for error in law and a number of other defects in the case, improper weighting of the child Best and that the expulsion was in violation of human rights.

But in Oslo District Court did they thus not upheld.

UNE happy

UNE is For its part satisfied with the decision.

– We note that the judgment supports UNE’s views on all points and states that UNE has considered the matter properly, says communications manager at UNE Bjorn Lyster said.

UNE believed that the interests of the child in isolation suggested that they were allowed to stay in Norway, but that other considerations may weigh heavier.

– UNE then laid greater emphasis on the parents of a years lied about who they were and where they came from. Such a trade-off has UNE right and duty to do, says Lyster.

Immigration Appeals believed that immigration control considerations weighed more heavily than that two of the family members have health problems and the overall interests of the child. (© NTB)

Published: 30.sep. 2,014 6:20 p.m.


Thus learning initiative – NRK

Thus learning initiative – NRK

– Vi har tenkt til å gjøre vårt, men vi er ikke alene, starter kunnskapsminister Torbjørn Røe Isaksen sin presentasjon av læreløftet.

En milliard i året

I dag lanserte han regjeringens Solbergs lovnader for lærerene og skolen, og han summerte opp satsingen i fire punkter:

  • Kompetansekrav til alle som jobber i skolen
  • Attraktiv lærerutdanning
  • Lagbygging i skolen
  • Karriereveier

Og for å få til dette må mange tusen lærere tilbake på skolebenken.

– Omkring 38.000 lærer vil ha behov for videreutdanning, og vi må nok opp i en milliard kroner i året for å komme i mål med dette, sier Røe Isaksen.

Det er hovedsakelig fagene norsk, engelsk og matte som blir prioritert, varsler minsteren, men andre fag kan og få midler.

Hovedansvaret sendes videre

Men selv om han vil bruke store summer på læreutdanningen og videreutdanningen, så må grovarbeidet gjøre av skoleeierene ute i landet.

– Vi forventer at skoleeiere, altså fylkene og kommunene tar hovedansvar for å utvikle skolen lokalt, sa Røe Isaksen under presentasjonen.

Han understreker at det vil bli brukt mye tid og penger på læreutdannelsen, og at det skal innføres femårig masterudannelse som varslet, men at det vil være den enkelte skoles eget ansvar å gi lærerene rom og mulighet til å bruke kompetansen og kunnskapen de får fra læreutdannelsen.

Når det gjelder kompetansekravene skal det i løpet av få år settes krav til at lærere i grunnskolen har fordypning i matte, engelsk og norsk. I barneskolen skal dette kravet være på minst 30 studiepoeng, mens det i ungdomsskolen skal være minst 60 studiepoeng.

– Vi gir klar beskjed til skoleiere; Kartlegg kompetanse i kommunen. Unntaksordningen som har gitt mulighet for dispensasjon vil bli lukket i løpet av ti år, sier kunnskapsministeren.

KS, som er arbeidsgiverorganisasjon for skoleiere, er fornøyd med satsing, men de påpeker at det og må følge med midler for å gjennomføre dette rundt om i landet.

– Dette er en plan som ikke bare er ord, men som det og vil følge ressurser med. Det vil innebære mange hundre millioner kroner mer på statsbudsjettene fremover, betrygger statsråden.

Høyere krav for å bli lærer

Også den varslede femårige masterutdannelsen for lærere fikk en dato i dag, Fra 2017 skal denne være på plass, og målet er å få mer praksis og en mer forksningsbasert utdannelse. I denne utdannelsen vil det og ligge inne høyere opptakskrav i norsk, engelsk og matte, og dette skal testes, varsler ministeren.

– Vi skal gjennomføre nasjonale deleksamener på læreutdannelser for å underøske dette underveis, sier Røe Isaksen.

For å få nytte av den økte kompetansen og kunnskapen som lærerene skal få gjennom videreutdanning fremhever Røe Isaksen at det vil bli viktigere med «lagbygging» i skolen.

– For å utnytte dette ute i skolen må vi bygge lag på skolen . De som har lært noe nytt og spennende, de må tas inn i en skolehverdag hvor de kan bruke det, sier han.

Ingen nyheter om lønn

/serum/render?id=1.11959658&size=6&perspective=RICH&alignment=RIGHT&caption=Iselin+Nyb%C3%B8+i+Venstre+vil+aller+helst+ha+konkrete+l%C3%B8sninger+p%C3%A5+tillitsbruddet+mellom+l%C3%A6rer+og+arbeidsgivere.&type=image&aspect=F34&parentSize=12 -->

Iselin Nybø i Venstre vil aller helst ha konkrete løsninger på tillitsbruddet mellom lærer og arbeidsgivere.

Foto: Mari Halvorsen

I tillegg til økt kompetanse og kunnskap skal nå lærerene få muligheter til å skape karriere i skolen, uten at det blir i en mer administrativ form. Dette skal konkretiserers i form av pilotprosjekter som starter i skolen neste år. Og dette skal det bevilges penger til.

– Ansvaret og funksjonene konkretiserers lokalt, men vi skal bidra med penger, sier Røe Isaksen.

Lærerne vil etter at løftet er fullført få mer ansvar og bedre kompetanse, ifølge regjeringen. Men ingen nevnte lønn i dagens presentasjon. Kunnskapsministeren sier dette ligger hos kommunene, da det er de som har forhandlingsansvaret, og at det ikke står på agendaen for regjringen i denne omagng.

– Jeg mener lærerne fortjener hver krone de får, men det våre løfter går på er det vi kan gjøre direkte nå, sa Røe Isaksen i Politisk kvarter på NRK P2 like før han presenterte satsingen.

Venstre bekymret for rekrutteringen

Regjeringens støttepartier, Venstre og KrF, var i forkant av presentasjonen spente på om lærersatsingen virkelig ble en lærersatsing de kunne leve med.

Anders Tyvand i Krf er fornøyd med at regjringen tar læreren på alvor, men han skulle gjerne hatt flere løfter når det gjelder å ta problemene i tidligere i løpet.

– Det er for mange elever som faller av lasset i de første skoleårene. Jeg savner innsats tidligere i skoleløpet, og jeg mener det er viktigere en masterutdannelse, sier Tyvand.

Også Venstre er stort sett fornøyd, men de er veldig opptatt av at tillitskrisen som oppsto under streiken burde addresseres.

– Jeg kan ikke se at strategien er nok for å løse tillitskrisen i skolen som lærerstreiken avdekket. Når 73 prosent av lærerne ønsket streik på grunn av det de oppfattet som manglende tillit fra arbeidsgiver, samtidig som kun en tredel av lærerne føler at læreryrket blir positivt verdsatt i samfunnet, så er det åpenbart at vi fortsatt har en vei å gå for å gi læreryrket økt status, sier Nybø.

Men der kontrer statsminister Erna Solberg. Hun mener den nye strategien kan bidra til at læreryrket får en bedre status.

– Det er først og fremst partene i arbeidslivet og i den lokale skolen at tilliten må gjenoppbygges. Men det vi legger frem nå er jo en viktig strategi for hvordan vi skal løfte statusen for læreryrket og kunnskapen for elevene. Og det håper jeg kan skape en ro for fremtidsutsiktene, sier Solberg.


Neda (13) can not come back to Norway – NRK

Neda (13) can not come back to Norway – NRK

Det store spørsmålet i ankesaken i Oslo tingrett, har vært om UNE misbrukte sin myndighet da Neda Ibrahim og familien ble sendt tilbake til Jordan i juni i fjor.

Familien Ibrahims advokat, Arild Humlen, har hele tiden ment at UNE sin utsendelse strider med menneskerettighetene.

Foto: Erlend Aas / NTB scanpix

Familiens advokat, Arild Humlen, har hele tiden ment at UNE sin utsendelse strider mot menneskerettighetene.

Men i dommen som kom i dag, aviser Oslo tingrett at UNE har gjort noe galt.

– Jeg er overrasket over avgjørelsen, spesielt fordi retten ikke legger til grunn den sakkyndiges forklaring og de barnepsykiatriske faktaene i saken, sier Humlen til NTB.

Han peker

på at det er flere sider ved saken som ikke er drøftet i dommen.

– Det er litt merkelig. Vi skal nå lese dommen grundig og vurdere hva vi skal gjøre videre, sier han.

Bakgrunn for saken

Ekteparet Ibrahim lot som de var palestinske flyktninger fra Irak da de kom til Norge i 2003 med to småbarn. Familien fikk endelig avslag på asylsøknaden i 2006 og har søkt om omgjøring av dette fem ganger. Men Utlendingsnemnda (UNE) har opprettholdt avslaget. I mellomtiden fikk ekteparet to barn til.

Da UNE i 2013 fikk brakt på det rene at familien hadde løyet om bakgrunnen, ble de raskt sendt til Jordan. Familien hadde da bodd på Dale asylmottak i Sandnes i Rogaland i ti år.

Familien Ibrahim saksøkte staten og vant fram i tingretten, på bakgrunn av at UNE ikke hadde vurdert familiemedlemmenes helsesituasjon før utsendelsen. UNE aksepterte dommen, revurderte saken og fattet et nytt utvisningsvedtak. Det er dette vedtaket familien hadde håpet å få omgjort.

UNE tilfreds med dommen

– Vi konstaterer at dommen støtter UNEs syn på alle punkter. Advokat Humlen hadde en lang rekke innvendinger mot UNEs siste beslutning, men har ikke fått retten med seg på noen av dem, sier kommunikasjonssjef i Utlendingsnemnda, Bjørn Lyster.

Et stridstema i saken har vært forholdet mellom hensynet til barnets beste og såkalt innvandringsregulerende hensyn.

– Dommen slår fast at barnets beste er forsvarlig vurdert. UNE mente at hensynet til barnets beste isolert sett talte for at de fikk tillatelse til å bo i Norge, men at andre hensyn måtte veie tyngre. UNE la da større vekt på at foreldrene i en årrekke løy om hvem de var og hvor de kom fra. En slik avveining har UNE rett og plikt til å gjøre, sier Lyster.

Familiens advokat vil nå ta kontakt med både familien og Støttegruppa for Neda, og diskutere om dommen skal ankes til lagmannsretten.

– Men det er lang saksbehandlingstid. Det må vi også vurdere oppi det hele, sier Humlen.



Olympic racket in the Right – Siste.no

Olympic racket in the Right – Siste.no

While the predictions are for an Olympic yes, the ever more power in the Conservative work for an answer.

Cluster Kampen writes that the Olympic opposition Conservative fears trouble the government plan the party goes on to support a government guarantee. The reason for this is that the government colleague FRP and more within the party goes to the Olympics.

In what class struggle experience, the meeting will end with a majority of the party’s parliamentary group endorses the plans, but many fear that it will cause the party to pay a high political price.

– I do not think it is wise to push through a case the majority of the people do not want, that our government partner is strongly opposed. It is uncertain what the parliamentary majority really mean, and we do not really know what the price tag will end, says MP Arve Kambe. He believes that the Olympic issue should not be the first case in which one of the government parties take dissent.

According to the class struggle is the opposition to the Olympics in the party the largest in Northern Norway and Western Norway.

– I see zero commitment to the Olympic Games in my home county Haugesund. There is almost no one who openly say that they will spend money on this, and I have never received so much support when I went out and said no, says Sveinung Stensland.

It forces are not yes-page issue that Tromsø Mayor Jens Johan Hjort, one of Erna Solberg’s main supporters in northern Norway, have now changed their minds and say no to the Olympics.

Deer caused a stir when he was positive for the Olympics in Oslo, even after his own hometown Tromsø was dumped, but now he has changed his mind.

I have been concerned that we in the north should not be construed as sour and vengeful. We wanted the Olympics in Tromsø, like it was not, but then had not our task is to fight against the Olympics in Oslo. I said then that under certain circumstances could I imagine an Oslo Olympics. As it has evolved, does not turn into assumptions. I am now an opponent of the Oslo Olympics, says Hjort the Times.

This means that all of North Norway-bench Conservatives are against the Olympics. They now require a petition that the northern Norwegian counties voiced by their own conviction when the case comes up for Parliament.

With a FRP has a congress-no to deal, the Right become dependent on Labour for support for a government guarantee in Parliament. Labor, on the other hand await Conservative treatment of the case before deciding, but also within the Labor Party is great disagreement.

In Progress will be frustration over congress decision to say no to Oslo Olympics, and deputy Per Sandberg says to Today’s Business decision was “unwise”. Bergens Tidende says Frank Willy Djupvikgrunnen, such as county of Sogn og Fjordane FRP, the FRP should leave the government if the Left urges the Norwegian Olympics application.

– Says Conservative parliamentary yes, we will submit a proposal to the National Board that the FRP must make a new assessment of the government cooperated with the Conservatives, says Djupvikgrunnen said.

Tuesday it emerged in an opinion poll in the newspaper Dagbladet that there is majority support for the Olympics in the population if costs are cut considerably and plants from Lillehammer Olympics being used again. (AFP)


Bondevik launched as head of the Nobel Committee – Aftenposten

Bondevik launched as head of the Nobel Committee – Aftenposten

I Høst town det bli Borgerlig flertall i Nobelkomiteen med-rate Høyre representanter og fra en representatives of Frp. Dermed er til posisjonen Ap-veteranen Jagland høyst usikker.

Les også: City hive Jagland som leder av Nobelkomiteen

Ifølge VG critical stop som et av navnene Høyre -ledelsen ønsker inn i komiteen være partiets tidligere leder og tidligere utenriksminister John Petersen.

But ifølge Avisen critical stop også Foil personer ledelsen til i Kristelig Folkeparti ha gjort sonderinger sikte med på å sweetened KrF en Plass i komiteen, selv om de har ikke på det chough.

Bakgrunnen hefty debt at det er i samarbeidsavtalen mellom regjeringspartiene ogg ogg KrF Venstre heter fire partiene critical stop at two ohms samarbeide posisjoner

i Stortinget. KrF critical stop HAPE by AT camp gjøre Høyre innstilt på dette Snorkeling for å gi bort en Plass i komiteen.

I this fall er Badè tidligere statsminister Kjell Magne Bondevik og Knut tidligere utenriksminister Vollebæk aktuelle navn. Bondevik også var med i spekulasjonene i mai.

KrF-leder Knut Arild Hareide ønsker ikke å kommentere two konkrete opplysningene overfor VG, but Sier at dette er opp til å Høyre avgjøre.

Publisert: 30.sep. 2014 07:15


Monday, September 29, 2014

Female (40) should have been subjected to violence at least two days – Dagbladet.no

Female (40) should have been subjected to violence at least two days – Dagbladet.no

(Dagbladet): A man was tonight arrested in an apartment in Moss after he allegedly used violence on several occasions against a lady, said Østfold Police on Twitter.

– She has been beaten up several times over some unknown period of time, but at least the last two days and nights, said operations manager Tom Sandberg to NRK.no.

to Dagbladet Sandberg explains that they received a message from an acquaintance of aggrieved that the woman should have been subjected to violence. The police came in contact with the woman and the 18-time she was found at an address in the city.

– She has at some point come away from the place of violence should have happened. She was taken to the emergency department for investigation. Based on her information in a short interrogation led us to another apartment where we arrested the man who is now charged. He was

arrested on the spot, we think the violence happened, says Sandberg.

The woman has numerous bruises. The aggrieved woman and the accused must be confessed, police said.

– It is too early to say whether she has been detained against their will or what is the cause of the violence. The accused will be questioned tomorrow, said operations manager.

The accused 51-year-old is known to police from violence and drug cases from the past.

– He is a known name, says Sandberg.

In the apartment police found something they suspect to be drugs. The man is also charged with possession of drugs. Another man was also arrested in the apartment for drug store, police said.


Jagland: – The award to Liu’s background – E24

Jagland: – The award to Liu's background – E24

– Alt det som har skjedd den siste tiden, har jo sin bakgrunn i tildelingen til Liu Xiaobo, sier Jagland til Dagbladet.

Kina reagerte kraftig da Nobels fredspris ble tildelt Liu Xiaobo i 2010.

Jagland understreker overfor Dagbladet at det er Nobelkomiteen selv som velger leder. Ifølge Jagland er det nettopp for å unngå at komiteens arbeid blir politisert, at dette er fast praksis.

– Det er nedfelt i Alfred Nobels testamente at det er Stortinget som velger medlemmene, og etter det har ikke Stortinget noe med hvordan komiteen konstituerer seg, sier han.

På spørsmål om han er innstilt på å lede komiteen videre, gjentar han ifølge Dagbladet at det er den nye komiteen som konstituerer seg selv.

Høyre og Frp med flertallet

Fra årsskiftet har Høyre og Fremskrittspartiet flertallet i Nobelkomiteen med tre av fem medlemmer.

Høyres parlamentariske leder Trond Helleland bekreftet mandag ettermiddag at årets fredspris kan være den siste som deles ut av Thorbjørn


– Vi vil naturligvis spille inn kandidater som hver for seg er kapable til å kunne lede Nobelkomiteen, sa Helleland til NTB.

Han understreket at komiteen konstituerer seg selv, og at han ikke vil si noe om når et skifte vil skje.

Peker på flertall

På spørsmål om Høyre vil benytte flertallet til å vrake Jagland, svarte Helleland:

– Interessant spørsmål. Vi registrerer at Arbeiderpartiet sier at Jagland er deres kandidat. Samtidig vet vi at Høyre nå får to representanter og Fremskrittspartiet en. Så da får vi se hva som skjer når komiteen konstituerer seg.

Nobelkomiteen velges av Stortinget etter innstilling fra presidentskapet.

I høst er Jagland, Kaci Kullmann Five (H) og SVs plass i komiteen på valg. Berit Reiss-Andersen (Ap) og Inger-Marie Ytterhorn (Frp) er ikke på valg.


Right opening for replacing Jagland of the Nobel Committee – Aftenposten

Right opening for replacing Jagland of the Nobel Committee – Aftenposten

helland creating the potential to replace current chairman Thorbjorn Jagland.

Conservative Party and the Progress Party have a majority of the Nobel Committee of the year. It is appropriate to use this to choose Jagland says helland said.

Blue plural

Government Party Conservative Party after the election victory last fall opportunity to elect two representatives to the committee, this is why Hell’s statements. The party has already former head Kaci Kullmann Five of the committee, but it is not clear whether one or two of the seats shall be filled by someone new.

– We will of course record of candidates, each of which is capable of could lead the Nobel committee, he said.

Jagland is the Labour Party candidate, but Jagland has not confirmed publicly that he poses.

Petersen takes over

One of those may be relevant to take over the leadership Jagland, the former foreign minister and former leaders of the Conservative Party, Jan Petersen.

Petersen has been the ambassador to Austria since 2009.

It can also be appropriate to provide foreign nationals place in committee. If the center of gravity remains Norwegian, there is nothing in Nobel’s will that prevent it.

Member of Parliament Linda helland (H), who is married to Trond helland, has previously noted Carl Bildt, outgoing Foreign Minister of Sweden. He belongs to the Moderate Party, the Conservative Party’s Swedish sister party.

Former UN

Secretary-General Kofi Annan and the United States Hillary Clinton is also mentioned in the debate on committee composition.

Relations with China

Thorbjørn Jagland has defended Nobel Prize independence. If he discarded as chair of the committee, it can be seen as a reaction to the appointment of Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo four years ago.
Price created as familiar an icy relations between China and Norway, and the replacement of Jagland can be considered as an attempt to appease the Chinese.

Jagland silent

Jagland will not comment on whether he wants to continue as Chairman of the Nobel Committee. Through the Secretariat Bjørn Berge at Jagland staff in the Council of Europe headquarters in Strasbourg, get NTB reported that Jagland not want to go into this debate.

Neither Labor Helga Pedersen has nothing to add. She told NTB in May Jagland’s Labor candidate, assuming he even wants to continue in office.

– There remains unchanged. We will consult with our members on the committee before Parliament appoints the new, says Pedersen adviser Jon Reidar Archipelago.

Published: 29.sep. 2,014 4:11 p.m.


Van collided with a tractor in Hitra tunnel – Dagbladet.no

Van collided with a tractor in Hitra tunnel – Dagbladet.no

More people will be hit by a van and a tractor collided inside Hitra tunnel in Sør-Trøndelag Monday afternoon.

– A van with two elderly people have run into the rear end of a tractor trailer. The two in the van is damaged. Extent of damage unknown, writes Sør-Trøndelag Police on Twitter.

– We have received reports that two people will be injured in the accident, but the extent is unknown, said operations Wiktor Pedersen Address newspaper.

The police were notified of the accident clock 24:58. The extent of the accident is not clear and police warn that motorists should expect reduced accessibility.

Hitra tunnel is a tunnel of 5.6 kilometers and which at its deepest is 264 meters below sea level. It is part of the mainland connection for Hitra-Freya.



Ekspolitimann (42) was sentenced to three years in prison for Linn Madelen (33) fell from … – Dagbladet.no

Ekspolitimann (42) was sentenced to three years in prison for Linn Madelen (33) fell from … – Dagbladet.no

(Dagbladet): The 42-year ekspolitimannen who was accused of having abandoned Linn Madelen Braathen (33) in a helpless condition, has been sentenced to three years in prison in Lower Telemark District Court.

– It is clearly in the legal ruling that the court did not believe defendant’s explanation, although it is not clear in some places, said the family’s counsel Niels-Christian Petersen Schelver Dagbladet.

42-year-old was informed judgment of his defender in Tønsberg just before nine o’clock this morning.

– He is shocked and disappointed with the result and will to appeal, says defender Arne Lie to Dagbladet.

Fake explanation

Linn Madelen Braathen (33) died after falling from the 45 meter high Brevikbrua the night of August 3 last year.

Ekspolitimannen first lied about him at all had remained on the bridge with Braathen. It was only after two weeks, when a surveillance camera showed the two headed for the bridge, he admitted to having been there.

That he lied for several weeks, and thus vulnerable Bråthen family for additional burden, the Court finds that aggravating. “The defendant’s conduct during the initial period after Linn fell from the bridge appears to be reckless,” said the ruling.

– This one is hard for the family, but they are satisfied that he is guilty of what he is accused of. They are also satisfied with the terms of the judgment, which addresses the defendant’s behavior towards the family and the bereaved, says counsel Petersen told Dagbladet.

Convicted of leaving her

Ekspolitimannen testified that he tried to reach Braathen before she fell from the bridge, but did not. Police believed at first that ekspolitimannen thrown or pushed Braathen off the bridge, and charged him with murder.

Based on the evidence however, he was accused of having left Braathen in a helpless condition, and to have lied that he did not was on the bridge with


The ruling coincides with the prosecutor’s assertion three years in prison. The court believes the defendant should have realized that Braathen could end up outside the bridge, when he left her.

– The defendant was a well-trained and experienced police officer. He was accustomed to handling difficult situations, and had, among other things, to Sergeant NN, been on several missions where they had stopped suicidal people on the bridges. There are established procedures for the police to act in such situations, and the defendant was well acquainted with them, said the ruling.

Ekspolitimannen judged also to pay costs to the public of 20 000.


Eyewitnesses who drove over the bridge in the relevant period, testified that they saw a man and a woman in an apparent confrontation. A Securitas security guard said he saw the man lying on the ground with folded hands, the woman in front of him. He rose gradually up, and they went on, but he said it looked as if it was’ very bad mood “between the two.

Several neighbors testified in court that they heard the desperate screams and shouts from the bridge the current evening.

But there were no eyewitnesses to the fall and it happened right before.

Lawyer Schelver Petersen said the verdict should fingranskes possibly to go ahead with a compensation case. But if it becomes necessary, they have not yet taken a position.

Ekspolitimannen anchor, however, the case. He has always denied guilt.

– This is a charge. They have had a hope that the defendant would accept this, so that the case is now finished. But the appeal is the right one, says Schelver Petersen told Dagbladet.


Every fifth Christmas ribs are imported – are not checked for MRSA bacteria – Dagbladet.no

Every fifth Christmas ribs are imported – are not checked for MRSA bacteria – Dagbladet.no

- Ingenting som hindrer at det følger MRSA med importert svineribbe.

Den norske produksjonen av svineribbe er ikke nok til å forsyne norske hjem. Så mye som hver femte juleribbe kan bli importert, og det er ingen garanti for at den er fri for MRSA-bakterien. Kjøttbransjen mener at behovet for importert ribbe blir større i år enn i fjor, skriver Nationen.

- Vi må importere betydelige volum i år. Det er ikke usannsynlig at opp mot hver femte juleribbe i år vil være importert, sier administrerende direktør Bjørn-Ole Juul-Hansen i Kjøtt- og fjørfebransjens Landsforbund (KLF).

Bekrymret over utbredelese

Samtidig som importbehovet ser ut til å øke, er flere forskere bekymret over utbredelsen av antibiotikaresistente bakterier. Den fryktede MRSA-bakterien

har tatt livet av fire personer i Danmark den siste tiden, og norske myndigheter kan ikke garantere at bakterien ikke finnes i importert svinekjøtt. Norske myndigheter har ikke anledning til kontrollere importert svinekjøtt på grunn av EØS-avtalen.

- Vi har ikke grunnlag for å be om garantier eller dokumentasjon per i dag. Det er dermed ingenting som hindrer at det følger MRSA med importert svineribbe.

Stoppes av EØS

Gjennom EØS-avtalen er vi en del av EU-markedet. Det avgrenser handlingsrommet vårt, sier assisterende tilsynsdirektør Ole Fjetland i Mattilsynet.

Han understreker imidlertid at Mattilsynet anser risikoen som svært liten så lenge hygienerådene blir fulgt.

- Det er viktig å ha god hygiene på kjøkkenet ved håndtering av rått kjøtt, sier han til avisen. (NTB)


Sunday, September 28, 2014

Every fifth Christmas rib may be import – Aftenposten

Every fifth Christmas rib may be import – Aftenposten

Meat industry believes that the need for imported pork ribs are larger this year than last year, writes Nations.

– We must import substantial volume this year. It is not unlikely that up to one in five Christmas rib year will be imported, said CEO Bjørn-Ole Juul-Hansen Meat and Poultry Association (KLF).

While import demand appears to increase , more scientists concerned about the spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria. The dreaded MRSA bacterium has killed four people in Denmark recently and Norwegian authorities can not guarantee that the bacteria are not present in imported pork.

Norwegian authorities are not able to control the imported pork because of EEA Agreement.

– We have no reason to ask about warranties or documentation as

of today. There is thus nothing prevents it follows MRSA with imported pork. Through the EEA Agreement, we are part of the EU market. It limits the action our room, said Deputy supervisory director Ole Fjetland FSA.

He stressed, however, that the FSA considers risk as very low as long as hygiene advice are followed.

– It is important to have good hygiene in the kitchen when handling raw meat, he said.

Published: 29.sep. 2,014 4:21


Armed robbery of bingo in Oslo – Dagbladet.no

Armed robbery of bingo in Oslo – Dagbladet.no

(Dagbladet): robber threatened staff with a gun and ran from the place. None are currently detained, but police seeking to patrol the area.

According to police, there is talk that the culprits were joined by a dollar amount.

– We do not know the exact size of the amount, said operations at Oslo police, André Kråkenes

The offender who ran from the place should be small and thin, dressed in black trousers and

wide have black shoes. The man spoke Norwegian with a foreign accent.

The police told Dagbladet that there were several witnesses present and that the police now working to receive an explanation of these.

Do you something more about this matter? Tips Dagbladet on 2400@db.no


- For profitable nursery schools in Bergen – Norway P4 Radio Hele ASA

- For profitable nursery schools in Bergen – Norway P4 Radio Hele ASA

 The politicians in Bergen believes kindergartens in the city is profitable and makes less money for barnehagedridt.

Bergens Tidende writes that it happens after the

private company kids kindergarten went with 28 million in profits.

The company operates 28 kindergartens.

Commissioner for daycare that is right politician says that they have been for generous with the money to the individual and that this has gone beyond public kindergartens.


Brunettes Researcher voldtekt by student-utested in Trondheim – Dagbladet.no

Brunettes Researcher voldtekt by student-utested in Trondheim – Dagbladet.no

(Dagbladet): The police got in the night, at 2:38 message that a woman was allegedly raped by the club Student Society in Trondheim.

– The rape allegedly took place outside the club, said police officer Geir Bakkhaug at Sør-Trøndelag Police to Dagbladet.

The police have not yet arrested anyone in the case.

The aggrieved woman sits now in a formal interview with the police now and Bakkhaug say they do not currently want to go out with details in the case.

– The case is being

investigated technically and tactically, he says to Dagbladet.

More police patrols come out to the club after the message arrived in the night.

– It was an acquaintance of the woman who alerted us. It should have happened outdoors near the Student Union, said operations Bjorn Hand Farm in Sør-Trøndelag Police adressa.no.


AP Top break the silence about the Olympics in Oslo – Aftenposten

AP Top break the silence about the Olympics in Oslo – Aftenposten

Right relies on support from the Labour Party in Parliament that it will be the Olympics. But now, says Labour’s health spokesman Torgeir Micaelsen a clear no to Olympic plans.

– I’m the opposite, says Micaelsen NRK.

The statement comes four days before the Conservative Party parliamentary group will decide in the OL case. For there to be a Winter Olympics in Oslo in 2022, both the Conservatives and Labour say yes since government partner Progress is the opposite.

Labor will await Conservative treatment of the case before taking a position on the Olympic issue. Micaelsen says he is not alone in its no in the party, but encountering heavy resistance. The party leader Jonas Gahr Støre, Party Secretary Raymond Johansen and LO leader Gerd Kristiansen is positive to Oslo’s Olympic application.

Read also: Skjebneuke Oslo Olympics

– Many no-people

– I believe what I do, it also believes many others in the party, but many believe the opposite. There are 30 to 35 billion we’re talking about, so it’s a very big decision, and I suppose we should be fairly confident that this is the right thing to do now, and it’s not me, says Micaelsen.

A majority of county leaders in AP is critical that Norway will send an Olympic application. In all ten provinces, plus AUF, are critical to an application, showed an inventory class struggle conducted earlier in September.

– I think it’s important to speak up now, before the matter should be examined on its merits in Parliament. There are many good reasons for organizing the Olympics in Oslo. But when arguments that public health and many other pleasant side effects highlighted as justification for the Olympics, I think it’s okay to tell, says Micaelsen NRK.

Heiberg: – I had lost all credibility. I had to go.

Labor votes will decide

Should Right to go in for an Olympic application, the party will find allies in much of the Christian Democrats and the Liberals, but Aps votes will be crucial.

– Here are some of very, very few against many very uncertain. We take no position on the matter before parliament gets the forwarded by the government. Much is unclear yet, such as the distribution of costs is between Oslo and the state, said Labor’s sports policy spokesperson Rigmor Aasrud ​​NTB Saturday.

Also read: Yes-majority Conservative provide Olympic optimists hope

Party Whip

Ap Helga Pedersen did it this week clear that it is unacceptable to float parliamentary group in the Olympic case.

– Once the decision is made need to set up solidarity behind the decision, said Pedersen.

Labor Member of Parliament from Troms, Tove Karoline Knutsen, told Nordlys that she thinks the majority in the party are opposed.

Knutsen do not know how parliamentary group that she is a member, is going to vote, but adds that she feels that most people are adverse to the Olympics.

The second Labor representative from Troms, Martin Henriksen, says he Knutsen and working hard for the party to say no to the Olympics.

According to Henriksen’s Labor divided on the matter. He believes that resistance is particularly high in coastal counties, while Akershus, Hedmark and Oppland are largely positive. (© NTB)

Published: 28.sep. 2,014 9:53


Man (32) charged with rape of woman (19) – TV 2

Man (32) charged with rape of woman (19) – TV 2

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Saturday, September 27, 2014

AP Top break the silence about the Olympics in Oslo – Romsdals Budstikke

AP Top break the silence about the Olympics in Oslo – Romsdals Budstikke

Oslo (NTB-André Lorentsen): Arbeiderparti-toppen Torgeir Micaelsen fra Drammen, som har til nå holdt sitt syn i OL-saken for seg selv, Sier et disappointed nei til vinter-OL i Oslo.

Høyre avhengig av er Fa Støtte Arbeiderpartiet fra i Stortinget for critical stop at det bli OL. But nå Sier Arbeiderpartiets helsepolitiske talsperson Torgeir Micaelsen et klart nei til OL-planene.

– Det er jeg imot, Sier Micaelsen til NRK.

Uttalelsen kommer fire dager Før Høyres stortingsgruppe critical stop bestemme sec i OL-saken. For critical stop at det bli et vinter-OL i Oslo i 2022 og mÅ Badè Høyre Arbeiderpartiet if ja Siden regjeringspartner Frp er imot.

Will town avvente Høyres behandling av saken Før two tarball stilling til OL-spørsmålet, but Micaelsen Sier han ikke alene er om sitt nei i partiet.

– Jeg conducting gjør jeg det, det conducting også mange andre i Arbeiderpartiet but mange conducting det motsatte. Det er 30 til 35 milliarder Kröner Views snakker ohms, this det er en stor veldig beslutning, og jeg da conducting life onboard være ganske sweetened by AT dette er å riktig gjøre Na, og det er jeg ikke, Sier Micaelsen. (© NTB)

Ap-topp bryter tausheten Ohm OL i Oslo

Oslo (NTB-André Lorentsen): Arbeiderparti-toppen Torgeir Micaelsen fra Drammen, Somme til nå har sitt syn holdt i OL-saken for seg selv , Sier et disappointed nei til vinter-OL i Oslo.

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AP Top says no to Olympics – Aftenposten

AP Top says no to Olympics – Aftenposten

Right relies on support from the Labour Party in Parliament that it will be the Olympics. But now, says Labour’s health spokesman Torgeir Micaelsen a clear no to Olympic plans.

– OL, I am against, say Micaelsen NRK.

The statement comes four days before the Conservative Party parliamentary group will decide in the OL case. For there to be a Winter Olympics in Oslo in 2022, both the Conservatives and Labour say yes since government partner FRP is welcomed.

Labor has not taken a position on the Olympic issue, but Micaelsen says he is not alone if its no in the party.

– I believe what I do, it also

believes many in the Labour Party, but many believe the opposite. There are 30 to 35 billion we’re talking about, so it’s a very big decision, and I suppose we should be fairly confident that this is the right thing to do now, and it’s not me, says Micaelsen.

Also read:

Published: 28.sep. 2,014 0:39


Teen seriously injured after stabbing – Aftenposten

Teen seriously injured after stabbing – Aftenposten

The person injured is rushed to hospital. It reports the Oslo Police on Twitter Saturday night.

Police have cordoned off a large area inside the Tøyensenteret. Dog Patrol has followed track from Garden Street and south down Sigurd Street.

Bet Director Lasse Saarstad says to Aftenposten that the stabbing took place outdoors, and that the police were in place shortly after the incident. They found while the victim on the ground, and was transported competent to Ullevaal Hospital.

The victim is a man in his late teens, newspaper VG.

– I heard a scream, turned around, and there I saw the victim fall to the ground with his back first, tells a witness to Aftenposten.

– The perpetrator came running past us. There was a man with a hood on.

The witness tells Aftenposten that the victim then got up and came towards them. The victim told the witnesses that he had been stabbed.

– When he spoke, there came a lot of blood out of him. I told him

to lie down.

The witness says that he performed first aid while another passerby called the police. The knivstukkede expression fear for their own lives.

– The victim is from Iraq. He does not live here, says the witness told Aftenposten.

Bet Director Lasse Saarstad says to Aftenposten that the stabbing took place outdoors, and that the police were in place shortly after the incident. They found while the victim on the ground, and was transported competent to Ullevaal Hospital. The victim should be out of danger.

Aftenposten coming back for more.

Reporter on site:hansotorg

Published: 27.Sep. 2,014 9:14 p.m.


- Elden, you fan me flipped? – The online newspaper

- Elden, you fan me flipped? – The online newspaper

Publisert 26.09.14 12:17 the core oppdatert 26.09. 14 12:39

John Christian Elden i language diskusjon ohms syn på Facebook EGEN moral OGG etikk.

Tidligere Våga-ordfører Rune Øygard, som i fjor blue dømt hefty gjentatte overgrep mot en jente under 16 år, har nå engasjert advokat John Christian Elden FOR AT han critical stop is på saken, OGG FA Gjenopptakelseskommisjonen til å vurdere denier.

Det fikk leser Lilli cleverly til å is rødt, OGG nyheten legge ut på Facebook syn-side, med kommentaren «John Christian Elden HAR CPU FAN MEG Torna ???? ; (»

Elden klikket sec derfor Inn by Hennes Facebook-profil for GI beskjed ohms at han er ved fem sine fulle:

” Ikke som om jeg vet. Noen er det du grunn kjenner til jeg ikke critical stop for at Pata et oppdrag meg ohm å å vurdere gjennomgå saken hefty urn denier camp gjenopptas? »

Les også: Rune Øygard Jobber hefty gjenopptakelse

Languages ​​diskusjon

Herfra Folger Supported languages ​​diskusjon hvor Elden gjentatte Ganger forsøker å forklare hvorfor han tar seg på denne jobben.


“Du boron is grunner på og som moral folks rettsfølelse.!; (», skriver Lilli Marlen .

“Noen som har det er moral eller som rettsfølelse tilsier at dersom en er domes Feil, BOR denier likevel bli stående fordi ment tiltalte eller ikke den Liker likende?», sportswear Elden, safes Lilli Marlen Stiller spørsmål om hva som får ham til å anta at dommen er Feil.

“Det vet jeg ingenting ohms. Det er det jeg er om å bedt vurdere. Jeg konkluderer aldri Før jeg har sinker saken» .

– Ha marble finishing kveld

Debatten ruller videre. Foil Kaster seg på. Noen støtter Elden, andre kritiserer ham.

Lilli Marlen gir

Elden Clar beskjed ohms at Øygard-oppdraget hans er principal støtende. Hun i det hele tatt cysts om han har Noen skrupler, og om det ikke er Noen Saker avviser tunnel.

“Ingen Saker avvises camp. Domstolene avgjør hva som er og Rett Galt. Akkurat som en Legge. Camping ikke å avvise redde en hun pasient Hvem det er. I strid med advokatetikken akkurat legeetikken Somme. Attpåtil deg kunne jeg forsvart », svarer Elden.

etter en language rekke med Foil Foil Facebook meldinger fra-brukere, forsøker Elden å avslutte det hele med denne kommentaren: «Ha marble finishing kveld alle” særlige klagere activated “, som ville Sivilombudsmannen kalt dere! “

Rune Øygard blue i Høyesterett fjor dømt til i år og tre måneders fengsel rate. Han soningen startet i av straffen Desember i fjor.

Han er dømt hefty gjentatte overgrep mot en jente Under over 16 år på en periode nesten rate år. I tillegg til fengselsstraffen blue Øygard dømt også til å betale jenta 120.000 Kröner i erstatning.

Den tidligere Arbeiderparti ordføreren har-gjentatte Ganger uttalt at han town bruke alle Midler PA renvaske segue, but valgte å droppe denier bebudede ankesaken til i Menneskerettsdomstolen Strasbourg.

– Masse morsomt

Elden har uttalt saken at han har nå påtatt seg er en kidney bevisvurderingssak, OGG at Malet hefty oppdraget er at blir prøvd saken på nytt i en norsk domstol.

Til Nettavisen Sier Elden at det er han synes gøy å pirke borti når det han selv diskuteres i sosiale Medier.

– Facebook phenomenon and analytically er der masse morsomt folkedyp gurgles opp. Å pirke litt borti når det jeg er bare gjøres til tema gøy. Ytringsfrihet i praksis, Sier Elden.

Her camp du-drop Facebook debatten i syn helhet:
