Saturday, August 9, 2014

Unclear dødsårsak. Ready Monday – Aftenposten

Unclear dødsårsak. Ready Monday – Aftenposten

The police plan to dødsårsaken are aware of the saint, and the tactical and technical banquets regulatory sing is ready later in Uken.

Police Several vitner so drapet

In føgle NRK, the siktede mannen before being accused of threats with a knife, and pans the NRK get opplyst be rettssaken towards him banquets plan opp for Salten District Court in Bodø in late September .

Vitner sett krangel

– It was several people present in the house and they have vitnestatus. It is unclear whether they have sett the drapet, but they have sett oppbyggingen av a controversy-operation between people, says Acting Police Chief Ingar Bøen to Aftenposten.

The police plan to drapet skjedde early Friday morning. The Antar to dødsårsaken m staying clear of like a saint. Foreløpig they will not tell back more than the body is oppdelt.

– It is Informasjon already been published on the lånefond media. We would reach the river keep the rest of informasjonen at a maximum virgin nivå, says Bøen. He siermye suggest that siktede is the same as observert on a kjøpesenter that he bloody horizontally around.

– Could he be in danger of the others resented

– Nei .

Kjente each other

In a press conference yesterday banquets dinner referred to police the siktede and avdøde as bekjente. Drapsofferet lived not even leiligheten but was besøk here.

– Vet out if it was sjalusi depicted in

– I can not say noe about. We have thoughts huh which may be a reason, but I can not say noe about because siktet not avhørt, says Bøen to Aftenposten.

Sett with knife

The siktede mannen which is 20 years, the residence address in a one else at the municipality Sunnmøre. The condition of his face by far not made it possible stream avhøre him.

But according Sunnmørsposten must siktede ha tilstått Hareid-drapet opposite bekjente. Several sources with kjennskap to get verte, says the newspaper that sjalusi can be bakgrunn for ugjerningen. It must ha host those who contacted police. Mannen diaper pågrepet on Valderøy Friday evening. Natt to yesterday diaper he siktet. Siktelsen sounds reach the forsettlig beige. Police sieves to Sunnmørsposten that they have data dated as tilsier that the accused threatened avdøde with knife in advance of the drapet.

Sheep HELP

25 people from Sunnmøre police district is satt on the affair. I also calling assists nine people from Kripos with banquets research management, as well as tactical and technical banquets research. Yesterday evening the diaper avdøde downloaded ut av leiligheten. When the police had the job at the scene for many hours, and amongst other things, banquets gjenstander which may be attached opp to drapet. But the presiserer all kroppsdelene diaper match was found at the scene.

– This is a difficult sak and a heavy and tidkrevende ‘work, says Acting Police Chief Ingar Bøen to Aftenposten.

Hittil they have received a grant inn around 30 tips to the affair, and more 30 vitner is turn itself into avhørt. The siktede will bli forward tilt of feng treatment tomorrow.

– Foreløpig I have no comment. I will Meeting of my client as soon as possible, says mannens defender Erling Flisnes.

Publisert: 09.aug. 2014 22:29


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