Monday, August 18, 2014

Tried to sell fake Iphone policeman for 2,000 kroner –

Tried to sell fake Iphone policeman for 2,000 kroner –

(Dagbladet): In recent days, the Oslo police task force against pocket thefts received several messages regarding the sale of what is probably fake mobile phones on the street.

– We have had reports here from Oslo and also from Agder. This suggests that an environment trying to specialize in selling fake mobile phones on the street. There is talk of top models for Iphone and Samsung, said police officer and analyst Morten Drægni the effort group to Dagbladet.

sold to police

Today they started their own etterforskningsprosekt the environment and work got off to a flying start.

– Lommetyvgruppa much out and patrol and look for pickpockets. Our people are trained to mock people selling stolen goods or counterfeit products on the street. This afternoon was one of our police officers offered to buy an Iphone 5C for NOK 2000. The seller was arrested and now sits in jail, accused of fraud, said Drægni.

Also during the weekend, one person was arrested in Oslo for the same. ABC News police said they stopped a few Romanians who had several fake iPhone phones on them when they were checked. The people should be informed that they were trying to sell the phones.

All those arrested in both cases are Romanians.

– We have started to survey the environment now and what we can say is that there are Romanian citizens, both men and women, who are doing this. It appears that they operate in the city center, he said.

phone reveals itself

Police ask for tips from people who come over and see buying and selling phones on the street. Police believe the fake phones are manufactured in Asia, before they are sold to Europe for a few hundred dollars.

– So you are trying to sell phones in Norway and Norwegians fool for a few thousand dollars. The seller obviously the phones to be true, he said.

The analyst says some elements of the phone is good copy work, but there are several things that reveal the phone as false.

– The fake phones generally have poorer quality. We look at your iPhone that there is no functioning blitz. Software is often different and the phone is slower to use, he says.

If you buy a phone from this environment you can not phone in a box, but just a phone and a charger. Charger for iPhone looks very similar to the original and seems to be a so-called lightning cable specifically for newer Apple products.

– However, our main advice is to not buy new phone from a seller on the street . Is it too good to be true, it usually just that. And it is important to remember that it is illegal to buy stolen goods, says Drægni.


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