Monday, August 11, 2014

How are sex-purchase law worked? Today comes the evaluation. – Aftenposten

How are sex-purchase law worked? Today comes the evaluation. – Aftenposten

report shows that buying sex ban has contributed to lower demand for sex with a prostitute.

The evaluation shows that prostitution extent in Norway has decreased by 20-25 percent compared to the year before the law took effect, writes Vista analysis in its long announced evaluation of the ban.

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Norway less attractive country

The researchers’ main findings are:

  • The enforcement of the ban helps make Norway a less attractive place to conduct prostitution
  • The economic conditions for engaging in prostitution in Norway has become worse
  • There are no indications that violence against prostitute has increased as a result of the ban.

There is expected in advance that this evaluation will be crucial for the government chooses to discard or keep the law prohibiting the purchase of sexual services.

– We find evidence that sex-purchase law in Norway, like Sweden, has a normative effect. This will help to curb the demand for paid sex from prostitute over time, says the head of the evaluation Ingeborg Rasmussen at a press conference Monday morning.

1500 men fined

Since sexkjøpasloven was introduced 1. January 2009, 1,520 men in Norway fined. Bøtenes size varies from the police to the police – from 7.000 million to 30.000 million.

In the same period 400 apartments where there is buying and selling of sex has been closed after the landlord has been threatened Review for pimping.

The number prostitute who contacted PRO-center, went down when buying sex act was introduced in 2008 as the “peak year”.

Shared opinions

Conservative Party and the Progress Party platform calls for the they will abolish the sex-purchase law, which was introduced by the coalition in 2009 The Liberal Party basically want to remove the law.

– I hope the Government dares to propose to repeal the ban. This is a very important issue for us, said Parliament Sveinung Rotevatn (V) Aftenposten in January.

Government partner KrF however strong supporter of keeping the ban on buying sex.

But within the political parties are the opinions are divided, and in Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim and Stavanger Right-peaks expressed skepticism to wind up buying sex ban.

Conservative spokeswoman Bridget Ebbesen told NTB that the party will see the evaluation before the decide how the party should respond in the further process.

– We are looking for what to do if the evaluation concludes that it is wise to keep the law says Ebbesen, who find it very Interestingly, researchers have made clear

For and cons

The prostitute organizations have long struggled to buying sex ban removed and have pointed out that the law in practice has led to more insecurity and less safety for sex workers.

The large police districts, however, have gone on to keep the law.

– There is no doubt that the organized sex trade in countries where selling sex is legal, is far greater than in Norway, said police superintendent Jarle Bjerke section on organized crime in Hordaland the Times.

Aftenposten coming back for more.

Published: august 11. 2014 10:31


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