Saturday, August 2, 2014

Did fake driving license: – They buy them online – Hamar Dagblad

Did fake driving license: – They buy them online – Hamar Dagblad

 NPRA waved at 12 o’clock Friday afternoon a female driver in the control of Gujrat.

 When she was asked to show your driver’s license, issued highway authorities inspectors suspected.

 - We were almost certain that it was false, and took her to Gardermoen for document control, said control manager Bjørn Uno Rogneby in NPRA.

 Where confirmed police highway authorities suspect:

 - There was no doubt – it was fake, says Rogneby.

 The passenger had done the same

 The 27-year-old woman who drove the car was from Lithuania. According Rogneby claimed that she lived in Norway, but neither spoke Norwegian or English.

 - She was very determined with the driver’s license, so she knew enough what happened, saying Rogneby.

 - Why she had done – she had lost his license or never had – I do not know.

 The woman had two passengers in the car who tried to act as interpreters. One of them, according kontorllederen previously even been caught with fake driving licenses.

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 - Much of the

 Rome Blad has previously written about similar cases.

 Friday’s fake driver’s license is the sixth as revealed by highway authorities people in Jessheim year. This was the third Lithuanian for years.

 From earlier this year, the traffic station also a Latvian, Polish and Italian driving license in the collection of forged driver’s license.

 - It’s getting a lot of this now, said control manager.

 Please purchase online

 Drivers licenses are not difficult to get in.

 - They buy them online, says Rogneby.

 He previously told the Rome Blad that a Lithuanian driving license can be purchased for around 1,500 Norwegian kroner.


 Rogneby says that highway authorities controllers for longer with controls know how the various foreign licenses egnetlig to look.

 - We see a lot of them. We control many heavy vehicles, and there are many foreigners. There are a number of security features in them, so when they vote bad, we must take a further check.

 Operations Per Stenslet in Raumarike Police confirm they assisted NPRA control of driver’s license to 27-year-old.

 - She is reported for this. I make the vehicle was separated, says Stenslet.

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