Sunday, August 3, 2014

Critically injured after accident – Buy publication

Critically injured after accident – Buy publication

man who was injured in a head-on collision between two cars on county road 33 at Odnes Sunday afternoon flown to Ullevål Hospital.

Critically injured

– He is described as critically injured, said operations Bard Christiansen OA at 15.30.

In the other car sat two people. Both came from it without physical damage.

All emergency services plucked out the message about the accident came in around 12:30, one mile southeast of Bear. The three involved were initially taken to Gurgaon hospital.

come across in the wrong field

– It’s too early to say anything about the cause of the accident, but it is clear that the man who was injured came across oncoming lane. Why we do not know, says Christiansen.

There were heavy rains in the area when the accident occurred. The road was closed for short periods, and traffic was routed manually. At 16.30 o’clock notified police that the road past the accident site was cleared and open again.

The injured driver is domiciled in Hadeland and 30s

thing updated


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