Thursday, July 14, 2016

Police action against romleirer in Oslo –

(Dagbladet): Action against eight camps started at 5:00 Thursday morning.

– We have had an action together with the police, we got approached by police the previous day here, that they wanted to go into two camps and clean. They had received a number of complaints from people who are walking in Ekeberg Kogen that there was plenty of space people who had established themselves with large tent camps and that there was much litter and people felt a little unsafe, said Rusk General January Hauger said.

Clean up: – Here you go there probably 100,000 just to get moved up everything that is underwater crevices. Photo: Thomas Rasmus Skaug / Dagbladet more

– Now we have given the message to take away all the assets, so now we have to start with the contractors our clearing. There will be clearing at least two days, he continued.

Piles estimates that clearers Inga will be a costly affair.

– Here you go there probably 100 000 million just to get moved up everything that is underwater crevices.

According to TV2, the police and Rusken clean up eight camps during the early hours of Thursday. Hauger said they have never had to remove as many squatter camps that today earlier.

MUCH GARBAGE: – It has taken off. Thomas Rasmus Skaug / Dagbladet more

– This year it has taken off completely with littering. I have been debris general since 2009 and have never experienced so many wild camper as now, he says to the channel.

pOLICE aCTION: police and Rusken took action Thursday morning against a variety romleirer at Ekeberg in Oslo. Photo: Audun Braastad / NTB scanpix more

The police have told those living in the camps that they have to clean and leave within eight o’clock, writes NTB.

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