Saturday, July 16, 2016

Pokemon GO officially launched in Norway – Adresseavisen

Saturday morning notified Pokémon GO that “coaches” in 27 European countries could go out and catch Pokémon through their “extended virklighetsspill” for smartphones.

– Coaches, thank you for having been patient. We have recently worked hard to investigate server issues so that we can launch the game in several countries in the coming days, it says on their facebook page.

ALSO READ: There are Pokémon fever in Trondelag

European launch

the game was first launched in the United States and Australia, but many Norwegians have made technical detours to secure the game before today’s launch in Norway and 25 other countries.

Mobile game is to catch virtual animals that appear in the real world and compete with them.

ALSO READ: the new mobile game is used by robbers, has led to the discovery of a corpse and the developers have had to answer for the game full access to private information

Server Trouble

There is such high demand on the game a few hours after launch that the servers have not coped with the huge influx.

– our servers are humbled by the incredible response theirs. We are working to rectify the problem. Please try again soon, writes game developer in a message on Twitter.


Even before the official launch in Norway, the Pokémon game for mobile been criticized for adding up to inappropriate behavior in places where to play mobile games can be seen as inappropriate.

Among other fight players on war memorials and cemeteries, including at least two graveyards at least two cemeteries in Trondheim, which the verger will contact showings about.

ALSO READ: Preferred game for mobile and tablet

ALSO READ: Runner town around to catch Pokémon


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