Sunday, July 17, 2016

“Pokémon GO” finally became available in Norway – but the game does not work –

(Dagbladet): – Is it more than me who get this, to a member of facebook group Pokemon Go Norway, and records an image of the game does not work.

on Saturday, the popular game” Pokémon GO “possible to download for Norwegian users.

ERROR: This message got many excited gamers up when they were playing “Pokémon GO” in day. Photo: Screenshot Show more

Until then had the popular game only been available for a small selection of countries, although many had secured an Australian or American account to take the game to use

not long after the game was available for Norwegian user accounts began messages about errors tick onto the Norwegian facebook group.

“why do I get this?”, “Has been off and on here all day too .. “and” the fynker not for me yet … “writes the members of the group.

Saturday night type” Pokémon GO “on his Twitter account that has server problems, but they are working hard to fix them.

Many countries

– Coaches, thank you for having been patient. We have recently worked hard to investigate server problems so that we can launch the game in several countries in the coming days, wrote “Pokémon GO” on his website.

The game is now available in 27 countries to, including Norway, is that the so-called coaches going around and captures digital monsters through their smartphones.

the official download figures from Google Play and the App Store has already passed helev 15 million, wrote USA Today on Wednesday.


Inspectorate, the legal adviser Tobias judinet, have expressed their skepticism about the game, because it requires access to a lot of information about users.

– is problematic. To use the service, you can choose to log in with either a Google, Facebook or Pokémon account said judinet Dagbladet.

It does not seem to have put a damper on spillentusiasmen. Many in the facebook group writes that they have downloaded the Norwegian version.

They have therefore been extremely disappointed with the technical issues.

Equal Dagbladet Culture on Facebook


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