Sunday, July 17, 2016

Man arrested with sharp loaded gun outside bar in Oslo – Sunnmørsposten

– In his pocket he had a gun with a bullet in the chamber. The weapon was thus sharp laddering, said operations manager Find Belle of the Oslo police to TV2, adding that there is always a little dramatic when they get messages about people who carry guns.

– But we are well trained and arrest went nicely for themselves. Moreover, we were solid hideout, he said.

According to TV2 was 22-year-old surrounded by five police patrols and arrested at 3:50 when he amplified to go from the place in his car.

it was first reported that the man waving a gun inside the club, but the management at Blue tells NTB that the club closed at 3.

Operations Gjermund Stokkli told Aftenposten that he is not familiar with that incident happened inside at the club. (© NTB)


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