Friday, July 15, 2016

A person charged with complicity in attempted murder for shooting at Egon in … – Aftenposten

No one was hurt when someone started shooting outside restaurant at the mall Triad at 21.53 on Thursday night.

It is unclear how many shots that were fired, but police said there were probably more.

However, a person is now detained for complicity in the attempted murder of Egon restaurant in Lørenskog in Akershus.

police Attorney Andreas Christiansen confirmed to Aftenposten that Lower Romerike District Court has jailed him for four weeks.

– He is charged on the basis of the overall investigation material we sit on.

According to Aftenposten knowledge, the accused previously convicted several times, including for drug offenses, violence and property crimes. In addition, he received fines for more gain and drug crimes.

Police hunt for more

Christiansen is very sparse with details and will not say anything about the role of man shall have had to matter, how the police found him, what investigative steps they take, if others have been arrested in the last day or whether he should be associated with a criminal environment.

– But we hunt more people out of a theory that more is involved. We are working to get a complete overview of who was present.

After the shooting were initially nine people arrested. All have been released, but they are still charged with illegal armament in a public place, lighted Andreas Christiansen East Police NTB last weekend.

But he says Friday to Aftenposten that none of these are charged with attempted murder or complicity to attempted murder.

Potential conflicts with criminal gangs

the reason for the shooting should be a conflict between two criminal gangs from Oslo.

According to VG, there is talk about a conflict that goes back several years in time.

A witness who has spoken to Rome Blad told the newspaper that it was like in the movies.

– People threw herself down on the floor. There were also children at the restaurant. After the shooting, there were several cars driving, so they threw themselves into them and ran, and seconds later was all gone.

Refuse culpability

Ann Helen Aarø is defense counsel for the accused. She says that the man has explained that he is innocent, but that he has accepted to be jailed for four weeks.

– It is for the police to make time to check him out of the case. He contests that he is part of a criminal gang environment.

Background: Eight arrested after shooting at Lørenskog


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