Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Warned against loose bolts on helicopters in 2006 – Fædrelandsvennen

13 personer omkom da helikopteret gikk i bakken 29. april i år. En mulig årsak er svikt i stagene som knytter rotoren til skroget, noe produsenten av ulykkeshelikopteret, Airbus, mener er mest sannsynlig.

Bergens Tidende skriver at tekniske undersøkelser av Super Puma-helikoptre i 2006 viste at noen av boltene som holder fast stagene ikke var festet så hardt som de skulle. Senere analyser viste at det var nødvendig å innføre rutiner for å sjekke samtlige fester på de to nyeste Super Puma-modellene, som også inkluderer ulykkeshelikopteret.

Helikopterselskapet CHC Helicopters, som fløy ulykkeshelikopteret, understreker at de har fulgt opp vedlikeholdskravene for stagene.

«Sertifiserte flymekanikere utfører inspeksjonen, og eventuell etterstramming av boltene på innfestingen.», skriver pressekontakt Jan Tore Savic Knutsen i en epost til avisen.

Tirsdag morgen sendte Airbus ut en pressemelding der de presiserer at de ikke har konkludert når det gjelder ulykkesårsaken. (©NTB)


Municipal Merger “Farmen-Find” from yes to no – VG

FOSEN (VG) “Orland in wind” was the municipality’s slogan, but for “Farmen-Find” Olav Odde wind has turned. Two years ago he would merge Orland and Bjugn. Now voiced his no.

– The agreement that the previous council negotiated is not good enough. I had hoped that we could bring about changes in the agreement, but when it was not possible I ultimately felt that I had to say no, says Odde.

It is the second time that residents of the two municipalities votes over an agreement to so together Orland and Bjugn. Two years ago there was a majority for Orland and courage in Ashford. There after a public debate, when the then mayor of Ashford Arnfinn Astad was hung out at the municipal sign on the way into the municipality.

Super Monday: Many municipalities say “no” to merge

until lately deputy mayor “Farmen-Find” stood on the same side as mayor Tom Myrvold has given its citizens a clear recommendation to vote yes. The mayor seems that he has a number of good economic arguments for a larger municipality tip of the Fosen peninsula.

& lt; p & gt; P & # xc5; GROUNDED: A  no-sign was taken down Monday, but later p &  # xE5; day it was p & # xE5; space again. &  lt; / p & gt;

THE FIELD: A no-sign was taken down Monday, but later in the day it was back in place .


But this time – after the agreement has replaced Botngård in Ashford with Brekstad Orland as a seat of the council administration, it is in Orland that the debate has been most loudly. Well illustrated in the Mestas people on election day had out on the ground close to the last roundabout before Brekstad and pick down a big NO sign. Later in the day it was set up.

– I’m very happy for the result we got. I am too a municipality merging, but not under the conditions that existed, say Farmen-Finn.

– When we add this to the merger dead, and hope to get to a good cooperation as two municipalities.

Now, he believes that they also have to work together and play each other good as two independent municipalities.

Do not volunteer

– We have big lift ahead. The development of fighter base and wind power development. We cooperate to achieve growth in both municipalities, he said.

– You do not believe in negotiating a new deal?

– No, these municipalities are merged, there must be someone outside that force it on us, says Finn Ove Odde.

A steady stream of municipality over 4200 voters flocked to polling stations, and 842 had voted in advance.

even when the result of advance voting became known, it was clear that the result had turned in both municipalities. In the past yes municipality said 71% of those who had voted no, while the figure was just the opposite of the people who said no in the last referendum. In Ashford said over these 70 yes this time.

– Advance votes are agreed well with the final result at the previous poll says Mayor of Bjugn Ogné Undertun.

He is very disappointed by the outcome of the referendum in the neighboring community.

– We have worked hard to get to this merger agreement, and it is regrettable that this is the result. We’ll sit down and consider what we should do next, says Undertun.


– If we look in the crystal ball, there is no doubt that in the future will be very good arguments for a municipality. For me count these much more than the municipal administration should be. There are only 12 kilometers between Botngård in Ashford and Brekstad Orland. So it is not so important where the mayor and city manager’s office.

But it was this that eventually fell Finn Olav Odde too heavy for chest to go on. When he two years ago voted yes, it was a proposal that said the municipal administration should be in Brekstad. A growing center located close to Norway’s new fighter base.

& lt; p & gt; A young yea. - We are best  served by a municipality, and there are not  important to me where mayor & # xF8; teacher  sits, says Lisa Brattland (15). Anyone who turns  16 in & # xE5; s got voice. & lt; / p & gt;

A young yea. – We are best served by a municipality, and there are not important to me where the mayor sits, says Lisa Brattland (15). Everyone who turns 16 this year the vote.

Photo: Geir Otto Johansen VG

Then there was a clear majority against merging in Bjugn, the plans were shelved. But just before the municipal elections, it was agreed a new deal, which meant that the municipality’s management should have an office in Botngård. It seems to have turned the wind in both municipalities.

– Agreement carriers too much feel that we have not managed to take off our “local authority hat” when it new municipality to be designed. Brekstad is coastal town, here is the village town hall, cultural center and hotel together. Our partners can go straight from the speedboat and into administration. Move gladly anything to Botngård but municipal management must be here.

Although I all the way had been the municipal merger, this was such a bad deal that I finally had the conscience to say yes anymore. But I will listen to citizens’ advice. Will it be yes-majority votes I also, says Finn Olav Odde.


Defrauded of 100 million. In four months – Dagbladet.no

Nav let yesterday submitted its first Interim about insurance fraud. It appears that the Norwegian welfare recipients defrauded the agency of NOK 100 million in the first four months.

Between Reviewed Nav 478 people for social security fraud. An individual is reported for having defrauded of his 1.7 million through tax evasion and operating a business enterprise while he received sickness benefit and rehabilitation money.


Two German nationals stuck on ledge in Telemark – Aftenposten

De to skal ha havnet på fjellhyllen etter å ha gått seg vill, opplyser politiet i Telemark.

De iverksatte redningsaksjon, og sendte mannskaper inn til stedet til fots, og et Sea King-helikopter. De to tyskerne var på fjellet Skorve i Seljord, på vei til Flatdalen.

Ved 22-tiden tirsdag hadde Sea King-helikopteret hentet ned de to tyskerne.

Politiet var usikre en periode på om det var mulig for Sea King-helikopteret å berge de to fra fjellhyllen.

Før de to ble hentet ned sa Jan Olaf Jansen ved operasjonssentralen i Telemark at det var liten plass til de to som var på hyllen, men at det ikke var fare for at de kan falle ned fra fjellhyllen.

– De er våte, og de kommer seg ikke opp eller ned, sa Jansen.

Det var paret selv som varslet politiet, 20.23 tirsdag kveld.


Good measures for public health from Bent Høie – Aftenbladet.no

AFTENBLADET MENER: Nøytrale tobakkspakker og en ny offensiv for mindre salt og sukker i maten skal styrke folkehelsa.

Helseminister Bent Høie (H) samarbeider med matprodusenter og butikker for å redusere forbruket av salt og sukker. Det er et initiativ som antakelig har langt bedre virkning enn all verdens individuelle formaninger.

Regulering av alkoholomsetningen sørger for at skadevirkningene er færre i Norge enn i land med mer liberale regler. På samme måte har røykeloven endret våre røykevaner dramatisk. Slike kollektive tiltak er nødvendig også om kostholdsvanene våre skal endres.


65-year-old charged with assaulting 40 Norwegian girls – NRK

In April told NCIS in a statement that the man was arrested, charged with having ordered the live streaming of sexual abuse of Filipino children.

Today Dagbladet writes that the indictment also applies ca. 40 Norwegian girls between 9 and 13 years.

The man must have come into contact with the Norwegian children through children game since MovieStarPlanet. There, he will have released out to be peers.

– He has shared videos he has put together from abuses in the Philippines. In addition, he should have gotten the kids to perform sexually abused behavior, says Axel Due, senior communications NCIS

Multiple victim

NCIS says it also there are several victims in the Philippines than what was first known. Now we are talking about 26 Filipino children.

Abuses charges trades thus on about 66 children. Senior communications NCIS says it is a challenging case.

– Typical of many of the cases we are investigating what happened to the web is that there are very many aggrieved.

This case was the Western police District who rolled up based on tips. NCIS eventually took over the investigation.

Axel Due would not say how many long-standing abuse has occurred. But some of the victims are over 18 years.

– For very many it has been facilitated questioning on Children house. Some incidents stem from a time back, said Due.

Probably trial in November

The case according NCIS been challenging to investigate due to the large amount of material that must be reviewed.

He says that the investigation is in its final phase and will soon to be submitted to the public prosecutor. The accused has been in custody since the summer of 2015.

The case is likely to court in November.


Most said no to the merger on Super Monday – NRK

Yesterday voiced inhabitants in 47 municipalities over whether they will join with neighboring municipalities. So far, only the majority of merging ten kommner.

In 35 municipalities the majority voted against the merger, while the result of two of the municipalities are not yet clear. Several locations around the country gathered residents to celebrate the results.

– We should celebrate the day grows lighter, but not gloat, says Odd Arne Brekstad and Mikal Tyskø to Fosna people.

They are part of a gang merger opponents who gathered at the club Barrock after it became clear that people in Orland said no to team up with neighboring municipality Bjugn.

the neighbors in Ashford – who in 2014 said no to team up with Orland – voted Monday for a merger.

No to storkommune Rogaland

ahead of superman day was particularly attached great excitement to the results of Stavanger and Sola, which citizens should decide whether they will join forces in the new large municipality North Jæren.

This plan now seems less likely after Stavanger voted yes but Sola and Sandnes voted no.

WILL SPEAKING WITH OTHER Mayor of Stavanger Christine Sagen Helgø (H).

Photo: Johansen, Carina / NTB scanpix

Sola mayor and yes-man Ole Ueland (H) had hoped for a different answer:

– I just wanted a different result but I’m glad for a clear answer, says Ueland.

Mayor Christine Sagen Helgø (H) in Stavanger admits she is disappointed that nab okommunene said no but now directs his gaze northward.

– We’re going to work with those who want to talk to us, that Finnøy and Rennesøy, she said.

More nO

Sunday was held referendums on municipal amalgamation in five municipalities in Nordland and Troms, who all said no to the merger.

Also last Monday was billed as a super Monday, when 32 municipalities voted on the merger. 21 of them said no, something civic Minister Jan Tore Sanner (H) would not call a defeat.

– There came a lot of good news Monday. 22 municipalities said yes and 27 municipalities said no when you see the results of referendums and citizen surveys collected, said Sanner.

Sanner has been clear that the referendum is not binding and only be used as one of several advice when municipal councils take their decision.

ultimately, it is Parliament that will draw the new municipal map, which is scheduled to take place next spring. They will also rely on the advice of the country’s county governors, who are in full swing with draw their own maps over which of the county’s municipalities they believe should merge.

Turnout in Monday’s referendum was very low multiple places, and in some places was the way down to the 20th century.

Loading map, please wait …


- Thought it was bit of a rat – Dagbladet.no

(Dagbladet): When Mia Espen Sæternes Monday to enjoy a cold soda and cured, she got a surprise.

Having already consumed two garlic sausages from producer Grilstad she felt that there was something strange in the mouth.

– I did not get to chew the bit properly and thought why it was a normal cartilage. When I took it out of, your mouth I saw that there was something else, says Mia Sæternes Dagbladet.

It was Avisa Sør-Trøndelag who first publicized case.

Got nauseated

– I was really disgusted when I saw what it was. Just before it got in return, she said.

Sæternes say that it looked like there was a bit of an animal and the skin and hair just joined the sausage production. The hairs are about one cm long.

– At first I thought it was rats, but I really hope not that it is, says Orkdal None.

Long next pølsebit

Mia Sæternes and daughter bought ten sausages of the same type at Rema 1000 Orkanger Saturday. Now she has six sausages in the pack and she says that they are going to end up in the trash.

– It’s a long time until I get to eat sausage again, that’s for sure, says Sæternes, who have signed on “found” both Grilstad and Agriculture.

Grilstad told Dagbladet that they did not wish to comment until they have seen the product to the customer, but says that they take such matters seriously.


Parliament asks the Government raise the threshold for the use of data sampling for surveillance – Aftenposten

– At Stortinget, inkludert justisministerens eget parti, har sett seg nødt til å avgrense Anundsens forslag, viser at dette ikke var godt nok gjennomarbeidet i utgangspunktet, sier Hadia Tajik (Ap), leder av justiskomiteen på Stortinget, til Aftenposten.

– Det burde det vært, for dette er helt grunnleggende og prinsipielt viktige spørsmål, sier Tajik.

Hovedlinjene i forslaget vil bli vedtatt

Regjeringen vil ha store utvidelser av politiets overvåkingsmetoder. Lovforslaget skal behandles i Stortinget 8. juni.

Forrige tirsdag presenterte Aftenposten hvordan lovforslaget vil gi politiet en ny overvåkingshverdag.

Nå er innstillingen fra justiskomiteen klar. Lovforslaget får bred tilslutning og hovedlinjene vil bli vedtatt.

– Jeg er tilfreds med at regjeringens forslag om å styrke kampen mot den alvorligste kriminaliteten, terror, spredning av masseødeleggelsesvåpen og utenlandsk spionasje, får flertall, sier Anders Werp (H), nestleder i justiskomiteen.

  • Bakgrunn: Onsdag skrev Aftenposten om politiets nye overvåkingshverdag. Om du ikke fikk med deg saken, kan du lese her.

Ber Regjeringen heve terskelen for dataavlesing

Komiteens flertall ber imidlertid regjeringen heve terskelen for å anvende dataavlesning. De vil at metoden ikke skal kunne brukes for å avdekke simpel narkotikaovertredelse, simpelt narkotikaheleri og uaktsomt narkotikaheleri.

I lovforslaget innfører Regjeringen dataavlesing som et nytt tvangsmiddel politiet kan bruke. Det betyr enkelt forklart at politiet kan hacke datamaskiner for å lese alt som blir gjort og skrevet.

Werp: Personvernet blir ytterligere styrket

– Politiet får nå verktøy for å kunne være til stede i flere lovtomme rom som kriminelle opererer i, sier Werp.

Han mener Regjeringen foretar gode avveininger mellom samfunnssikkerhet og personvern i lovforslaget.

– Personvernet blir ytterligere styrket gjennom Stortingets behandling, blant annet ved å stramme inn på bruken av dataavlesning, og en ny gjennomgang av regelverket for behandling av overskuddsinformasjon, sier Werp.

– I tillegg styrker vi innsyn og kontroll av politiets metodebruk ved å tilføre Kommunikasjonskontrollutvalget ressurser og kompetanse, sier Werp.

– Etter Høyres mening, og i lys av trusselbildet i samfunnet, er dette balanserte og nødvendige tiltak for å bekjempe og forebygge alvorlig kriminalitet. I tillegg er det et forsvarsverk mot krefter som har demokratiet som fiende, sier Werp.

Leirstein: Opptatt av å finne en balansegang

– Vi har vært opptatt av å finne en balansegang mellom viktige personvernhensyn og metoder for politiet. Dette viser at vi tar dette på alvor, sier Ulf Leirstein (Frp).

Kjell Ingolf Ropstad (Krf), andre nestleder i komiteen, sier de er opptatt av å sikre politiet oppdaterte verktøy for å bekjempe den mest alvorlige kriminaliteten.

– Samtidig har det vært viktig å unngå massiv overvåking og sikre domstolskontroll av metodene. Det gjør vi nå, og det er kun når det er domstolene finner det sannsynlig at noen vil begå svært alvorlig kriminalitet at politiet får bruke dataavlesning, sier Ropstad.

Tajik: Ikke godt nok gjennomarbeidet i utgangspunktet

Hadia Tajik (Ap), leder i justiskomiteen sier følgende om flertallsforslaget om dataavlesing.

– Jeg er glad for at Høyre og Fremskrittspartiet har gått med på ett av våre forslag, og nå vil være med på å heve terskelen for bruk av den skjulte metoden dataavlesning. Dette er et svært inngripende virkemiddel og burde ikke brukes på mindre forbrytelser, sier Tajik.

Vil skjerpe reglene for oppbevaring og sletting

Flertallet i justiskomiteen ber også regjeringen foreta en gjennomgang av reglene om bruk, oppbevaring og sletting av overskuddsinformasjon, som de mener vil kunne øke vesentlig ved gjennomføringen av de nye forslagene.

Samtidig ber de Kommunikasjonskontrollutvalget føre oversikt over antall saker med unnlatt underretning, hvilke straffebud personen har vært mistenkt for brudd på, hvilke typer skjulte tvangsmidler som er tatt i bruk og begrunnelsen for den unnlatte underretningen.

De ber regjeringen foreta en evaluering av Kommunikasjonskontrollutvalget 3–5 år etter lovendringene.

Ber om at kontrollen skjerpes

Samtidig ber de regjeringen videreføre gjennomføring av kameraovervåking slik at det kun omfatter opptak av bildemateriale, ikke lyd. Dette er en presisering om videreføring av dagens regler.

– Det er godt å se at Høyre og Frp ikke er enig i Anundsens opprinnelige forslag om kameraovervåking med lyd og bilde, og heller vil legge hjemmelen for lyd til romavlytting slik det burde vært fra starten av, sier Tajik.

Ap-politikeren sier hun er overrasket over at Høyre og Frp «tar så lett på forholdet til Grunnloven».

– De gir PST ganske vide fullmakter til å drive dataavlesning i folks private hjem, selv når det bare er snakk om å forebygge eventuelle trusler mot myndighetspersoner. Å forebygge en trussel er en adgang som er for vid, sier Tajik.

– For i klar tekst betyr det at politiet kan hente ut informasjon fra folks datamaskiner uten at det finnes rimelig grunn til å undersøke om det foreligger et straffbart forhold, kun i den hensikt å forebygge trusler. Det er en altfor vid adgang. Jeg skulle helst sett at denne adgangen ble begrenset til de mest alvorlige tilfeller, som å forebygge terror, sier Tajik

  • Juspofessorer og advokater mener nye overvåkingstiltak er i strid med Grunnloven. Les hvorfor her.

This tried Mia eating – South Trondelag

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Atle lose your license due to long processing – Dagbladet.no

(Dagbladet): In an open letter urged Health Minister Bent Høie to intervene.

In the letter, general manager of employee Chris Klemmetvold that his associate Atle Wilhelmsen being without a license due to long processing at Fylkeslegen in Oslo and Akershus.

Wednesday 1 June is not the driving license his valid.

– It is sad that the system fails, says Atle Wilhelmsen Dagbladet.

Valid briefly

CSR is a company that only hires people with rusbakgrunn . For various reasons Atle previously been deprived of his driving license, but after he got a job in CSR in June last year he was granted a new license in December.

The license is only valid for six months.

For him to renew your driver’s license, he has been forced to wait for three months before he can apply again. Atle therefore sought for again in March, but has not yet received a reply.

The treatment time in the county doctor in Oslo and Akershus namely longer than the license duration.

Can lose their jobs

– Recently I was in contact with them, they said they were doing applications from December. I searched in March. This looks so bad, says Atle Wilhelmsen who normally works as a business routine responsible.

The employee offering pickup of glass and metal packaging from private individuals. The driving license is therefore essential for business to Atle.

General Manager of Employee Chris Klemmetvold says Atle may lose your job.

– He retains his position, but it will take some time before he gets driving license back he laid off, says Klemmetvold continues:

– his job involves driving. Now he will have to educate everyone else to do his job. It means that he gets a lot less effort than he does today, says Klemmetvold.

Complained on the matter

The employee was launched in 2014 and is subsidized by the Ministry of Labour and Welfare, but aims to be independent in a few years. When Atle being without licenses goes beyond the enterprise, including financially.

Atle Wilhelmsen has appealed the matter to the Ombudsman and have been notified that they unfortunately can not do anything about it.

– It’s sad. I hope that it works out, says Wilhelmsen.

– Commenting is not individual cases

County Governor of Oslo and Akershus writes on its website that they are sorry for that processing time is long. In 2014 treated county 4736 license matters.

Petra The score Olsen, acting county medical say they are trying to achieve a rapid processing as possible, but that some cases go in front of others

– We prioritize cases involving suspension of driver’s license , also we prioritize cases involving employment then, says Olsen

When can Atle Wilhelmsen get a driver’s license?

– I do not comment on individual cases, says Olsen

Why do you have only four hours of telephoning a week to accommodate people who want to get their case examined?

– caseworkers have no phone time. We prioritize the actual proceedings will go as fast as possible, hence telephone time card.

Dagbladet has tried to get in touch with Health Minister Bent Høie without got any comment.


Must boil drinking water in Porsgrunn after leakage – NRK

The cause of the leak is a water pipe that has gone to pieces. Several houses standing water far up the wall of the house.

The reason is gone

The ground under a porch is gone. There is a river running through several gardens and floating garden furniture around in what looks like a large pool.

Petter Berntsen, who is resident in the area, has lost much of his garden.

– You are all ruined, he says to NRK as he shows off the devastation of water.

Brevik, Eidanger, Heistad and Skjelsvik reported to be partially without water.

– There is a premoledning, which is made of concrete, which are broken. When the cracks comes an enormous amount of water, says Ole Helge Dagsrud, project manager at the municipal center in Porsgrunn municipality, told NRK.

Top water main in Porsgrunn

This is the largest aqueduct in Porsgrunn, and the mains plug to Brevik.

Helge Dagsrud says that all Porsgrunn is affected, either by pressure drop or loss of water.

– We follow the emergency plan to the municipality, and has focused on nursing homes and institutions, he said.

the water is now switched over, and about four or five hours should be fine for most.

Meanwhile local authorities recommend everyone to boil water, until the new message about clean bill comes in the morning.

– This applies to everyone from the center of Porsgrunn, through Eidanger Peninsula all the way to Brevik says Helge Dagsrud.

20 to 30 houses affected

A few of the houses are very damaged by the leak, and likely considered uninhabitable in a while.

Emergency in Porsgrunn, Fred Inge Skjærun, says that 20-30 houses are affected.

– A few houses are evacuated, said Skjærun.

There were 110 Telemark which reported the large water leak on Twitter.

Large parts of southern Porsgrunn lost water due to leakage on Skjelsvik.

Photo: Anne Lognvik / NRK

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Monday, May 30, 2016

Several municipalities say “no” to the merger – VG

Although the citizens of Stavanger probably voted “yes” to the merger, voted Sola and Sandnes “no” to join a rogalandsk storkommune. Also in a number of other municipalities say residents clearly “no.”

The 47 municipalities held mandg referendum for and against municipal merger. It ended with a no majority in all 34 municipalities. 11 answered yes, while the voices of the last two municipalities, Ullensaker and Accurate, first will be tallied Tuesday morning.

Among the results it was greatly anticipated was the vote on a possible fight municipality in Rogaland. Preliminary figures show a slight majority of those who voted in Stavanger are positive to team up with Sola and Sandnes, but in the latter two municipalities said the majority “no” to become part of a storkommune in Rogaland.

in both the two municipalities voted over 80 per cent against a merger.

No, it was also from the commune Lund, who voted for the opportunity to team up with Flekkefjord in Vest-Agder.

– Sole Clearly advice

residents of Roan municipality on Fosenhalvøya Sor-Trondelag said on Monday “yes” to merge with the neighboring municipality of Åfjord. The poll showed that 64.4 percent of those who voted were positive, writes Fosna people. The entire 67.7 percent of the 801 eligible voters voted in the consultative referendum.

– This denotes I like an obvious advice from residents, said Roan Mayor Einar Eian (H) said.

See also: Farmen-Learn from “yes” to “no”

Also in Ashford people were positive, and 71 percent answered yes to team up with Orland. But in Orland said 65.2 percent no – and also in a number of other municipalities have citizens Monday refused to team up with their neighbors:

& lt; p & gt; In Tr & # xF8; ndelag  the majority of those who have been in several  municipalities v & # xE6; rt MERGER & #  xE5; ing. From f & # xF8; s also has & #  xE5; counties Nord-Tr & # xF8; ndelag and S  & # xF8; r-Tr & # xF8; ndelag decided  & # xE5; sl & # xE5; together. & lt; / p  & gt;

In Trøndelag majority of those who have been in several municipalities been for merging. Earlier also the counties Nord-Trøndelag and Sør-Trøndelag decided to merge.

Will continue alone

Residents of Nesseby in east Finnmark said on Monday an obvious refusal to go into partnership with Sør-Varanger or Tana, according iFinnmark.no. A full 70 percent of those who voted, preferring that Nesseby continue as an independent municipality, which it has been since the 1800s.

Municipal Researcher: Predicts enough a no-Monday

in Bardu said 80 percent of those who voted a resounding no to team up with duck municipalities, writes New Troms.

residents of Bardu could choose between continuing as a separate municipality, beat together with Målselv or to merge with Salangen and Dyrøy.

Mayor-slaughter: Do municipalities form a national failure

– A uniquely clear result . There is no doubt that people in Bardu believe that we have the best alone, says mayor Toralf Heimdal (Sp).

Also in Dyrøy, Målselv and Salangen became majority no to merge.

Many negative

In Kvænangen municipality was not interest to join neither the Finnmark or against Northern Troms and the whole 92.2 percent of those who voted wanted municipality was to have today. During elections voiced its inhabitants ommuligheten to team up with Alta and Loppa in Finnmark and Nordreisa, Skjervøy and Kåford in North Troms.

Both in Andøy and Berg Municipality was also no to a merger, whatever municipalities it could be talking about to merge with. In addition, said Ballan Gens residents rejected a merger with Ofoten.

Nor in the south, there was great eagerness to join forces with others. In Risør said full 87.3 percent of those who voted no to a new large municipal of the Arendal, Gjerstad and Tvedestrand.

In Ringerike in Buskerud was barely yes-majority if the municipality were to team up with Buskerud neighbor Hole and Jevnaker in Oppland. But turnout was on weak 13.5 percent, writes Call Blad. Additionally voiced citizens Jevnaker Municipality definite no to a merger. In Hole will be no referendum.

In Hurdal voiced majority of citizens against merging with Ullensaker. The result from the wool Akers voting is expected on Tuesday.

& lt; p & gt; NO THANKS: In Oppland and  Buskerud have a number of municipalities voted no  to the MERGER & # xE5; ing. & lt; / p & gt;

NO THANKS: In Oppland and Buskerud have a number of municipalities voted no to the merger.

no to large municipalities in Oppland

in Eastern Norway also said Skedsmo and Bold mutual no to each other, nor in Oppland was considerable interest merging. Søndre Land and Nordre Land both voted no to each other, while there was big no-majority in both South Aurdal, Etnedal, Vestre Slidre and Øystre Slidre questions about the four municipalities should merge.

Totningene Østre and Vestre Toten was not particularly positive about merging with each other and Gjovik municipality, nor in Gurgaon was the majority for a storkommune Oppland – although no-majority was smaller in Gurgaon.

in Eid municipality would the majority of those who voted merge with Gloppen – but in Gloppen would 50.89 percent rather be left alone. But the door is hardly closed completely, since 47.1 percent voted for the merger.

Both the cod and Tranøy said residents no to merge with each other and municipalities Berg, Lenvik, Målselv and Accurate. So did the inhabitants of Målselv and Accurate, while Berg residents voted no to team up with someone else in general.

The residents of Hammerfest would be part of a storkommune with Målsøy and Kvalsund, which also majority in Kvalsund voted for. But Målsøy voted 72 per cent reject that storkommune.

& lt; p & gt; MAY BE ST & # xD8; RRE:  One of kommunesammensl & # xE5; bores which  may appear & # xE5; have majority in all  three municipalities, the Association Evenes,  Tjeldsund and Sk & # xE5; nland. In all three  municipalities were the majority of & # xE5;  sl & # xE5; together with the other two. &  lt; / p & gt;

MAY BE IMPROVED: A municipal mergers may appear to have a majority in all three municipalities, is Association Evenes, Tjeldsund and Skånland. In all three municipalities were the majority to join with the other two.

Positive to merge

In Evenes in Nordland was however residents more positive: only six votes separated winner option from number two on the list, then Evenes-people voted yes to the so-called ETS option – where Evenes joins Tjeldsund and Skånland. This proposal also received even from the majority of those who voted in both Skånland and Tjeldsund.

After rough count of today’s referendum is likely that residents of Ashford says “yes” to the municipal merger, while at Orland says ” no. “

Moss Rygge and Råde has today signed a letter of intent to build a new municipality together, reports Moss municipality.

Also Hobøl and Askim are merging, NRK Østfold.


Agreed revised budget – Dagbladet.no

(Dagbladet): The negotiating parties in the Conservative Party, Progress Party, Liberal Party and Democratic Party have reached agreement on the revised national budget. The amendments were presented at a press conference this afternoon.

In the negotiations have parties moved around 400 million. For comparison, the total government expenditure in the state budget of about 1 200 billion.

The biggest single change is even additions to the municipal maintenance in Southern and Western Norway which increased by 150 million from 250 million to 400 million.

The measures against unemployment in the revised budget is thus of over one billion. This is in addition to the four billion of the stimulus package would already agreed last autumn.

Total amount package of measures against unemployment is now at over five billion, writes Right in a statement.

– We have had a common starting point, there are measures to combat unemployment, especially measures that can quickly: government stimulus package gave a good estimate, we have been able to reinforce it. We come with additional measures. It is we in Krf happy, said Hans Olav Syversen in KrF as collaborative parties presented package.

Left cites as a victory that environmental technology scheme increased by 40 million. Maintenance of the railroad in southern and western counties increased by 20 million.

– Negotiations have been good, and characterized by the difficult situation we are looking at western and southern Norway in connection with the oil decline. I am very pleased that we have received approval to strengthen efforts to combat unemployment without using more oil money, says Liberal finance spokesperson Terje Breivik.

To cover the changes it is partly cut in funds for operations in the Parliament and the National Audit Office with a total of 35 million. Attempts government funding of care Tonsberg cut by 16 million.

Ministry of Transport will reduce its budget of over 100 million.

Buying carbon credits cut by 22 million. Research, development and demonstration of CO2 capture cut by 15 million.

It also made cuts of 50 milllion in the Ministry of Finance under the label of “assorted”.


No to storkommune in Rogaland – Fædrelandsvennen

Det viser tallene etter at stemmene i Sola er ferdig opptelt og grovtellingen er unnagjort i de to andre kommunene.

I Stavanger kan valgdeltakelsen ende på rundt 26-27 prosent, skriver Stavanger Aftenblad.

Opptellingen fra Stavanger er ennå ikke avsluttet, men de foreløpige tallene etter at rundt 18.000 stemmer er opptelt, viser et klart ja-flertall for sammenslåing på rundt 63 prosent.

I Sandnes og Sola er resultatene omvendt. I Sola viser de endelig resultatene at 82 prosent har sagt nei til å slå seg sammen med Stavanger. Her var valgdeltakelsen på rundt 46 prosent, ifølge grovtellingen.

I Sandnes viser foreløpige tall omtrent det samme nei-flertallet som i Sola, nesten 82 prosent sier nei også der. Fra Sandnes er det ennå ikke kommet tall på valgdeltakelsen. (©NTB)




- Unequal Benefits in favor Southwest Land – Dagsavisen


Is an unemployed in Oslo east worth less than one in Stavanger, asked finance commissioner in Oslo, Robert Steen (Ap), in an article in Dagsavisen Monday, where he points out that districts Søndre Nordstrand, Alna and Old Oslo in Oslo as high unemployment Stavanger.


Finance Commissioner was still not heard of budget comrades who have agreed to allocate a further one billion, a total of five billion, to a package of measures against unemployment in the southwestern part of Norway.


– Oslo get


Chairman of the Finance Committee, Hans Olav Syversen (Chr), will defend the priority to the fullest.


– The unemployment applies equally to everyone, but I think it is a bit wrong to begin dividing up the city or municipality. Then one may almost take it down to street level. We have to see a device as a whole, and luckily Oslo a flexible labor market.


He also shows that Oslo comes out well in the new revenue system for municipalities, and has benefited from long range efforts in the Groruddalen and Oslo south.


– I think you underestimate the situation in Southern and Western Norway if you now think the important thing is to say that now we did not get what we should have, says Syversen.


– Sad


Finance Commissioner in Oslo, Robert Steen (Ap), is nevertheless disappointed that Oslo does not get any extra revised.


– It’s sad, and perhaps a little surprising, that especially Left and the Christian Democrats have not thought of the weak groups in Oslo when they have negotiated. In Oslo eighth of the population, yet we are now starting to see a pattern where Oslo used as balancing item of between parties. A few days ago signed the coalition parties and the Liberals agreed on a new revenue system, where they agreed on a profile against the Left got through that government jobs should be moved out of Oslo, says Steen.


He argues that politicians move your gaze to the geographic areas where the media puts the spotlight.


– It looks like the areas monitored by the media and is the most popular day are those who promoted, he said.


Not Rygge- measures


It was directed much attention to the negotiations on a revised since it from FRP politicians came an initiative to try to stop the air passenger tax. The reason is that around 1,000 jobs in Østfold are in danger as a result of the announced closure of the airport in Rygge.


There is still no targeted unemployment measures to this region of revised.


– There are no direct measures Rygge here. So clearly, a closure of Rygge mean much, but also Østfold is an area where there is fairly good job opportunities in the vicinity, compared to some of the areas in the Southwest region, which perhaps is a unilateral coastal communities with a thousand men in a yard where there not a stålbit says fiscal spokesperson fro Right Svein Flåtten.


ALSO READ: The money is used up by Arne Strand


– Greater bias


Tick party colleague and mayor of Moss, Tage Pettersen, is unhappy with priority.


– I headed over that we see a further bias in favor of the Southern and Western Norway, Pettersen says.


He stressed that the challenge of those who become unemployed in Østfold is that many of them are unskilled.


– I see signs that Moss will have a stronger focus in the state budget. But the likelihood that Rygge laid down are great, so they were able to be a little ahead of its time, says Pettersen.


Content in Stavanger


In Stavanger however, there is reason for rejoicing.


– We are very satisfied with the 150 million we get as well. I am especially pleased that the Liberals and Christian Democrats have got through this with 400 admissions, says Stavanger mayor Christine Sagen Helgø, adding:


– I have full respect for that there are unemployed in other parts of the country, but this is also about preventing people going long-term unemployed. Here I think the government collaborative parties doing an important job.


Unemployment Measures central budget inning – E24

Sondag klokka Høyre 19 specks, FRP, KrF og Venstre til et nytt om forhandlingsmøte revidert nasjonalbudsjett.

– Synes Jeg er det god progresjon and forhandlingene. Vi har kommet et godt stykke videre fra and går, healthy finanskomiteens Leder Hans Olav Syversen (KrF) til NTB etter you over to timer langt forhandlingsmøte Sondag formiddag.

Representatives Brother regjeringspartiene Høyre og FRP jobbet Sondag videre Sammi med samarbeidspartiene Venstre og KrF and forhandlingene om revidert nasjonalbudsjett.

– Vi har fortsatt ledighet we Vår viktigste prioritet, og jeg oppfatter også at alle partiene rundt Bordet har det are in viktig the BC revidert budsjett, sier Syversen.

frist for å komme til enighet I Mandag klokken 15, og det skal være godt Hap om å overholde denne.

– Vi har hatt et nytt godt og langt arbeidsmøte we var et nytt skritt på saw word det we forhåpentligvis ender med at avtale Mandag, sier Venstres finanspolitiske talsmann Terje Breivik til NTB.

Nye Millioner

Bakteppet for forhandlingene I økende arbeidsledighet og in Norsk økonomi and svak vekst . I forslaget til revidert budsjett satte regjeringen derfor Millioner av 900 Kroner til tiltak word Ekstra OKT ledighet, spesielt Rettet word Vestlandet og surprising.

Det er nå dette skal være OKT beløpet us.

TV 2 at det skal være erfarer enighet Millioner mer om til ledighetstiltak 200-300.

Etter det VG opplyst Lighthouse, villas pakken totalt sett på godt havne over 1 milliard Kroner. Det må det betyr at Minster has kommet inn på Ekstra 100 Kroner Millioner Bordet and forhandlingene. Den eksakte Summit for pakken imidlertid ikke skal være klar. Syversen vile VERKEN bekrefte eller avkrefte VGS opplysninger.

– Wine jobber også med inndekningsforslag, sier have.

Strid om oljepenger

Forhandlingene om revidert budsjett har pågått gjennom Helga etter å has Blitt forsinket BC usikkerheten omkring Frps holdning til den nye flypassasjeravgiften .

I det opprinnelige statsbudsjettet var det ifølge regjeringen SATT BC fire billions Kroner til ledighetstiltak.

Utgangspunktet for forhandlingene var at Venstre vil have mere hang til å omstille næringslivet useful in Grønne framtid, Helst ved å bruke Noen Faeries oljekroner.

KrF MENERS oljepengebruken regjeringen Legg opp til, er GREI, men vile priority of ledighetstiltak Rettet word unge, dian Annet gjennom å Oke lærlingtilskuddet.

Regjeringen the Sitt and reviderte budsjett opp til å trap oljepengebruken opp med ytterligere veil Kroner 10 milliard.

Parents arrested for violence against baby – VG

A set of parents in the 30s from Ski is charged with severe bodily injury against his five-month-old baby.

The investigation was initiated after Ullevål hospital last Friday notified the police about harm to your baby.

– the investigation is in its early stages, and the police do not want to go into specifics about his injuries. The latest information we have received from the hospital indicate that the condition of the child is stable, said police attorney Liv Heidi Bjerkmo in a statement.

She says that the latest information from the hospital indicates that the condition of the child is stable.

The parents in their 30s are charged under Penal Code § 273 – gross bodily injury, and are both produced for remand in Follo District Court Monday. The NTB.

It is not yet known how parents felt about the indictment.

Police said they will conduct further investigation, both technically and tactically, the next few days.

Two weeks detention

– The father was prepared for custody today and police won in two weeks imprisonment with letters and restraining, because of destruction of evidence danger, said police attorney Liv Heidi Bjerkmo VG just after the clock 14.

According to NRK, the mother was also jailed for two weeks with letters and visitation.

The lawyer stated that they are in close dialogue with Ullevål, and that the damage to the child is related to the head. The child is in a stable condition, according to hospital. The CPS is connected on the matter.

– There is a child in the family who is cared for by child welfare and family, said she.

Recognizing not guilty

The police will not go into detail about which investigative measures they have taken, but stated that the matter of high priority.

The man defends states that the father did not acknowledge guilt.

– He is deeply distressed over the situation, the indictment and do not understand the basis for the indictment says Harald Jahren, VG.

– He opposed the detention, and taking time to think, says Jahren.

He will meet his client in the course of tomorrow to discuss whether his father will appeal the detention order.

(AP / NTB)


Immediate measures in Western Norway – OBI Online

– It will mean the difference between unemployment and job for many in the region, says manager Hans Olav Syversen (Chr) of the Finance Committee.

– Extraordinary maintenance municipal works fast, provides employment in the private sector and save us for expenses in the future. It does not prevent the necessary restructuring and it can be reversed quickly when the economy is doing better. Wherefore KrF that this initiative – aimed at municipalities in Southern and Western Norway with high unemployment – is the right medicine. It was also the experience of the financial crisis, says Syversen.

Moreover, it is crucial to the fight against youth unemployment that we have agreed on increased apprenticeship grants and more study, said Syversen.

In all, 400 new study to be established.

– We have received approval to increase apprenticeship grant further with 2.500 million per contract, so that young people with vocational easily get into the labor market. We are also pleased that the four parties have agreed to establish 200 student places in Southern and Western Norway and 200 student places in ICT and health, he said. (© NTB)


Of parents accused of violence against the baby – NRK

A set of parents in the 30s from Ski is charged with severe bodily injury against his five-month-old baby, said Eastern Police District.

Defender Harald Jahren.

Photo: Ozgur Tufan / NRK

Monday afternoon decided Follo District Court to remanding in custody dad for two weeks with letters and visitation.

– He takes it extremely hard. He acknowledges no culpability for the relationship he is charged with, and he also does not understand the basis for the indictment that has been removed, said the man’s lawyer, Harald Jahren.

It is still uncertain whether he will appeal the ruling, and the defender can yet say little about what his father thinks happened.

– I can unfortunately not say anything specific about now, precisely because it is early in an investigation phase. So I can not come up with more details at this stage in the case, says Jahren.

The mother is prepared for remand cook 14:30.

It was Ullevål hospitals Friday alerted the police about the injured child. Police started investigation and arrested the parents.

The investigation is in its early stages, police said. They will not go out with what kind of injuries the child has.

– The last information we received from the hospital indicate that the condition of the child is stable, said police attorney Liv Heidi Bjerkmo in a statement.

The matter is updated

OBTAINED custody: Parents couple, who are in their 30s, are produced for remand in Follo District Court today.

Photo: Katarina Theis-Haugan / NRK
