Monday, March 2, 2015

The appellate court frees Henning Holstad – Aftenposten

The appellate court frees Henning Holstad – Aftenposten

The Court of Appeal has dealt Holstad appeal against Oslo District Court detention ruling by mid-February.

– This time we are pleased with. There are not many who are released from custody after an appeal by the defense counsel. Now we hope prosecutors accept the outcome of the appeal, said Holstad lawyer, Tom Glosimot, Nettavisen.

According to VG, however Oslo police already decided to appeal the decision, but they will not request that the accused must be sitting in custody until the new treatment is finished.

– We note that the Court of Appeal agrees with the police that there are reasonable grounds to suspect, but that they do not agree with the assessment of loss of evidence danger. We do not agree with the Court of Appeal and will appeal to the Supreme Court in the course of tomorrow, says police lawyer Asmund Riegelsville said.

FRP politician Henning Holstad is charged with aggravated fraud of seven million compared with Imran Saber period from 2005 to 2015. The two were arrested in a coordinated action in early February. (NTB)

Published: 02.mar. 2015 5:17 p.m.


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