Monday, March 2, 2015

How shattered the pedo-ring: Police arrived at the track after the discovery of the 12-year-old’s escaped PC – TV 2

How shattered the pedo-ring: Police arrived at the track after the discovery of the 12-year-old's escaped PC – TV 2

Five people accused in the case, referred to as one of the gravest abuse cases in Norwegian legal history. The most serious points include sexual abuse of two babies who were only two months and barely three months old when the abuse allegedly occurred.

DRAMMEN District Court (TV 2): One of Norway’s worst cases of abuse.

In his keynote speech explained prosecutor Kristin Røhne how the case was rolled up. In March 2012, escaped a 12 year old Oslo girl home. When police investigated PC her, they found sexualized chat logs and nude photos of the girl. The communication led police to 34-year-old from Hedmark that now sits in the dock in Drammen District Court. He was arrested on 18 July 2013.

At 34-year-old police found abuse material could be traced to the now accused woman (43) who lived in Guildford. On her phone were pictures of abuse of a baby. That led police to the last three defendants in the case.

Told about abuse

The father of the baby boy was arrested in Drammen on 24 September 2013. He acknowledged abuses in the second police interrogation and told by each also about assaulting the daughter of his girlfriend. The girl was barely three months old when the first attack took place, according to the indictment.

According to the prosecution, there was an Oslo man (27) who received frame holder to commit assault against his son. Oslo man denies that he was the driving force behind the assault.

– It is considered undisputed that (NN) commit the assault and that he immediately then sent pictures to (NN), the prosecutor said in court.


The defendant 23 years old mother refuses culpability, among other points that she jointly with other abused against stepchildren. She acknowledges partly that it was committed abuse, but claims that she was pressured or threatened to it.

A key point for the prosecution is to prove that the woman was in duress, alerted prosecutor Røhne . The court will, among other things hear about sex hits the two defendants participated in while they were boyfriends.

– We are perhaps in a slightly different reality than the most of us recognize us in, warned prosecutor . She undertstreket simultaneously that this part of the presentation of evidence does not contain anything punishable, but lawful sexual relations between consenting individuals.

– Discussed abuse before the baby was born

Prosecutors announced that they will submit both photos and movies in court and that it revolves around strong impression. Also sms contact between several of the defendants will be presented.

Among these were so prosecutors see it, discussed assaulting 23-year-old daughter three months before the baby was born.

When the prosecutor said it broke the accused 23-year-old into tears and had to hide his face in his hands.

More implicated

The defendant’s statements are expected to begin Tuesday. It is set by two and a half weeks to explanations. The trial lasts until 22 May.

The investigation of the case has led police to several other people who should have been part of the network that exchanged abusive images of children. Ten cases are under investigation around the country, according to Aftenposten.

Gerd Kristiansen advocates that LOs 900,000 members boycotting the Norwegian airline.


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