Thursday, March 26, 2015

Full agreement in wage settlements – Aftenposten

Low-paid workers get 1.75 kroner more per hour, nulltillegg for everyone else. Oppgjøret has a total framework of 2.7 prosent, while last year the year was 3.2 prosent.

You could get inntrykk av to NHO-Sjef Kristin Skogen Lund and LO leader Gerd Kristiansen were judges in a påskeskirenn on idealtid. “We are all vinnere”, said both of them.

Skogen Lund is well fornøyd to lønnsveksten looks as stream going down for the third year in a row. Kristiansen shone above the member think that earn under 90 prosent av gjennomsnittlig industriarbeiderlønn (420,000 kr) gets lavtlønnstillegget of 1.75 kroner per hour.

Both also believe that oppgjøret is low enough to stream rescue utsatte arbeidsplasser.

Skogen Lund says she frykter we foreløpig just have sett beginners introduction av a period of great turmoil in the economy and that it is absolutely necessary å get lønnsveksten during the inspections.

The two strainers that it has hosted good mood all the time. Aftenposten sources rapporterte at 21 o’clock that it was far from simple in innspurten. The problem was LOs requirement lavlønnsprofil affecting bedriftene in the service sector, particularly hardt.

CEO Petter Furlund in Service landsforening felt seg not like myeloma as a winner banquets that they were targets. He felt it turn itself “cruelly expensive” for the member think.

His association also organizes renholdsbedriftene, and the employees are oppgjørets absolute vinnere. They have a garantiavtale that gives banquets adjustment on the lagging lavatories. This year is the 3.60 dollars on top av de 1,70.

They are not fikk also calling Thursday evening must forsøke å get ut local also calling if they think that arbeidsgiveren afford it. Since they have not streikerett, so to seventh and sist it arbeidsgiver who decide.

Rett over Easter begynner such negotiation in the other major territories. Trade must negotiate gjennom arbeidsgiverforeningen of operation. Sykehusene with Spekter and municipal employees must forsøke y wriggle penger ut av KS.

State & Local Government has negotiating period 30 April. Blir they agree it goes to megling, with possible streikestart Uken banquets 17 May.

Many municipal employees are lavlønte banquets definisjonen from Thursday’s generally agreed. But they have a relatively placed high overhengpå 1 2/3 prosent. Gerd Kristiansen says that they need to keep seg to lønnsveksten 2.7 prosent.

In LO we forpliktet to stream resulting front profession, says she told Aftenposten.

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26.mar. 2015 14:26


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