Saturday, March 21, 2015

Sps leadership was today reelected on Sps congress. Acting Ola Borten Moe got … – Aftenposten

Ola Borten Moe was re-elected first deputy on Sps congress in Haugesund in the afternoon. Some in congress hall still wished to show a small protest against nestlderen, as it stormed around last year.

He was reelected md 246 votes. 28 voted blank.

I am very happy. That was all he would say to Aftenposten right after the election. He did not want to comment on the relatively high number of abstentions.

Accustomed to get abstentions

Borten Moe rock barely deputy position last year.

He was then accused of being both solo players and headstrong, and to have contributed to making leader Veret difficult then leader Liv Signe. The whole last winter was marked by the bitter conflict between person Borten Moe and Navarse. The dispute ended with Navarsete folded and Sp convened extraordinary congress.

Borten Moe, which is both popular and controversial in Sp, have become accustomed to getting abstentions in Sp. He also got 20 abstentions at the congress in 2013.

Other deputy Anne Beate K. Tvinnereim, who was elected as the new leader in the trio at the extraordinary meeting last year, was also reelected. She got 14 abstentions.

Popular leader

Support for the party leader in Sp is far greater.

-Tusen thanks. It said a jolly Party leader Trygve Slagsvold Vedum while the applause rang out after the leadership.

Only one abstained. Slagsvold Vedum was Party leader on Sps extraordinary congress last year when Liv Signe resigned from the leadership position.

“The farm-Magnhild” Magnhild Vik og Romsdal, was elected as new deputy to Sps central executive . Vik is deputy county party and ordførerkandidat Rauma.

No to wolf around the houses

Sps congress has adopted a number of statements today.

Under the title ‘safety in the community “came the party with clear signals about what to do with wolves residing near where people live.

The Center kreverat people who have dangerous predators in their communities, to get permission to acquire pepper spray to self-defense.

– Wolf who show no natural shyness of people to be taken out, the statement said. In practice this means that it will be launched.

No to politicize reform

The congress also says no to government’s proposal only twelve police districts.

– Experience from earlier reforms shows that major mergers lead to more bureaucracy and less control, believes Sp.

The Center believes police districts should be divided by the same template as the counties, but with a few tweaks where distances and local conditions make it necessary.

No to forced amalgamation of municipalities

Not surprisingly, the congress also adopted a comprehensive statement about no to forced amalgamation of municipalities.

In the lists Sp up a number of assumptions which party will assume in its future work on reforms in the municipal sector.

The party wants to strengthen local democracy and democracy through a decentralization of tasks from state to local government and states that residents should get their say in a referendum before making a final decision regarding changed kommunestruktur.

Q has long expressed skepticism towards government’s proposals for restructuring of state agencies that happens in parallel with municipalities form.

The congress is now asking about getting to investigate the impact of these metamorphoses before Parliament shall decide on changing structures. The statement appears completely concrete changes affecting police, fire preparedness, tax collection, agriculture, court administration, higher education and hospitals.

No to TISA and TTIP

Sps congress also expresses skepticism the ongoing TISA negotiations (Trade in Services Agreement), which Sp believes will “push forward a comprehensive competition and privatization of public services and prevent a stricter regulation of the financial sector.”

According Sp these trade negotiations, progress between Norway and a number of countries, “lock leeway for future parliamentary and prevent Norway reverse competition that is already underway.”

– If Norway says yes to such an agreement, it will be impossible for later parliamentary to redo much of the liberalization which the Government is trying to implement, says congress

Q also shows that it negotiated a free trade agreement between the US and the EU (TTIP Agreement), which Q warns government against linking Norway to.

– It is very serious for Norway, whose current government are serious in our ambitions to negotiate an agreement that links us to TTIP or negotiates one TTIP-like agreement with the US, believes Sp. Party fear that the latter will cause the EU is going to require similar or better market than the US get. And according Sp may go out of Norwegian agriculture and Norwegian nærinsmiddelindustri.

– The Center therefore want the parliamentary group should initiate an open hearing on TTIP-negotiations consequences for Norway. Parliamentary group will also challenge the government parties and supporting parties to clarify what is being done in negotiations to promote Norwegian interests and greater transparency.

Published: 21.Mar. 2015 4:54 p.m.


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