Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Police action against romleirer in Oslo – Aftenposten

The action against eight camps started at 5.

– We have assisted Rusken of clearing Ekebergåsen when visitors sleep there at night, said operations of the Oslo police, Gjermund Stokkli, told Aftenposten.

– Everything has gone quiet for themselves and residents have complied with police orders.

of the four camps in Ekebergåsen police have assisted with clearing in two of them. A total of 26 people have been dismissed.

Rusken tidying up after the residents.

– Now the police have received many complaints that it stays in Ekeberg forest. It stays and polluted terrible, says Rusk General January Hauger TV2.

Hauger says they never have removed so many squatter camps before. According to he is also littering round camps worse than before.

– This year it has taken off completely with littering. I’ve been Rusk General since 2009 and have never experienced so many wild camper now.

The police have told those living in the camps that they have to clean and leave within eight o’clock.


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