Sunday, July 3, 2016

Parents in Froland got wrong Death Notification – VG

On Saturday morning trooped priest up with Elin and Roy Andersen with the message that the one their son was killed in a car accident. He was not.


No one can say with certainty what went wrong when police sent out priest in Froland with Death Notification to wrong family after a fatal accident on county road 152 in Froland municipality on Saturday morning.

They were confident that it was the car owner, the couple Andersen’s son, who was killed in the tragic car accident.

but it was not the son who drove the car, writes Agderposten.

his son was at his home and slept and did not understand anything when he called her parents on Saturday morning. They had thought he was dead in an hour.

Absolutely terrible

Mom Elin tells about his life worst time, when the priest appeared with them on a camping trip in Amli Saturday morning.

– I was hired to neighboring hut where my sister was. There stood my oldest son and a priest. He told me that my one son was wrecked in an accident. It can not be described in the next minute. We went back to our cabin, where my husband was with some grandchildren, she said.

– The kids were sent out and my husband got the message. The whole thing was terrible. I called my son’s girlfriend and other family members and told this. Luckily I did not have to call my old mother, adds Andersen Sunday afternoon.

The son called

With fright a day away, she takes Agderposten, which appeared on his life worst hour.

– After 45 minutes traveled priest. We were again and tried to think rationally. So called my oldest son’s phone. He said it was the dead brother who called. I said it could not vote, and that some may have found his phone. When he took it, he heard his brother’s voice on the other end. He knew enough not big because we yelled and screamed. Are you living, you live, tell mom.

& lt; p & gt; MARKED: The couple Elin and  Roy Andersen & lt; / p & gt;

MARKED: The couple Elin and Roy Andersen


the son, who did not want to be named, admits that he did not understand big when he called parents.


– I had gotten a call from a friend that there had been an accident and called my mom and them to hear about they had heard nothing. Instead, I was greeted by howls and screams, and question whether I survived. Sure I did, I was the home and slept. Someone had stolen my car, claims his son.

He was then told what parents and brother were exposed and had to immediately call his girlfriend who is in the military somewhere else in the country.

– She had been told that I was dead and was devastated. It was a special phone to take, he said.

Now comes girlfriend home to spend time with him and his family after the shock experience.

– It will be good. We need all of them, he says.

Tragic errors

The family Andersen emphasizes that they are not out to get some for the error that put the whole family in shock. But they want to know how it could go so wrong.

The son, who later learned that he knew the young man who had run himself to death in his car, is concerned that they may have an answer . Meanwhile, he wants as little stir about the matter as possible, out of respect for the family of the killed.

– Froland is not a big place and everyone knows everyone. I now know who died, and it seems everything is just tragic. But tragically, the error committed against us, and we would like to know what happened, he said.

– Experienced the cruelest

For the family will always sat July 2 be a special day. For better or worse.

– We experienced the cruelest of the cruel. It was a terrible time. I begrudge no one to experience this. One can not imagine how it is to get such a message. It’s horrible. We are obviously delighted that our son was not dead, but in all this, I think a lot of the family got the message after us. I really feel with them, says Elin Andersen quiet.

– For them it is not a son who can call and say it’s all a mistake, she says.

– Poor policing

the vicar Tom Martin Berntsen in Grimstad is merciless in his criticism of the police.

It was he who notified the family in Froland that their son had been killed in the accident. It turned out later to be wrong.

– I’ve never experienced before. I asked for written confirmation from the police, but I never got it. Instead, I called them up four or five times to confirm this. I just think they took a logical conclusion that there was a microscopic chance if that was wrong. Also the error says the priest annoyed.

He has repeatedly been in contact with the family and apologized.

– I was the face of this and must only regret. This is poor work of the police, he said.

– Sorry strongly

Operations Audun owned by Agder Police even spoke with the family that made mistakes fatal message. Eide said it should never have happened.

– We deeply regret what has happened. It’s not going to conceal that this is something that should not happen. It’s just very sad, says operational manager.

He was Sunday still affected by the incident and conversation with family the day before.

– I spoke with them and have regretted it. There is talk of a communication failure with us. We should obviously go through this and learn from it. It is clearly regrettable that it has been notified errors such as this, he said.


Eide said he understands the frustration of the family who was hit and hope the police can give them answers what went wrong when they looked through the case.

– I can not say much more than that now. But that said, we are very sorry for this and can not help but regret, he repeats.

Police Guard in Arendal confirmed to Agderposten Sunday night that they are investigating the case as a car theft.


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