Saturday, July 16, 2016

NHO will fetch apprentices hit – Dagsavisen

– Young must see opportunities in a region with the lowest unemployment rate in 2016. There’s always a need for professionals, says regional director of NHO Troms and Svalbard, Christian Chramer.

In the capital has a record number of students applied for apprenticeships fall. And although never more in number have gained seats than before, there are still hundreds of students who have not yet been placed (see facts).

It gets Chramer NHO to turn on the charm. “Come to the north!” Is the message from there.

– There is a high demand for skilled workers. Expertise survey from February show that 65 percent of companies in Troms demand more professionals, particularly in the typical learning-intensive professions such as construction, seafood industry, tourism industry and the shipbuilding industry, says Chramer Dagsavisen.

Jobs in Svalbard

Also in Svalbard there are many opportunities for work willing youth.

– Svalbard is especially opportunities in electrical engineering, building trades and refinish. And there’s a large room / soil environment working to control satellites. There are no apprenticeships today, but it’s a nice entrance for electricians and electrical engineers. We still operates with mining, which means place in the mining industry and for machine technicians. Besides, there is much tourism, says Chramer.

Also youth from south and west of the country, where many have lost their jobs over the past year, are welcome to apply northward.

– We know that the mobility of people is great in Norway today. Especially young people looking for exciting challenges in exciting businesses. To facilitate mobility is important. Especially during periods where in parts of the country are difficult to find apprenticeships, says Chramer.

Far moving

Although there are many hundreds who have not received an apprenticeship, stresses education authority Oslo that many of these many will get an apprenticeship when fall comes, and everyone will get an education.

And it is not well far to move alone to Svalbard when one is 17 years?

– Yes, but there are also other opportunities closer to where you live. Our point is that the searcher should be flexible and look at opportunities outside areas where they live, says Department of expertise department of NHO Are Turmo.

He supports his colleague in the north of the wish that also apprentices may move if one does not fit, just as many unemployed engineers in the south and west have to do it now that unemployment is high in that part of the country.

– Our advice is that you should consider moving on to an area where there is greater possibility of getting an apprenticeship. We see that in some areas of the country, such Troms, they have many positions such as in construction, konditor- and hotel and restaurant sector, he said.


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