Sunday, July 17, 2016

Here are protesting against Hoksrud difficult watercraft rules – NRK

Climate and Environment Ministry believes that small boat Act and the associated jet Regulations governing snowmobiling on water.

Excerpt from the regulation states, inter alia:

§ 1. scope

This regulation applies water scooters and similar motor-driven vessels. (…)

This regulation applies to (…) rivers, canals and lakes.

§ 2.Definisjoner


a. Watercraft: A craft with hull length less than 4 meters, equipped with inboard combustion engine that drives a jet drive unit as main propulsion, and which is designed to be operated by one or more persons sitting, standing or kneeling on, rather than in, hull.

b. Similar motorized vessels: Water Motorcycles, vannmopeder, motorized surfboard or similar.


§ 7.Unntak

Notwithstanding the prohibitions of this regulation is the use of vessels specified in § 1 is permitted in connection with:


d. organized training and competition drive organized by motorsport clubs that are subject to the provisions and regulations laid down by NMF and Norwegian Sports Federation, the authorized courts regulated by the Planning and building Act or in special cases if the Ministry on application authorizes the .



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