Monday, July 18, 2016

Fisker in Troms presumed dead – ABC News

– There is no longer hope of finding him alive, said operations manager Eirik Kileng in Troms police.

Police ended the search with volunteer crews Monday afternoon, while the Coast Guard continues to look into the evening. Tuesday, the police consider the search again.

See also: Divers search for missing fisherman in Troms

JRCC northern Norway received a signal from the boat’s emergency beacon at 3:10 on Monday night.

the fishing boat at 35 feet is located at 21 meters depth Maur Neset north in Reisa Fjord. It was found at the bottom of the bay and it is recorded oil spills in the area. The cause of the accident is still not known, said Kileng.

Two helicopters, a coastguard vessel, a rescue boat and crew from the Red Cross and Norwegian People’s Aid has participated in the search. The helicopters have been searching an area of ​​about 36 square kilometers.


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