Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Delay in baggage belts at Gardermoen – only two runs – Aftenposten

Major technical problems have led to baggage trouble at Oslo airport.

– Five of six baggage belts at the extradition of the coming from abroad has stood since 16 o’clock. Now go all the tapes again, says Joachim Westh Andersen, press officer at Oslo Airport, Aftenposten just before 19 Wednesday night.

– Will normalize until. 21

They have been sent out some luggage on one tape, while other baggage has been handled manually.

– Although the condition is corrected, there will be a lag throughout the evening says Westh Andersen.

A consequence of bagasjetrøbbelet has also been that there have been problems and delays in getting checked baggage.

– For the moment it goes slower than usual in check. We have established drop points for luggage where people have been able to deliver what they have with them, says press contact.

Do not get your luggage on the journey

He also states that many of the traveling from the airport therefore has not received the luggage on the plane they go with.

– This has probably not led to some delays with air travel, but a dull consequence is that more people will get luggage for late, he said.

another issue for many of the travelers who got the luggage in time having landed at Gardermoen, is that they have had to go from there – because of new flights or because they do not has had time to wait.

– the airlines you want to ship their luggage home tonight or tomorrow, said Westh Andersen.

– for many affected

how many people have been affected, know ike pressure contact.

– There are too many. This is not good enough from our side. It is very regrettable, he said.

The cause of the trouble will be a technical error with an emergency stop, said Westh Andersen.

– Has this been a problem earlier?

– No. To my knowledge, this has not happened before, he said.

Do not know if they are getting compensation claims

For those who are afflicted encourage Andersen them to contact the airline their if they have any questions .

– that’s the way that the flight is a relationship between the passenger and the airline. We have no relation to the passenger. What happens next to us and the airlines is too early to say something about, he said.

– Can you expect to receive compensation claims from airlines?

– we do not know. But we always have a good dialogue with the airlines. How they respond is too early to say.


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