Monday, July 11, 2016

Better prepared for school shooting – NRK

– They could dived into anything today but I won anyway, it went so j * vlig easy, says gold medalist to NRK after the finish.

– There are so raw and it is so well deserved. Filip you need not be surprised. You’ve worked a long time for this. It’s your turn now !, says NRK athletics expert, Vebjørn Rodal.

For the first time beat Filip brother Henrik, and in the European Championship final. His time was finally 3.46,35, while Henrik came in after 3.47,17.

wATCH oVER: Here you can see the entire course of the brothers Ingebrigtsen, where Filip won the gold.

sEE tHE cOURSE: Here you can see the entire course of the brothers Ingebrigtsen, where Filip won the gold.

– He mashed me in training

In today’s finale was Filip quiet in the field until the last 300 -meterne. Then he gas and there was none of the competitors who failed to follow suit. On the run as he disbelief to both sides, and could detect that no one was near. He won superiorly.

That Henrik was going to be beaten by his little brother did not come as a big surprise on big brother Ingebrigtsen.

– Filip played to a gold. There was nothing to do with him today, says Henrik Ingebrigtsen.

– He has mostly turned me on all sessions since February, he has mashed me. I have hung his head after nearly every session.

Philip has struggled with injuries for several seasons and it is only this year that he managed to train with.

– Now it’s my turn. It has been encouraging to see Henrik do the same. So it was lovely to be allowed to run the finish line first once in a major championship, says Philip told NRK.

HAPPY GUYS : How to see two brothers out, after they have taken gold and bronze in the European championships.

Photo: Junge, Heiko / NTB scanpix

dad Gjert: – Philip did as expected

On stands stood a proud dad Gjert Ingebrigtsen and got to see his boys run into to two medals at a European Championships.

– It’s an adventure that he runs up from eighth place and win. Filip does as expected and more, says Dad-Gjert NRK.

– When did you realize that Philip could win?

– There are some weeks ago. And I think there are some weeks ago he understood it himself, he says.

– I would also point out Henrik. What he does on the last 150 meters shows how good he is. And it’s completely insane with the infirmities he has, he adds.

On NRK broadcast from European Athletics Championships got brothers Ingebrigtsen allowed to send a greeting and end broadcast. They did so, at best Ingebrigtsen style.

– Those who think we are bastards, bring you a bowl, said Henrik Ingebrigtsen into the camera with a large grin.


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