Tuesday, July 19, 2016

50 years of oil drilling in Norway – Fjorda Bladet

It was Esso like morgonen 19 July 1966 diaper the first company that drilled for oil on the Norwegian shelf. At 94 meters deep put the US drilling rig “Ocean Traveler” drill bit into the first sad well on the Norwegian shelf.

– Esso was thus pioneered among dei nine oil companies that had received awards in the first licensing round last year. Here diaper handed out 22 licenses. Interes was greatest for regions that lay furthest south in the North Sea, says senior researcher Kristin Eye Fence at the Norwegian Petroleum Museum said.

Bora dry

Pioneer rig used 52 dagar from Avondale Shipyards in New Orleans to Stavanger in the diaper characterized as the largest and most complex towing operation across the Atlantic until då.

The first leiteboringa 160 km south of Stavanger diaper closed in October 1966 without result. But in the next attempt diaper it found traces of hydrocarbons – the first of the triangle that it could find oil and gas on the Norwegian shelf.

Gigant Findings

The big answer came even farther south and three years later. Autumn 1969 trefte Phillips blink with them last two licensable their drill on the Norwegian shelf and fann Ekofisk field. Norwegian authorities diaper not oriented before veslejulaftan, and it should go even EiT half years before the giant Ekofisk discovery diaper verified in a press release 2 June 1970.

change Noret

The campaign group Norwegian oil and gas looks on July 19th as the official 50th anniversary of oil and gas its activities on the Norwegian shelf. Manage Ande director Karl Eirik Schjøtt-Pedersen characterize it as the start of modern Norway.

– This has Vore 50 who has completely differently in Norway. Oil has coveted us the financial basis for vera one-off dei wealthiest countries in the world, victory Schjøtt-Pedersen said.

He points out that it took no time to coma in time. Eight years before “Ocean Traveler” put the drill bit on havbotnen sent Geological Survey of Norway stated that there was not oil or gas under havbotnen. But seismic surveys early review of 60-talet resorted on something else. The replies came with drill its activities.

– We have had talented oil company that has dared to bet, far-sighted politicians and ein supplier that has developed into the second largest export industry in Norway. We’ve managed to get up the oil and metamorphose her unfathomable and unimaginable prosperity, he says.

Ifølgje Schjøtt-Pedersen also Norway evoked oil industry. On the Norwegian shelf diaper posed completely different requirements for health, safety and security than was prevailing standard.

– Oil industry will have also resulted ein supply as gong gong made prior examination impossible possible. In addition, we are Much more than other oil countries managed to manage assets in a way that have arrived to society, ‘he said. (© NPK)


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