Friday, March 6, 2015

Male (18) called in false bomb threat to Oslo S – NRK

Police Telemark received the call from the man around the clock 13.

– We heard a male voice told me it was placed a bomb at Oslo S but we did not know the exact place where a possible bomb was located, why and when, says operations in Telemark Police, Vidar Aaltvedt to

Police received relatively quickly control the situation.

– Oslo police were immediately alerted by police in Telemark. Meanwhile put Telemark Police started investigating and found the man, says Aaltvedt.

18-year-old had swiped the phone to a schoolmate and dialed in the violent message. Police went to Porsgrunn high school and arrested the man.

– We knew instantly who the man was, and understood that this was a particularly bad joke. Yet we must at such messages take this seriously and we hit full alarm.

The man now sits in jail, and has admitted that it was all a joke. He will be fined for the incident. update case.

05.03.2015, at. 14.36

05.03.2015, at. 14.53


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