Monday, March 2, 2015

Kjos pressed from all sides – Dagsavisen

Kjos pressed from all sides – Dagsavisen


– We are preparing for the strike could be long and painful, says Arve Sigmundstad, Director of Communications Parat.

Since the pilot strike in English was a fact of weekend wording between the parties escalated. The pilots believe the airline deprives them elementary organizing rights, while English-management and NHO believes it is outrageous that the pilots demands collective agreement with another company than they are employees. The conflict appears locked, and it is according to Parat no contact between the parties beyond what goes on in the media. Yesterday canceled including Norwegian pilots a meeting with company management.

Now put both pilots and airlines management hard against hard.

Boycott and escalation

In the morning escalate strike up, and 650 pilots in subsidiary Norwegian Air Norway (NAN) is on the ground. Meanwhile, the crew announced that they will be able to go in a sympathy strike with the pilots.

Now also giant LO entered the field. Yesterday they took the initiative for a boycott of the airline while conflict is ongoing.

– We must be clear that we will not use companies that do not respect the social rules, said LO leader Gerd Kristiansen told NRK.

Also confederation Unio joins criticism.

– As long as the conflict is ongoing can show solidarity with the strikers by not using English, says Unio leader Anders Folkestad in a statement, in which he emphasizes that he will not use the word boycott.

Also, the European Transport Workers’ Federation ITF has threatened to boycott airlines in Europe if the conflict continues.

No bankruptcy

Yesterday set English-board in emergency meetings for six hours at Fornebu. Before the meeting, it was speculated about airlines would discuss turning subsidiary NAN, where the striking pilots are hired, bankruptcy. It was, according to Chairman Bjørn H. Kise not a topic at the meeting. He believed, however, that the striking pilots puts the entire company at risk.

– This is a serious situation for the entire company, not just for the subsidiary that is on strike. It may come to escalate, and I hope not it should, said the chairman of the attendants press corps.

Dagsavisen has been in contact with English, say they do not have a complete overview of how many passengers are affected, or how much the strike cost, except that they try as best they can to maintain normal production.

Starting with tomorrow’s planned that all 650 Norwegian pilots will strike. As rebuttal will lead in the airline put into airplanes and pilots from other airlines company, which has led to accusations of strikebreaking and union busting.


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