Thursday, March 5, 2015

Danes alerts sympathy strike for Norwegian employees – Dagsavisen

The Danish Service Association warns sympathy strike with the striking pilots in English. Federation organizes employees in a variety of support functions within the cleaning, security and technology.

– I would assume that 3000 members are taken out in a possible sympathy strike, of which 2,000 members of functions in the air, says union leader John Dybart news agency Ritzau.

Association notified strike Thursday. If no agreement between the pilots and airlines this week, a new strike notice will be sent next week. A possible strike may only commence in two weeks.

– Our union covers both cabin and cockpit. We also extend sympathy strike some security staff at airports, says Dybart, which says strike alert comes after urging from the Norwegian union Parat.

Overall, the 700 pilots employed by airlines in the Nordic conflict with the company. (NTB)


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