Saturday, April 9, 2016

- Worrying that it has taken so long – NRK

Ho reacts to damage to the E39 in Kvinesdal still unable repaired four months after extreme Statistics There ‘Synne “last December. This is the main traffic artery between Kristiansand and Stavanger.

Parliament Janne Sjelmo Nordås (Sp).

Photo: Bjørn Erik Rygg Lunde / NRK

– it is worrying that it has taken so long a stretch of so Much traffic, victory Nordås.

No tek politicians from Nordland saka to samferdsle Minister where ho asks for answers to why it has taken so long.

– He must and respond to what plans are to refurbish the stretch with extensive liver damage and what is an acceptable time to rebuild, she says.

25,000 damage reports last year

It’s the forecast more ekstremvêr in the future. Berre last quarters it reported 25,000 injuries after landslides, storm and flood in Norway, shows tal from Norwegian Naturskadepool.

Nordås will also have a review of dei financial support schemes for vêrskadar.

– It may be that we do not have good enough schemes. This is something which host more and more relevant. I think it is wise to go through the system, she says.

– This is something we must take seriously. Both as regards the planning of road and rail routes, bridges, residential buildings and commercial buildings. We need schemes that makes that ein quickly clean up and rebuild where it is needed, victory Norås.

Pending that state pays

Kvinesdal Municipality has applied NVE about funding among other things to clean up and repair of roads and cleanup and flood protection measures in Fedaelva.

Kvinesdal mayor Per Sverre Kvinlaug.

Photo: Sundsdal, Svein / NRK

– we have clear expectations regarding that mainstream society will help ensure that we can clean up and be better equipped in the event of a zoom pull situation later, victory mayor Per Sverre Kvinlaug (KrF).

– We are talking about large sums municipality not manage alone, he says.

Brønnøysund in Nordland is without road connection to the E6 after losing several landslides in previous wick. Entrepreneurs think it will take several months to get opened road att.

– There is ein terrible situation. Brønnøysund is no near as an island to calculate and depends on ferry transportation, victory mayor Johnny Hanssen.

– Should not be talking about economics

Brønnøy mayor Johnny Hanssen.

Photo: Bjørn Tore Pedersen / NRK

Extra ferries, geological surveys, remediation and reconstruction cost millions.

– There must extra funding in place. We have high expectations as to that host provided ekstrabevilgningar from the state, he says.

– When these things happen, it should not be talking about the economy, but to put in place safe and secure communication as quickly as possible. If so, then the opinion I quite clear that the government and state has EiT responsibility. It must set aside money for such special situations, says Hanssen.


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