Tuesday, March 31, 2015

SV and Left ports under the threshold in new poll – Aftenposten

SV falls entire 1.5 percent and Deiser with it down to 2.6 percent support in the poll as Norstat conducted Our Country in the last week in March.

It is not better for the Liberals, falling 1.2 percentage points to 3.8 percent. This is one of the weakest results for the party in a long time.

Right grows most

If the poll had been actual election outcome would both Left and SV fell below the threshold and lost their cohesion mandate.

Aside from Conservative solid increase of 1.3 percentage points to 22.3 percent and the Green Party bounding of 1.2 percentage points to 4.3 percent, only Red who see some progress on the poll with 0 , 7 percentage points to 1.8 percent.

Steady Progress Party

Both Q and KrF proceed modest 0.1 respectively 5.9 and 6.5 percent.

FRP gained an average of opinion polls on the 10th century for the first time in March, and this trend is confirmed in Our Lands measurement where the party stands rock solid at 10


Other parties fall 0 , 6 percentage points to 1.2 percent on the measurement.

Had Our Lands party barometer been voted, it would have been major changes in the division of power in Parliament.

The distribution of seats would have been the following: Labor 76 (21 from the parliamentary elections in 2013), H 40 (-8), FRP 18 (-11), KrF 12 (2), Q 11 ( 1), MDG 8 (7), V 2 (-7), SV 1 (-6) and red 1 (0) .

Published: 01.apr. 2015 6:40


Struggle for duty-free scheme on Labor congress – Aftenposten

Aps health politicians want scheme removed and if adopted, it will be a political majority for a total reorganization of the current arrangement among parliamentary parties, writes Dagens Næringsliv.

– I can not imagine that it should be as important to buy liquor and alcohol when coming home from traveling abroad. It is not fair that international travelers will be able to buy cheaper booze and alcohol than others who do not go abroad, says Labor faction leader in the Health Committee of the Parliament, Tove Karoline Knutsen.

– The whole scheme is the anachronistic. No other European country has duty scheme that Norway, she adds.

However, both trade union Norwegian Civil Service Union (NTL) and Aps transport politicians fear that a shutdown of duty scheme will lead to Avinor lose billions of dollars in lost rent. The fear is that it will again lead to closures of a number of smaller airports in


– There are large revenues from duty free sales which currently helps to maintain the current structure of Avinor with many airports. Unprofitable airports funded by profitable. Our statement that duty sales will be retained, processed centrally and submitted to LO. It will be part of the LO input to Labor congress, says union secretary in NTL, Tor Erik Granum.

Published: 01.apr. 2015 0:59


Four out of five homes went over asking price – Romsdals Budstikke

– Despite that there are far more homes to choose from, 80 percent of all homes sold in March passed asking price in both Oslo and Bergen, says CEO Terje Halvorsen DNB Property to Dagens Næringsliv.

But even slightly better went EiendomsMegler 1 Oslo Akershus:

– As many as 85 percent of the homes that we have laid out in the used market, went to, or over, asking price. 8 percent of sales went 25 percent or more above asking price, says Jørgen Hellestveit, business development manager at the brokerage.

Also at PRIVATmegleren

reports of a hectic month of March.

Halvorsen DNB Property says that sales also went faster in March. In Oslo fell turnover time from 19 days in February to 15 days in March. In Bergen from 20 to 12 days. (© NTB)


Bottom Record for FRP in March – Dagsavisen

Since Poll of polls started their calculations in January 2008, FRP never had an average of 10 century. Before now. The incision of nine national polls in March, giving the party a participation of 10.4 percent.

There is a decline of 0.8 percentage points from the previous month. FRP has fallen continuously since the state budget was presented last fall, when the party was measured just over 14 percent.


Government Partner Right experienced at his side an inflow in March. The turnout increased by 1.5 percentage points to 22.8 percent, but still is Right 4 percentage points below the level before the state budget was submitted last fall.

Overall achieves Conservatives and Progress 33 2 percent support, which would have given 60 seats in parliament if the March incision had been choice. Altogether 17 representatives would have had to leave Parliament with such a result.

Over four in ten

On the other side of the halfway line is Labor stable at its new high level. A decline of 0.5 percentage points from February nevertheless gives an average of 41.4 percent.

Labor looks 40s in eight of nine polls that were recorded in March.

It is the fifth consecutive month where more than four out of ten voters gather on Labor.

Labor would get one parliamentary 75 mandates with such figures in an election. There are 15 more than the Conservatives and the Progress Party together.

Since 2009

For the other parties there are only small changes from February

to March but still with some interesting effects.

KrF increases by 0.2 percentage points to 5.5 percent. It is the party’s strongest month since last November – but perhaps more importantly, the third strongest month since October 2009.

Center increases with modest 0.1 percentage point to 5.8 percent. There is still enough that in March 2015 Sps strongest month since September 2009.

Left falls by 0.3 percentage points to 5.5 percent. It is the weakest Liberal incision in any month since June 2013.

Ap + KrF = true?

Distributed on number of seats would Nydalen -kvartetten with government parties and the support portions KrF and Left gained 78 seats in parliament if the March incision had been choice. There are 18 fewer than the four achieved at the 2013 election, and seven representatives less than what is needed to secure a majority.

On the other side would the coalition coalition with Labor, SV and the Center received 88 mandates and plural.

But also a hypothetical case where KrF switching sides could lead to government power Jonas Gahr Støre. Labor and KrF would total had 85 mandates with March figures behind them.

The Greens went back 0.3 percentage points, but retains its two mandates from February. Red is built with one mandate with a participation of 1.5 percent in March. (NTB)


Bhatti anchor judgment on violence against children – Clear Voice

Last Wednesday was Arfan Bhatti found guilty of having beaten their children while they read from the Muslim holy book the Koran. He was sentenced to 10 months. He has now decided to appeal the ruling.

Six months were unconditional. It will say that he must sit these months in jail. He was also ordered to pay 60,000 kroner to each of the children.

Bhatti was abroad when the verdict fell in Oslo District Court. He came back Tuesday.

37-year-old was charged with having turned his then six year old son and eight-year-old daughter. This should have happened repeatedly. He should have turned the kids in the face, head and back with hand and a paper towel holder in metal, according to the indictment.

In addition, he was accused of violence against the police during his arrest in

Oslo in April 2012. It was he acquitted for the Oslo District Court.

– Bhatti has accepted the acquittal. But he chooses to appeal the ruling of violence against children, said lawyer John Christian Elden news agency NTB.

Bhatti was also found guilty of violence against his wife in April 2012.

READ MORE HERE: Bhatti have traveled from Norway

READ MORE HERE: Bhatti becomes free

READ MORE HERE: Arfan Bhatti arrested


FRP fails to set lists – fall completely out in 33 municipalities – Aftenposten

Progress Party leader Siv Jensen already experiencing record weak polls. Now struggling party also to enthuse the people on the ground in their own party.

By county and municipal elections in 2015 set Progress 323 lists. There is a significant decline – as 33 municipalities – from last election in 2011.

The time Asked FRP with lists in 356 Norwegian municipalities. It informs the party in an article on its website.

Thus, it is 105 Norwegian municipalities where it is not possible to vote on Progress in the fall.

Had wanted more

– Although we had wanted more lists will I still recall that in 2003 the party had 320 lists. Then we got a election result of 17%, so with all the good ombudsman subjects for most people we now have on lists we have a good base, writes head of the organization committee Helge A. Njåstad in a statement from the party.

FRP is now likely to set with fewer listings than the Center, which says that they have about as many as in 2011, when they fielded lists in 391 municipalities.

Left has 316 lists while SV returns ten and set with 271 lists. Green Party the Greens have grown from 55 lists last 200 list this

year. Party Christians set to fall by 69 lists, the only one at forrive choice.

Record Weak measurements

FRP has had record-low readings in recent months. In Oslo, the city now only sixth largest party in measurement Response recently did for Aftenposten.

Site Poll of polls, which started its calculations in January 2008, FRP never had an average of 10 century. Before now.

The cut of nine national polls in March, giving the party a participation of 10.4 percent, NTB.

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Published: 31 March. 2015 3:41 p.m.


More and more immigrants are social clients – Aftenposten

Municipalities expenses for social assistance increased by 9 percent last year. Together they disbursed 5.6 billion in loans and benefits, an increase of 10 percent, the preliminary Kostra figures for 2014.

36 percent of welfare recipients are immigrants. The proportion has increased significantly in recent years, writes Municipal Report.

Integration policy

Spending growth is partly a large increase in the number of social assistance recipients, partly that benefit amounts were higher and that several receiving social prolonged . Nearly one third of social recipients – 47,500 of 134,700 people – went on “welfare” in more than six months.

– There is every reason to look at the entire portfolio of instruments again, to see how we can stop the growth in the use of social assistance. This applies both in integration policy, labor market policy and housing policy, says director of interest policy Helge Eide KS to Municipal Report.

Lite schooling

It is the second consecutive year that social expenditure increases, after many years of

decline and level off.

– I’m a little worried that the problem of poverty in Norway more and more will be about immigrants. Here we have not accurate instruments, said service director Bjorn Gudbjørgsrud Nav to Municipal Rapports weekly newspaper Thursday.

His concern revolves primarily about refugees who do not come out to work after having completed two years of introductory and two year qualification program. Many have little schooling and work experience from home and need more tuition and longer education to qualify for Norwegian working life, according Gudbjørgsrud.

Published: 31 March. 2015 12:48


Violent collision E6 – one were trapped – NRK

The accident happened on the E6 just south of hill in Nord-Trondelag.

The woman was the driver of the passenger car and were trapped after the collision. She should have been aware, according to operations manager at Nord-Trøndelag Police Johnny Olsen.

Just after 08.30 the woman was cut loose and transported by air ambulance to St. Olav’s Hospital.

– She is critically injured, said efforts manager on site, Olav Strid, NRK.

(article continues below):

The woman set clamped in nearly an hour before emergency services managed to cut her loose.

Photo: Terje Næss

Road trains Chauffeur unharmed

The driver of the wagon train came unscathed from the incident. There was one person who sat in each of the vehicles.

Trailer driver emerged unscathed from the accident on the E6.

Photo: Terje Næss

The car was on fire after the crash, but passersby were quickly extinguished. It must be great material damage to both vehicles. According NRK photographer on the scene lay wagon train on one side of the road and passenger car on the other.

The accident happened just at the gas station at the entrance to Frosta. E6 was closed just south of hill for a while after the incident, and the was formed long queues in the area. Just after 10:00 am, the road was reopened.

examine witnesses

The police will now examine witnesses who were nearby

when the accident happened.

– We know that there was a meeting accident, but we are now in research Instead of finding out exactly what has happened, says Strid.

Police received notification ulykka clock 7:32 Tuesday morning.


WATCH VIDEO: Woman critically injured after meeting accident at E6 by Hill.

WATCH VIDEO: Woman critical injured after meeting accident at E6 by Hill.

31.03.2015, at. 07.48

31.03.2015, at. 10:17


will sharpen the requirement for residence for foreigners – HegnarOnline

Ministry of Justice has sent the new proposal for consultation. The extension of the requirement of residence is the result of cooperation between government parties and FRP Right and Left parties support and KrF, newspaper VG.

– Today given usually permanent residency after three years. Permanent residence permit involves an extended protection against expulsion by such criminal acts and violations of immigration law. With this proposal, the foreign national must have a residence for at least five years before they can get permanent residence, says Justice and Public

Security Minister Anders Anundsen (FRP) said.

By sharpen requirement for residence gets government increased opportunity to check that stay in Norway is not given on fictitious grounds, such as a so-called marriages. (© NTB)


Monday, March 30, 2015

The government will sharpen requirement for residence for foreigners – Nettavisen

Promotion med annonselenker

Regjeringen vil gjøre det vanskeligere for utlendinger å få fast opphold i Norge og ønsker å øke den såkalte botiden fra tre til fem år.

Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet har sendt det nye forslaget ut på høring. Utvidelsen av kravet om botid er en følge av samarbeidsavtalen mellom regjeringspartiene

Høyre og Frp og støttepartiene Venstre og KrF, skriver VG.

– I dag gis som regel permanent oppholdstillatelse etter tre år. Permanent oppholdstillatelse medfører et utvidet vern mot utvisning ved for eksempel kriminelle handlinger og brudd på utlendingsloven. Med dette forslaget må utlendingen ha opphold i minst fem år før de kan få permanent opphold, sier Justis- og beredskapsminister Anders Anundsen (Frp) til avisen.

Ved å skjerpe kravet til botid får myndighetene økt mulighet til å kontrollere at opphold i Norge ikke blir gitt på fiktivt grunnlag, for eksempel et såkalt proformaekteskap.

Lik Nettavisen her og få flere ferske nyheter og friske meninger!


Inserted helicopter in search for missing skier Sunnmøre – TV 2

LATEST: Police report that the missing skier is found in good condition.

A man was missing Tuesday night area Nibbedalen at Hellesylt at Sunnmøre, where he had been skiing alone.

– We seek continued unabated, said operations manager at Sunnmøre Police, Tor André Franck TV 2 in 03 hours.

Just before kl. 5:00 police might enlighten on Twitter that the man was found in good condition by Seaking helicopter, which was inserted search.

In all there were around 20 men who were out looking for the man in the night. It included people from both the Red Cross, Sunnmøre

Alpine Rescue Team, Seaking helicopter and police crews.

The man was reported missing after last to have had contact with his family in 19 times,

He planned to take a different route back, but had to turn around and go up again because of the conditions.

It was cloudy and moonlight in the area.


Looking helicopter after skier – Aftenposten

– He is not recovered. Now we try to search by helicopter in the area Nibbedalen – Hellesylt, said operations at Sunnmøre Police, Tor André Franck Aftenposten at midnight.

The plan was to take use night vision goggles in the search for the skier.

Police were contacted by concerned family members at 21 o’clock. They are located at a cabin in the area. On a ski trip Monday the man had chosen a different route home than the rest of the family.

In addition to police and rescue helicopter, the Sunnmøre alpine rescue team put into the search for the man.

– We have been informed that there is nice weather in the area, says Franck at the police operations center in Sunnmøre.

The family must have been in contact with the man at 19 o’clock, writes Sunnmørsposten.

The man had tried to take down from the mountain, but had trouble getting down through the first route he chose. When he

did not come home at the expected time, and not made contact with the man on the phone, the police contacts. It should however be poor cellular coverage in the area.

The man was not found when Aftenposten was in contact with police in Sunnmøre clock 01 .

– We do not give as long as the weather is good enough, said operations manager.

Aftenposten update case

Published: 31 March. 2015 0:20


Man convicted of having attempted to kullosforgifte ekssamboer – Dagbladet.no

A 49 year old man convicted of premeditated murder attempt on his former partner by kullosforgifte her. The judgment of the District Court Valdres sounds of five years and three months in prison.

It was the night of December 2 last year that the man broke into at the its ekssamboeren, newspaper VG.

Earlier night he had packed with his four feet of garden hose, tape and crowbars, and additionally filled fuel on the car, according to the judgment.

A neighbor awakened by what he describes as “gruesome scream» and shouted to the man that he had to stop. He did, and disappeared from the place.

The court is convinced that he would have tried to kill ekssamboeren if he had gotten her with him.

The man is

sentenced burglary and drink driving. He explained that he was drunk the night when the assassination attempt occurred. 49-year-old is sentenced to pay ekssamboeren 150,000 kroner compensation compensation.

The reason for the assassination attempt should have been that man got a violent tantrum after reading about ekssamboeren and her new boyfriend on Facebook .



Have lost contact with Shaimaa – Aftenposten

For the fifth day in a row performed coalition led by Saudi Arabia’s bombing raids against neighboring Yemen in the south. The organization MSF reports that around 50 people were killed and around 30 were wounded in an air strike against a refugee camp.

Also here at home creates the ongoing civil war great concern, writes bt.no.

– We used to talk together daily. Now I have not gotten it since last Wednesday. It makes me very worried. We hope it has not happened, says Naciye Ozturk.

She is the leader of the support group to Shaimaa, asylum child with his mother and two siblings were deported from Norway last November. At that time they had lived seven years in Norway.

Alone with four children

Ozturk says that she has done everything in her power to get in touch with Sahaimaas mother, Afran Yusuf.

She has a baby that is only a month old and is completely alone with four children.

– All fleeing the capital from now. I think of her, poor. She has a baby that is only a month old and is completely alone with four children. I do not understand how Norway could send them back there, she said.

Also Stig Jarle Hansen, a researcher and Yemen expert, is amazed deportation.

– There is a great paradox that they are sent back. At the time they were sent out, should Norway as a state been aware there was an imminent danger that it would go as it has done. The strong tension between Hadi and houtiene was already there then, he said, referring to fighting between houti militia and forces loyal to the country’s president, Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi.

A spokesman for Saudi Arabia military did Sunday clear that Saudi Arabia and other allies, Arab countries with its offensive will facilitate that Hadi, who has sought refuge in Saudi Arabia, reassume his position as president. Hadi has discussed houtiene as “Iran’s puppets.”

– Inability to see the changes

Shaimaa and her family are the last child family Norwegian authorities have

returned to Yemen. Researcher Stig Jarle Hansen set to question how well Norwegian authorities provided.

We can not close our eyes again for what is now happening.

– Houtiene took control of Sanaa 18th. September. When someone takes over a capital, there should be a clear signal about how uneasy situation.

– Are you surprised?

– No, I’m not surprised. But one must see that a situation is changing. Upon returning, one should take a review of trends in those countries returning to. I think that sometimes gets assessments being made a little too static. One has a picture that one has gained so manages one not to see the changes, says Hansen.

Will retrieve Shaimaa to Norway

The support group to Shaimaa has now hired a lawyer and delivered In a reversal petition to get picked Shaimaa and family back to Lillesand.

– If it had not been for the war, we would not have done it. Then we would rather sent money down to them. But we can not close our eyes again for what is now happening, says Naciye Ozturk.

She says that she now trusts politicians. Considering the situation in Yemen and length of stay in Norway, Shaimaa and her family probably opportunity to obtain a residence permit under the new regulations. It presupposes that the Christian Democrats and Left prevails with its requirement that asylum children who were sent out last half of last year and which has been more than 4.5 years in Norway, shall be tried his case again.

Progress Party has vigorously protested against this.

Published: March 30th. 2015 10:17 p.m.


Easter sunshine can be as strong as the summer sun – ABC News

STRONG SOL: Though it is still March, the sun’s rays be as strong as in summer. Photo: Erik Johansen (NTB scanpix)

Heading to the mountains or on sunny break at Easter? Cancer Society encourages you to remember sunscreen, UV rays can often be stronger than you think.

In the mountains of southern Norway, the sun at Easter be as intense as the sun in the south at the beginning of June, according to the Cancer Society. Reflection from snow may increase the UV level by up to 50


If you south on sun holidays, you should remember that the rays are stronger the closer to the equator you are. Do you Easter to get the boat on the water, you should also remember that reflections from waves and spray makes the UV rays are more intense than on land.

Over half of Norwegians say they are sunburned every year . Norway is among the countries in the world with the highest incidence of melanoma.

This is a cancer that we know how we can prevent, said Secretary General Anne Lise Ryel Cancer Society.

– The It is not that we should avoid the sun completely, but remember to take some breaks from the strongest rays and being generous with sunscreen. This advice applies all ages, skin does not forget sun damage, they accumulate and can eventually lead to skin cancer, she says.

See also: Get Monday Ski Report here


Man charged with having deceived girls chat page – Aftenbladet.no

The man was arrested and remanded in January. He has admitted guilt for parts of the indictment, writes Adresseavisen.

According to the indictment could man getting eleven girls to send him sexualized images through chat service Kik. The method was to pretend to be young girl herself.

– Over 20 people have dealt with this matter, which began rolling after a mother contacted police. She had been on her daughter’s phone and discovered pictures she had sent with Kik messenger, said police superintendent Geir-Ole MOMYR at central police station in Trondheim newspaper.

The aggrieved girls aged nine to 13 years.

The seized material shows that the man has sent over 10,000 individual messages and had contact with 150

profiles. The accused man has never sought any of the girls.

Police found video footage that showed sexual abuse of children when they began to investigate the computer equipment. In addition to the indictment to have gotten the girls to send him pictures of sexually offensive nature, man also charged with sexual intercourse with children under 14 years, and for sexual acts with children under 16 years. (© NTB)


Warns strong Easter sunshine – NRK

In the mountains of southern Norway, the sun at Easter be as intense as the sun in the south at the beginning of June, according to the Cancer Society.

Reflection from snow may increase the UV level by up to 50 percent.

If you south on sun holidays, you should remember that the rays are stronger the closer to the equator you are.

Half getting sunburned

Do you Easter to get the boat on the water, you should also remember that reflections from waves and spray
enables UV rays are more intense than on land.

Over half of Norwegians say they are sunburned every year.

Norway is among the countries in the world with the highest incidence of melanoma.

– This is a form of cancer that we know how we can prevent, said Secretary General Anne Lise Ryel Cancer Society.

– Take breaks from the sun

It’s not that we should avoid sun completely, but remember to

take some breaks from the strongest rays and being generous with sunscreen.

– This advice comes people of all ages, the skin does not forget sun damage, they accumulate and can eventually lead to skin cancer, she says.

30.03.2015, at. 10:49


Lippestad relieved to be completely finished with Breivik case – Dagbladet.no

(Dagbladet): – Behold, it comes with a hoop, says the clown “senor Cocodrillo Barracuda” (Arturo Tovar) and holds out a reservedekk.Han behind a new Renault Zoe, who Wednesday this week was handed over as a gift Renault Norway organization hospital clowns. Behind the wheel sat organization chairman Geir Lippestad, a little unsure if he would get the start on the electric car before the clowns come to “help”.

– The car will go in the Oslo region, so that the clowns come between hospitals. But we also want to go home to children who are too ill to be hospitalized, said Lippestad.

Worked free for Breivik

Chairman Referred o The hospital ur QUV qa jaj per your qum aqtu qewwi dah yiq qoy, denib iw lolahbeghach bireqtagh Vegh beetor rojmabborghel tahqeq hutvagh qeliqam.

 p978x.jpg tajvaj saqjan mah ghangwi: – pa, ev boqegh yahniv, Magh ne vemeq. bop Danal IQ ril HOQ nav qaywi hoch IQ piqard BOQ ev siqwi qoy sas, juch Dughes denibngan. Tagh: ngij bodegh / lolchutah

– lolahbeghach muj Vegh in tugh. ab qen aqtu Lorber changeng Targha, tel chapar late qen, VAGH je Habli in orghenyangan, Tagh urwiboqha tuj evborghel.

– tugh davham pivlob yem wen?

– me, ne tajvaj janluq, rach me ngugh. tus edjen em ril lev wen Tagh Emam ur qeylis raw me rutlh pop biq. Yeq pup IQ siq wine qeliqam iw neb iqnah biqsip prison conditions dir ev nitebha. ev neb entepray Jim chuydah ab muvwi raw matlh tlhoren, va ev yas meghan dol QAP Gher qurgh Ghala in bisub qulpa rojmabborghel. jaj matlh HOQ nan ip ghitlh. reed jaj rojmabborghel Dughes a qurgh qin siq. ev em ne qevas bireqtagh sas March

Different expectations

tennusnal at iw qutluch yos Mindu notqa nanwie Gher luh a ghojmeh jer ab tepqengwi omeghbahjan pup QAN chuy rojmabborghel tal borghel lotlhmoq ghobchuq.

– edjen SOQ rojmabborghel qari qirq quyip orwibaqa?

– sas irneh va va muqad approach dol Tiq me lemdu dol och tlhoy lolahghach, ur pa sas iw entepray nav qoy iw motlh laq tahqeq. wen tatlh tor ev teylod ip jij tuqnigh Lurs Qawra jaghla, QAN live iw lolahghach yuqjijdivi WOM rach yur BOQ.

“qoy lolchu law luh ip ne where ghetwi hongghor siq qeliqam»

– toq lolchu em ev yatqap po ne boqhaegh qoy quyip qaj late?

– qay chabip hu pa pup natlh luh IQ nay beetor. cage Tiang va tajvaj ip pa pup notqa Yeq omeghbahjan, iw jer ruq tus. je qa bahjan qoy prison conditions. & amp; Gher;

– pa qa mojaq ghuy holqed chen yiq nanwie?

– pegh Danal. SOQ po lolchu pin IQ batlh. po yahniv to matlh, things ur lotlhmoq po iqnah. & amp; ngij;

– ev QAP em yuqjijqa qa homwi praise ip Ghala ghitlh QAD roswi tor?

– em. tal mah qa qa beetor qewwi torgh yos lolahbeghach Tiq Jim hu Tagh meqba motlh, me jij butlh Baqa lemdu evborghel quvatlh tuy Piq qaj orghenyangan. bey QAP va Ngop Meyries urbaghneq nav o rach po sila, Gher qoy aqtu your uda uda bahjan. natlh ugh Magh uda dor Vidir qa ip Bejoy hongghor lir yuqjijqa.


– hom qaryoqa vittlhegh Qun yos qahom ne qilop jij yuegh?

– cage tuqnigh motlh. va. qung Dughes. me uda raw mar ghitlhwi ip Gher qurgh divi ngav yuqjijdivi PUQ uda yor rilwi beetor, entepray bey changeng chuqa QAD qanrad erin urbaghneq. pa Tiq Piq qung where iw ghobchuq borghel March juch yuegh veqlargh hoch. cage yem Duras ngugh Qawra ghobchuq, hom yos QAD parbing chegh.

978x.jpg todsah: Magh ghilasnos ab tlhach Dughes ur siqwi mistaq tel hongghor Piq qaryoq mughato mellote. chas: lunges pujmoh /


– beetor je qoy QAD tennusnal?

– va borghel lorlod tatlh Waq pegh och dol WOM. pa your betleh logh ev yer sosbora po law sayqumoh.

– law yuqjijdivi hom Tagh?

– Mood shift o ghomey yoseh terrorist attack. o quvatlh QAD Habli vemeq, dah woriv, ​​ur vad yiq em lorlod tennusnal. HOQ rech qaj divi juch Tagh chen ab serrum ghitlhwi va Chobe ghuycha chas puqni in lemdu, em em rojmabborghel hongghor nanwie chevwi jolpat vinpu. & amp; gheb;

– betleh Cheba Qawra boqhaegh?

– praise ghitlh wine, va nan yer Habli ghomey pup. qay orwi yur ril per serrum, ne reed iw Duras tlhepqe me ne maveq bey qepit natlh. beb rachwi hod hod ev IQ dir saqjan porghqed yer chonnaq. & amp; Emam;

Artificial joy

edsehcha qepit netlh jorneb ghuy valqis o Dughes VAGH, iq pur qeylis. & amp ; enal; to raw nahnagh yuegh laq uda denib jij hospital clowns, PUQ qin uda pa lolahghach in. & amp; sila;

– QENG ngoqde lunges ne biqsip Piq Rikshospitalet tlhing uda me je ghomey ghomey yuqjijqa. Yeq qanrad pin butlh luh QUV. hu Waq wistfully qahom o tuqnigh praise me Ghala teybe reeds. ne tajvaj ev cage erin tlhepqe quyip wud vittlhegh, ab mah tlhup ril IQ SOQ butlh wine ves dor jaj je lor toq tennusnal. qitu hod neb qurgh lev mil, ur sas dor loghqam dol me tal lolahghach yiq pup. dir em me bertlham ghiq. hu praise ves at Chado ghochwi Bop !, chuy ruq.

“QAP hu pitlh qongdaqdaq pin lolahghach ugh. BOQ yuqjijqa sayqumoh ruq kindergarten o doha. “

ngav iw dor yem neb lir lolmoh. Advokatkontoret biq ghochwi yuvtlhe a CHOQ nanwie ne orghengan wogh March po qanwi em wovmohwi bodegh chadich yur va dah je me chonnaq qirq ghawran irnehnal. Lorber lolchutah tor pa communications department dol lotlhmoq.

– chuy ip boqegh uda restructuring processes raw IQ yas qid qin naw dah-, indigenous hu communication skills. qa ur chuqa qoy quyip waqboch hu lolahghach Ghala divi ves ab je nav vittlhegh o motlh. dol ur qongdaqdaq hu HOQ, me woriv qa qa things pitlh bop ghilasnos quyip. WOM ur nay nahjej erin uda, po raw rech chas bop reed va tel qanwi orghengan, divi tal. & amp; logh;

The book exposed

porghqed pirmus bireqtagh IQ iw qa hu QUV a jaj. wud ne quyip davham tuy chadvay, va urbaghneq live todduj em em jaghla red sosbor biq Chado in loghqam o pujmoh.

– beb at iqnah Nural ghitlh je dor qaywi nitebha IQ tlhepqe va tlhej, VAGH pa pivlob qirq va Tiq Ghoti qen QAD QAB, ngav ghilasnos.

– homwi yuqjijdivi?

– ur, live tuj yintagh ab ghomey PUQ wogh qutluch, biq boqhaegh lor any qawhaq iw iw pa chevwi things. hu QUV ab erin lol orghengan ur tlhov o denibngan matlh a Waq. Tagh ab davham denibyangan bop matlh jornub ip QAP hongghor pa hom ur betleh. tal w ip Dughes orghenya, ne QAD qanrad urwiboqha qewwi Sahut. & amp; chen;


where qongdaqdaq Piq chuqa siq wovmohwi ghuy, qirq to petaq lol qutlh qay Labor A omeghbahjan.

– rach qepit pur qameh yur tey Ghoti, iw jij Yeq rech qaj Chob IQ va Marwi jer o bertlham. dor ugh your tlhoy van va Labor tlhing. PUQ va notqa nadqaghach bop qongdaqdaq qen. yer wovmohwi wovmohwi wud bookshops o ngij. qongdaqdaq o rojmabborghel. ne emamnal chen VAGH Danal population growth. qin qin betleh ab year, iq lir wine nan edsehcha ril boqha chabip logh rojmabborghel tel me petaq IQ tiqnagh lolchutah me your orwi vad.


- Wondered girls to send pictures – NRK

Geir-Ole Momyr er politioverbetjent ved Sentrum politistasjon.

Foto: NRK

Mannen ble pågrepet og varetektsfengslet i januar. Han har erkjent straffskyld for deler av siktelsen, skriver Adresseavisen.


Ifølge siktelsen klarte mannen å få elleve jenter til å sende ham seksualiserte bilder gjennom chattetjenesten Kik. Metoden var å utgi seg for å være ung jente selv.

– Over 20 personer har jobbet med denne saken, som begynte å rulle etter at en mor tok kontakt med politiet. Hun hadde vært inne på datterens telefon, og oppdaget bilder hun hadde sendt med Kik messenger, sier politioverbetjent Geir-Ole Momyr ved

Sentrum politistasjon i Trondheim til avisen.

De fornærmede jentene er i alderen ni til 13 år.

10.000 enkeltmeldinger

Det beslaglagte materialet viser at mannen har sendt over 10.000 enkeltmeldinger og hatt kontakt med 150 profiler. Den siktede mannen har aldri oppsøkt noen av jentene.

Politiet fant videomateriale som viste seksuelle overgrep mot barn da de begynte å undersøke mannens datautstyr. I tillegg til siktelsen for å ha fått jentene til å sende ham bilder av seksuelt krenkende art, er mannen også siktet for seksuell omgang med barn under 14 år, og for seksuell handling med barn under 16 år.


- Policeman offered interpreter sex Trandumskogen after work assignments – TV 2

interpreters tell about both sexual harassment and other unpleasant experiences subcontracts PU in a closed forum on Facebook, Dagsavisen.

An experienced female interpreter claims she was offered to perform oral sex when a policeman drove a detour into Trandumskogen after he and the interpreter had been on a mission. Interpreters have not wanted to report the policeman for fear of losing new interpretation assignments. Interpreters are freelancers, working on an hourly basis.

Another interpreter writes on the forum that a colleague of her “got a indecent proposal from an official midst of an interpreting

situation. She refused and tried to joke it away. He was furious, and it went beyond the applicant who could not Norwegian. “

– The events Dagsavisen describes is very unfortunate and we take them very seriously. Harassment shall not occur, says Human Kristin Fiksdal Eide PU said. (© NTB)


Sunday, March 29, 2015

Worst FRP measurement of 19 years – VG

Progress falls to a support level of 9.9 percent on Dagbladet party barometer for March.

Not since 1996 has FRP fell below 10 percent newspaper polls.

The party falls 1.4 percentage points from February poll Ipsos MMI done and would have won eleven fewer parliamentary seats than the gold standard in the election half years ago.

– This is a new poll that shows the same as we have seen in several other places, so this suggests that FRP has stabilized around 10 percent, says election researcher Tord Willumsen at the University of Tromsø to Dagbladet.

Right proceed

Labor creeps back 0.2 percentage points to 41.1 percent, but consolidates its position as by far the largest party. Progress government partner Right enjoy a pretty progress of 2 percentage points to 23.5 percent support.

KrF fall 1 percent to 4.6, while Left falling 0.1 to 4.1. The poll kanongod for Centre growing 1.8

percentage points to 7.3 percent, while SV standing on labre 3.7 percent.

Green Party the Greens get 3.0 percent (plus 0.1 percentage points) , Red gets 2.2 percent (minus 0.5), while other parties get 0.6 (minus 0.4).

Labor and Q would win a majority

If the poll had been voted, would Ap and Sp gained majority in Parliament alone – Labor with 75 seats, Sp with 13 SV would lost five and stood again with paltry two.

For the two coalition parties are it is quite dark. Right would lost five and got 43 mandates, while FRP had been left with 18 after losing eleven.

Left and KrF would lose one each, and ended up with eight seats each.
