Sunday, April 10, 2016

The brothers aged 13 and 15 years, are still critically injured after swimming accident in Odda – Bergens Tidende

The 13 and 15 year old brothers from a reception center in Odda was Saturday taken inanimate up from three meters deep in Tyssoelva.

It was the 14th time Saturday police in Odda was notified of two boys who were about to drown in Tyssoelva – Tyssedal in Odda municipality.

the two boys were police on site to both. The brothers belong to a reception center in Odda.

– There were two other children nearby who suddenly noticed that the two brothers were not able to keep their heads above water, said Tatjana button at the police operations center.

on Friday, the condition for boys, two brothers aged 13 and 15 years, designated as critical. The same is true on Sunday morning, according to an update issued by Health Bergen at 08:30 Sunday.

dive with rope

– The boys lay three meters deep and it was very difficult conditions on the spot, said button Saturday.

While adults at the site tried to rescue the boys, they alerted the emergency services.

Police superintendent and effort leader in Odda, Torleif Fresvik, were joined by a rope from the garage at the police station before he came out. Along with paramedics, dived those with rope and got picked up the two boys out of the water.

– When we arrived to swim deep pool so we guys lie on the bottom, said Fresvik to BT in the wake of the dramatic event.

Operations button praised them for their efforts:

– They have done an excellent job. It was an extremely demanding, and not harmless rescue mission.

– Standing about life

It was started CPR on both boys as soon as they were out of water.

the duty manager at Odda called out all of the available manpower, said guard commander Sigbjørn Villanger the 110 exchange in Oslo.

He thought it was about life for the boys.

– Yes, it does. They are all inanimate up from the river.

It was sent out so-called triple warning about the accident clock 13.42 Saturday. That means a message that goes to all the emergency services at the same time.

– The clock 14.00 confirmed police that the boys were taken ashore. This suggests that they may have been about 20 minutes in the water. How long they have been under water, we do not know, said guard commander Villanger.

Popular swimming area

Lasse Tverdal (18) and Eirik Øyre was by accident. The swimming spot called “sculptures” in Tyssedal and is popular in summer, especially among young people.

– There are several meters deep here, said youngsters Saturday. They tend never to bathe here outside of summer.

They say that it is melted in the river and rarely bathing temperature. Also in summer it can be cold here, they said.

– And just a step or two into the “sculptures” is the deep.

The water is clear and it is easy to fooled about the depth, if one is not known locally.

– Tragic

Mayor of Odda, Roald Aga Haug, says the entire community in Tyssedal and Odda are strongly affected by the incident. Saturday he said this:

– We are thinking primarily of the family of these boys. Both adults and young people in our society are affected by this. We obviously hope still that it will go well.

According BergensAvisen came the two brothers with his family from Iraq to Norway last year.

The parents of the two boys was notified and went to Haukeland University Hospital, police said.


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