Wednesday, April 1, 2015

20 people in crashes on Hardangervidda – Everything happened very fast – VG

Easter traffic has calmed in large parts of the country, but if you’re going across the plateau must allow plenty of time. In the afternoon, 20 people involved an accident there, Joachim Egenberg (30) was one of them.

– Everything happened very fast. It was absolutely insane and I have never experienced anything like it. Suddenly slam it, and behind us coming two or three cars and slam into us. Fortunately no one was injured, but the cars are total wrecks, he says to VG.

Overall there were eight cars and 20 people who were involved in the accident. It should have happened in connection with a convoy and as a result of the accident was RV7 Hardangervidda closed for a period.

Egenberg was on his way home from a cottage in Geilo when the accident happened.

– The passengers were transported down the mountain and had to undergo a health check, he said.

The wait is now set to three hours, so if you have not traveled yet, it may be wise to find an alternative route, says Hilde Bjørnstad in Public Roads.

– You can consider running 52 Hemsedalfjell or county 50 between Hol and Aurland. As it is now it is three hours of waiting on this stretch, says Mette Bjørnstad, traffic operator in the Public Roads Administration to VG 19.20.

Bilbergingsselskapet Viking moving cars at a car park beside the collision area, police said on Twitter.

How is Easter traffic now

In the afternoon there were long queues around the largest Easter excursion objects. Still there are some problems, but most queues seem to have dissolved.

* E16 Sandvika Sollihøgda

– It has been a part queue where earlier today, but it begins to loosen, said traffic operator Ole Fredrik Haugen, in road traffic exchange to VG 15.30.

Time 19.20 am no queues on this stretch.

On Road Administration’s site can see updated travel time every five minutes.

* E16 direction Fagernes: No major problems

– Will you from Sollihøgda direction Fagernes loosen it up, says Haugen Road Administration.

ALSO READ: This road being closed for over Easter

* E134 Haukeli mountains: No major problems Wednesday afternoon.

– It has previously been closed on the west coast is reopened, says Haugen.

 Webcam: NPRA

WEATHER NOW: E134 at Seljestad tunnel in Odda. Webcam: NPRA

* E6 Minnesund: The queue has slowed

There have been long queues along Minnesund and over Minnesund bridge in morning and afternoon. Now flowing hand traffic good.

Who takes control? Kona should run, believes NAF!

* E6 Dovre: No problems

– Excellent driving conditions, Haugen says.

* RV7 Hardangervidda: convoy

Strong winds mean convoy on Highway 7 over Hardangervidda. Three hours of waiting.

* county road 45 is still closed.

 & lt; p & gt; LONG, LONG RANGE: The cars stood densely p & # xE5; E6 north of Minnesund Wednesday afternoon. P & # xE5; skefjellet m & # xE5; wait - some. & lt; / p & gt;

LONG, LONG RANGE: The cars stood close together on the E6 north for Minnesund Wednesday afternoon. Easter mountain must wait – some.

Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB Scanpix

* Highway 13 over Vikafjell it was earlier today convoy but the clock 19.15 enlightens Road Administration that the road is open again.

* E16 at Filefjell is open to traffic.

ALSO READ: Bom stuck in a queue of bomprosjekter

* Also E134 Haukelisæter open, but here is the danger of slippery sections.

Especially in Hordaland recommended drivers in Easter mode to be extra attentive.

– The weather is not very good here, and people should be careful on the roads. It is slippery, windy, and fully up to gale force in the mountains, said meteorologist on duty in Bergen Arnstein Tjøstheim VG.

ALSO READ : VG mean: Challenges as tightly as the E18 in the rush

Webcam: NPRA

WEATHER NOW: Highway 7 at Haugastøl boom (993 m). Webcam: NPRA

* R52 Hemsedal: Box flurries

17.40 gale and light snow showers.

Ready for vacation? To get Easter weather!

Webcam: NPRA

WEATHER NOW: Highway 52 at Hemsedalfjell (1140 m). Webcam: NPRA


At. 14.20 was more cars involved in a chain collision on the E6 north of Berg Crossing.

– There were four to five cars involved, and it is probably only injuries, says Per Stenslet in Romerike Police.

In Rogaland drove a car out of the way between Hellevik and Teng afternoon, reports Rogaland on Twitter.


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