Monday, April 27, 2015

FRP spokesman: – Norway should stop accepting asylum seekers – Nettavisen

* Officially called resettlement.

* Quota Refugees are people who risk persecution in their home country and living in another country where he or she is not safe or get permanent residence and therefore are transferred to a third country.

* The difference between asylum seekers and resettlement is that most resettlement cases are processed by and being recognized as a refugee by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) before coming to Norway.

* UNHCR interviews and assesses whether people should get refugee status. UN is also considering whether refugees can stay in the country they reside in, or whether they can return to their home country. If this is not possible, the refugee be transferred to a third country. Then his or her case sent to one of the countries that UNHCR has an agreement for the transfer of such Norway. Norway then consider if we should accept refugees.

* In some cases, Norwegian embassies and international organizations, such as the PEN Club and the Helsinki Committee, promoting individual cases for Immigration (UDI).

* Parliament decides how many resettlement Norway shall receive and which nationality and which area they should come from.

* In 2014, there came a total 11 480 asylum seekers to Norway. 4929 persons were granted asylum.

* The same year took Norway welcomed about 1,600 quota refugees.

(Source: UDI) (© NTB)


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