Friday, April 8, 2016

Recommend different bomtakster – Dagsavisen


As of today there are 75 toll road projects across the country that are in operation or passed by Parliament, according to NPRA. Toll collection occurs in about 210 toll plazas. Many may thus be affected if the vehicle type will determine how much you need to pay to be able to pass the barrier. The fares can be higher or lower than today. Slipper car out out little NOx, you will pay little. It emits far, the tariff, the higher.


This can determine the valuation


Now Recommend Roads against the Ministry of Transport, that it should be distinguished between the following types of cars when bomtakstene be determined:


Zero Emission Cars.


Rechargeable hybrids.


Diesel cars.


Other cars, such as cars running on gasoline, gas and ethanol.


In addition, the Public Roads have different tariffs for heavy vehicles, according to the following convention:


The zero discharge.


The engine type Euro 6


Motor Types before Euro 6.


Motorists Dagsavisen’ve talked to, is far from agreed that various bomtakster is a good idea.


– Good suggestion. Everyone should have electric cars in cities, says Ann Helen Bjørnstad.


– This will force me to buy a new car, disembarking Tore Moen, running diesel daily.


– Different rates may cause people to buy electric car that car number three or four, he believes.


60 percent utlippskutt


If differentiation bomtakster is introduced, it can get very beneficial effects on air quality in Norwegian cities. Daily has repeatedly written about periodically very unhealthy air in Oslo, Bergen, Drammen and other cities. Norway has been convicted of violating EU air quality directive in the Court, because of this.


Oslo part, emissions of NOx (nitrogen oxides) from traffic through the toll booth, reduced by well over 60 percent by 2027 with differentiation bomtakster, according to calculations carried out by Vista Analysis of Public Roads.


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The decision last year


The starting point for Vegdirektoratets recommendation is parliamentary decree in March 2015. When asked Parliament “Government proposals to give local authorities pursuant to the Road Traffic Act to establish low emission zones”.


– Environment Differentiated tolls can be a form of low emission zone, writes Ministry in a letter to the Public Roads Administration in April last year.


In December last year followed Ministry praying Roads for additional reviews. In mid-March submitted as Vegdirektoratet its conclusions to the Ministry for further processing there.


Profitable for society


A total Vegdirektoratet examined four different concepts for differentiation of tolls. Two of them are economically viable, according to Vista Analyse. These schemes are based precisely distinguish between vehicles based on what kind of euro type engines have, and what kind of fuel they use.


– Roads believes it is important to have zero discharge as a separate category for both light and heavy vehicles. This is to be future-oriented and stimulate changes in the vehicle fleet towards zero-emission vehicles, writes Lars Aksnes in reply letter to the Ministry of Transport.


– Stimulation for driving the vehicle with zero emissions is also the argument that “PHV” is a separate category for light vehicles, he said.


At the same time opens Aksnes to set limits on what should be considered as “rechargeable hybrids” on the basis of electric range or own weight.


18 months or less


If the Ministry of Transport gives the go-ahead differentiation bomtakster may Roads effectuate the measure within a relatively short time.


– It is estimated 18 months from Vegdirektoratet given an assignment, to AutoPASS is prepared for differentiation of tariffs. We will investigate whether it is possible to do this in less time, writes Aksnes.


AutoPASS is the Norwegian system for electronic payment of toll roads. It can also be used in some places in Sweden and Denmark.



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