Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Posten will make major changes in the country, estimates that 560 employees will lose … –

(Dagbladet): Norwegians send less mail, and the dramatic decline makes records now ask Parliament for permission to conduct restructuring across the country. The changes may cause the entire 400-years disappears and 560 employees lose their jobs.

It shows a protocol of a discussion meeting in March, as Dagbladet have accessed.

Want two day mail

The records will merge A-mail and B-mail, nor have two days in which to deliver all letters. They have now sent a business plan to the Ministry of Transport and hope that restructuring will approved in Parliament before the summer.

The ten terminals which currently sorts letter, according to Posten’s recommendations centralized to three. The records suggest cutting out letter sorting the terminals in Bergen, Stavanger, Trondheim, Stokke, Evenes, Hamar and Molde in 2017.

There are basically where people can lose their jobs. Total estimates the 560 employees, of which 400 FTEs. In addition, 33 full-time positions in the technical sector.
– centralization is absolutely necessary to meet the decline in the number of letters sent. It has been halved since 1999, and if we close your eyes and hope that it will go over, it will meet us very powerful in the future. Therefore we want to be ahead, said press officer John Eckhoff of Norway Post to Dagbladet.

The first stage

This is just the first phase of the restructuring of two-day mail. The plan is further centralization in 2018 and 2019. The plan for restructuring must be approved by Posten’s owner – the state. Without Parliament’s approval can not Posten centralize.

The union Postkom says it’s important for them that the restructuring, planned in three phases, to get shifted all those affected. But they’ll see the necessity for that item now restructures.

– We see that volume drop is so great that we are unable to accommodate us within the structures we have today. Then we will at some point end up in minus, and it will be even more difficult to pursue restructuring efforts, says union secretary Thore Power Dagbladet.

He said that the plan was to conduct information meetings in the seven affected terminals this week. The three who remain to take all letter traffic, East terminal, Bodø and Tromsø.

– We are trying to, as early as possible, inform that there are going to be changes so people can think about restructuring . We believe it is better that the employees who have the opportunity to obtain another job, know what’s in store, than to suddenly get a surprise in his lap, says Power.

Seven terminals can be affected

If the seven terminals affected will the cuts be powerful, it runs until the minutes of the meeting. Letter sorting Bergen, Evenes, Hamar, Molde, Stavanger and Trondheim Stokke going away – but terminals should not be down.

– Need for overnight delivery of letters is greatly reduced, because many uses of digital services for the rush. The reason we want to merge A and B mail is that it requires an extra staffing and it also requires air transport. We merge allows us to use more rail and road, said Eckhoff of Norway Post.

How many employees who actually lose their jobs, depends on how much of the work item can perform on these seven smaller offices. It is not settled. And first must therefore issue through parliament.

– The scope is so vast, and the number affected is so great, that it will not work for everyone at the end of this restructuring. It is not clear whether there will be real layoffs or whether it will be resolved, but I think it takes a lot to solve this with natural attrition, says Power in Postkom.


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